On July 08 2015 05:11 YokoKano wrote: the general idea looks at quantum principles like that which is encapsulated by Schrodinger's Cat and similar experiments that establish a very interesting relationship between cognizing observers and quantum-level phenomena.
more examples?
which interpretation of schrodinger's cat?
Did you read doc manhattan's "Before watchmen" or what?
On topic: there is no doubt in my mind that knowledge is also mainly "absence of knowledge" if you are going to do anything anywhere any time!
ps: Would you rather be a probe?
"An idea ../.. comes like on a tv in your mind" "If I knew where the good songs came from I would go there more often"!
pls no incoherent jibber jabber in academic discussion thread
1) You're essentially addressing human nature, which presupposes that there is a human nature. (Granted any equivalently intelligent and populous group of actors would do, but for now just say human nature.) Isn't this writing off a whole iceberg under the water -- most of which exists in the future? A mountain of events and meme-tides that you can't even conceive of, might not even recognize as such? It smacks of the kind of self importance anthropological endeavors love to fail to avoid. Although this last is just an observation and a caution more than the real critique, which is about your targeting system and your horizon of understanding. In a banal sense you could term it "personal biases".
2) What kind of quantum events are you talking about? It sounds like you're trying to feed me butterfly effect narratives of cultural history, but I know better and so do you, so I'm just left wondering what you actually mean.
On July 08 2015 05:11 YokoKano wrote: the general idea looks at quantum principles like that which is encapsulated by Schrodinger's Cat and similar experiments that establish a very interesting relationship between cognizing observers and quantum-level phenomena.
more examples?
which interpretation of schrodinger's cat?
Did you read doc manhattan's "Before watchmen" or what?
On topic: there is no doubt in my mind that knowledge is also mainly "absence of knowledge" if you are going to do anything anywhere any time!
On July 09 2015 09:06 EatThePath wrote: Two criticisms:
1) You're essentially addressing human nature, which presupposes that there is a human nature. (Granted any equivalently intelligent and populous group of actors would do, but for now just say human nature.) Isn't this writing off a whole iceberg under the water -- most of which exists in the future? A mountain of events and meme-tides that you can't even conceive of, might not even recognize as such? It smacks of the kind of self importance anthropological endeavors love to fail to avoid. Although this last is just an observation and a caution more than the real critique, which is about your targeting system and your horizon of understanding. In a banal sense you could term it "personal biases".
2) What kind of quantum events are you talking about? It sounds like you're trying to feed me butterfly effect narratives of cultural history, but I know better and so do you, so I'm just left wondering what you actually mean.
I cannot resist. I'm sorry, I just can't.
didn't Artanis say this to Tassadar when he found him in SC1 before the mission called "The Battle For Aiur" ?
i honestly don't know why nina thinks that. why should consciousness and the human experience, etc. be reducible? why should the quantum events and physical laws that we observe be anything more than the machinery working behind the scenes? there seems to be this assumption that the gears are the output in some important way, some way even more important than the actual output itself.
but this perspective seems reasonably narrow to me. for one we don't know that the output, so to speak, is really output. why don't we suppose that essences are potentially more influential, more meaningful inputs than the physical machinery that appears to produce or give rise to essences? a teleological perspective seems to be the real solution where we suppose that instead of being outputs, or only outputs, human consciousness and human experience are actually the inputs that have causal primacy.
honestly there's nothing that prevents nature to have purposely, with a sort of virtual intention, evolved toward a state of self-experience that we call consciousness. to my mind this is what the theory of quantum immortality and complexity demands. the actual linearity of temporal experience is definitely something we should consider as subject to questioning. most theories of time (although I am not expert in this area) seem to contend that there is some baseline that is established, like the speed of light, and that there is some real absolute value established by this quantity.
this is something my paper challenges. it seems a little too convenient that the speed of light, and apparently the speed of time and information conduction is all predicated according to Einstein's theory. why is there this is enormous and surprising coincidence that humans have evolved eyes that are *perhaps* our sensory organs capable of perceiving the fastest traveling objects... honestly the results of Einstein's theory sound to me like they are biased according to the apparent upper limit of human perception. sure, if we can't *in any way* perceive something faster than light, then light will appear to be the upper bound of motion, and the apparent speed limit of things in the universe.
time is fairly complicated but seems to be defined as a way of interrelating particles in physical space. my theory tries to get outside this by examining physical space, temporal space, and mental or psychical space as existing interdependently. it's not complete yet, but depending on the complexity of the consciousness, its mode of perception and ordering of particles and so on, what i expect to discover is that there are loops like those outlined above that link consciousness, perception, and the ability to manipulate data or information. and that this goes on in a sort of psychical space without necessarily referring to physical space or even temporal space as it is conventionally defined.
in other words the theory asks what is it that the human mind manipulates, what sort of information? is it physical particles or aphysical particles, temporal particles or purely cognitive, purely theoretic "data" that also has corresponding motion in physical space?
well it's too soon to say that much about exactly what time is, whether it is linear or in fact non-linear, whether consciousness loops represent a third-axis so-to-speak that interrelates time and space in a more comprehensive informational framework, etc. but my belief is that these consciousness loops unfold at different rates of time, like vectors with different origins and different orientations and magnitudes. for instance one fact or series or events unfolding as complexity evolving toward quantum immortality may for all intents and purposes have begun in the year 1958 and have this year and a particular "wormhole"-esc nature directing it toward a particular infinite horizon, so it unfolds something like a cone influencing other events and aiming for immortality of a certain set of essences, and is thus teleological.
the challenge is seeing time and events as a string of a particular nature, which is what colloquially refer to as wormholes. so from 1958 until some corresponding "infinity" this quantum process evolves toward immortality with expected, certain events in the future (although these are only certain at time X and are subject to change from time to time). as the cognitive process evolves toward infinity it necessarily gains in complexity, at least according to my current formulation of the theory. one associated difficulty with these sort of wormhole processes is that they resequence the past in order to gain increased purchase or influence in the future. this can happen as an emergent or intentional process, although a greater degree of control and skill are typically rewarded with greater longevity. what i mean is that it's assumed that past events have a certain degree of influence over present events in that the event that has occurred shapes the future in some capacity. but it is quite possible to give the past a new face by re-interpreting it. exactly to what extent the "actual" past can be reformulated is a difficult question because we don't know exactly how the past interlocks with the present.
what is certain is that states of the world are saved like data. this in large part is why people age. i won't get into this here but theoretically it could pay big dividends to have an enema flushing away all the negative data that has accumulated across the course of your life. i guess i can't say more about this now, but i think that examining the universe in light of a cognitive perspective will pay big dividends by the time the paper is published.
didn't Artanis say this to Tassadar when he found him in SC1 before the mission called "The Battle For Aiur" ?
Artanis and Tassadar never spoke to one another in the game.
i guess what i'm trying to say is your consciousness is manipulating events "up until now" to some extent. you're manipulating the past otherwise you wouldn't appear to have any control whatsoever over the present or the future. but what is the present? it's not just some line or some plane where everything exists perfectly cotemporal to itself. so if you can manipulate the past and present and to some extent the future, and these manipulations are the observable processes experienced by your consciousness and that you think of as your influence in the world...
well it just stands to reason that the baseline temporal reality could shift -- what if the speed light isn't the speed limit or isn't the only speed limit?
further it seems like if you can manipulate these "relativity" interwoven present objects and exercise some conscious control over the world... that eventually consciousness will evolve to the extent that what appears to be the temporal experience of your consciousness will be sequencing different events and in substantially different ways than mine. there's no guarantee for instance that parallel perspectives can't exist such that your brain is generally ordering events on a scale say t, t-1, t-2, ... while my brain is ordering events t, t-0.1, t-0.2, etc. for instance, how does a human consciousness unfold, along what intervals when compared with the consciousness of a dog, or the consciousness of a snake, or a fly?
not only the time intervals are subject to change but the conscious experience qualitatively might be quite different. we apparently can't manipulate "consciously" certain objects or events that nevertheless could be dreamt to be manipulated consciously. e.g. there's a Dr. Warwick who had an implanted sonar in his hand and can apparently perceive the world to some extent through the sonar. There's nothing other than imagination suggesting limits to conscious experience and manipulation of hitherto "offlimits" datum. You know, like, what we think of as the past, or present, or changeable is probably quite different than what a dog thinks of. There's nothing barring a continued expansion of consciousness of this nature...
ninazerg, that's exactly the kind of reasoning you're prone to when you spend all your time fighting against the lingering spirits of retarded fish, codename: "u", (short for "yu").
but if you really think that anti-Christian sentiment was necessitated because of inseparability and primitive notions of the "Xel'Naga third base", we might have something to talk about. #LSD logic
the fact of the matter is you need to stop spending all your BW time playing ZERG if you're writing about harlem.
On July 11 2015 11:48 YokoKano wrote: ninazerg, that's exactly the kind of reasoning you're prone to when you spend all your time fighting against the lingering spirits of retarded fish, codename: "u", (short for "yu").
but if you really think that anti-Christian sentiment was necessitated because of inseparability and primitive notions of the "Xel'Naga third base", we might have something to talk about. #LSD logic
the fact of the matter is you need to stop spending all your BW time playing ZERG if you're writing about harlem.
I'm glad you added the hashtag #LSDlogic because it really helps me to understand where you're coming from, and I feel like when we understand each other as human beings, we become better as people.
my imaginary gf won her 21st grand slam title and 6th wimbledon title.
She is undefeated this year and on a winning streak that makes Bill Goldberg's winning streak look like it was fake. At least Serena didn't get fed stiffs like Glacier and Perry Saturn 10 different times during her streak.
On July 11 2015 09:33 YokoKano wrote: further it seems like if you can manipulate these "relativity" interwoven present objects and exercise some conscious control over the world... that eventually consciousness will evolve to the extent that what appears to be the temporal experience of your consciousness will be sequencing different events and in substantially different ways than mine.
I still don't get why they had to let Goldberg run over my hero Raven though. Why the fuck did they need to give Goldberg the US Title when he was on that giant run. They were giving Goldberg everything else.
Raven and The Flock would've protected that US Title like it was their only child.
i'm hoping YokoKano's perspectives can help me understand why.
How is any of this not a re-tread of the tired metaphysics of antiquity? Either you admit that the universe is rational and physical ("psychical" being a putative subset of physical processes) or it's not and then nothing holds and then why are you even doing philosophy? If you are postulating hitherto unformulated, unwitnessed physical components and systems that are lay-understood (poorly) up til now as "psyche" and spirituality, what is your intent on presenting a model when there is no empirical impetus nor throw-and-catch? Cannot all your phenomenon be explained by current systems worked devilishly close? But most importantly if not, why not? This explanation is still not given. The folly of which is underscored by the watchword blog title used, to the ongoing unremarked consternation of fans of improbably successful athletes looking for validation in an imaginary world.
But while it's easy to warp in zealots on a hatch going up, the event just goes to show how much care the Protoss is taking about the credible Zerg threat.
[edit] Also, everyone knows the xel'naga are a 2base all-in gimmick race. They're the 90s raunch comedy movie of key and peele precursors.