"Hazel St."
Live version:
Fan made music video:
There was no connecting my actions with words
In the bright sunlight, the movement of birds
The car ride home, was blinded again
The light would not focus the light would not bend
There’s no use calling I know what you’d say
Over and over it ended today
Worlds lost their meaning and could not explain
Why the subject was always just out of frame
I was sixteen
I lived on Hazel Street
Protect me from the scene
And guide me with your heat
Ice forms in sheets
There melting in the street
In the beginning the world was a map
Out through the back door and into the trap
Home is an echo reflecting a place
I disappeared then and without a trace
I was arranged to leave on that day
There were complications I’ve chosen to stay
I saw the curtains and it was the end
When one life is over a new one begins
Was not seen again
some user made music video
My greatest fear, I fantasized:
The days were long, the weeks flew by
Before I knew I was awake
My days were through, it was too late
My greatest fear, I organized
Into something more realized
And now what’s left I get to spend
Knowing that its about to end
My greatest fear I can’t decode
A cryptogram whose seeds weren’t sewn
My last few weeks I irised out
My vision blurred
There was no sound
There was no sound
Stuff from Microcastle/Weird era (new album)
Vox Celeste:
Calvary Scars: