DuoQ of a boosted Plat Panth and a Gold V Gragas, both do dumb shit (Panth tries to solo invade their red, then TPs on a minion top; later to gank bot he TPs on a ward in the enemy tribrush then... ults the lane), flame, then go afk. Interesting.
EUW kind of shits on me since two weeks too. Orianna is straight-up unplayable because I can't ever chain Q and R so people dash/flash out of it easily, same with QW so I lose a lot of early game fights/ganks because people flash out or walk out before W casts. Not to even talk of the kiting, where I smartcast Q on a target, then move the cursor behind me to run away, and the game seems to only register the smartcast after one second, so I actually send the ball behind me, on the opposite side of the enemy team.
It's kind of a killer.
Irelia goes frozen heart first against Darius. Proceeds to NEVER BUILD HP IN THE GAME EVER. Zed misses his shit on a taunted Lux. Proceeds TO NEVER DO ANYTHING USEFUL Graves first picks, but isn't convinced he isn't strong at the moment. Proceeds TO BE USELESS IN TFS I liked Graves' comment the most actually. "But we did good in laning though" Your understanding of the game is just sad.
These kids in gold are too heavy. No idea how people make it out of here when games like this happen regularly.
Edit: Dmg dealt to champs screen.
On May 25 2015 17:39 Risen wrote:http://i.imgur.com/I1tjUfr.pngThese kids in gold are too heavy. No idea how people make it out of here when games like this happen regularly. Edit: Dmg dealt to champs screen.
Did you play pantheon that game?
How the fk do people lasthit with rumble. I always miss half the wave when i have to turn on flamespitter, and when i dont use flame the other guy just walks at and beats the shit out of me :|.
Hey FP, will you trade Cho for me so I can go top?
FP: No, I'm gonna FP Kat so the enemy can get cho and then I'll end the game 1/11.
Me: K... fuckface
The level of hate I get for my Nunu build is beyond ridiculous. I know it's not meta, I know it's not super optimal, but I enjoy it and generally play well with it. I've also built my runes and masteries around it and i'm not just random clicking items.
Poachers > Boots > RoA
Poachers (Cinderhulk) > RoA > Mobi Boots > Black Cleaver > Thornmail > Banshee's Veil
It's like as hard as I try, the game just says "nope".
I get this shitter Ziggs against me (really? You're a Platinum Ziggs, you've got 65%+ win rate on other mages, I'm Viktor, the lane is free for you pre-augment and you have the mp5 to PvE after that, and you're 15 cs behind me when I miss some, including 20+ from the various deaths and chases early on?). But Amumu camps me, and Ziggs somehow gets a kill when I suicide almost 20s after his last Q hit me (I thought it was 15s to get a kill credit—fucking Riot pls, if I go to the lengths of evading them till I can run into a tower I deserve to be rewarded as much as the other shitter for giving Amumu a tent).
More importantly, our Plat V J4 wants to do blue -> bot because he has his Gold V duo Sona there. He waits for a good minute after they know he's here because he showed himself, till Amumu strolls in with his level 3 and both buffs. J4 decides to fight. Lucian starts the game 3-0 with blue buff. Sona builds AP. J4 spends a lot of time farming and is still 20 cs and 2 levels behind the Amumu who camps me. Graves gave up after that and spammed surrender votes.
I'd aced my promo 2-0 before that, and I start with a bang—and a loss at 0 LP. So, I get another duo of shitters next game, a flamer, maybe a ragequitter for the 4th one, this way I can get demoted straight again? It's not like I wanted not to have to go through another climb and promo series just to hold to my current level anyway.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Pretty sure I ran into a xerath scripter.
Or a D2 smurf in mid plat as he claims, could go either way. Basically I got rekt by a xerath and it kind of sucked.
What do you have to do on Support to get S rank?
I got 24/27 kill participation, took 0 kills, died only twice and brought a pink to every dragon - got A, come on -_-
look at this bullshit. im the anivia of course.
On May 25 2015 18:19 saddaromma wrote:Did you play pantheon that game? That I did.
first 2 picks, lux and ezreal. Let's pick riven top and rengar jungle to support our long ranged ap and ad.
Rengar goes 0/5 in 10 minutes, just running at people and falling over. Other teams J4 gets like all of the kills on him and proceeds to run over the game just towerdiving people with leonas support.
Riven and Rengar end the game with less damage combined than our support morgana with frostfang and seekers armguard.
Come on -_-
Sion feels like the most worthless champion ever against Vayne. Landed an ult on her and she dashes anyways and gets her stealth for the duration of the stun. Probably could have killed her even though she was mega-fed at that point, but good god. I can hear the ult connect and then she dashes a few tenths of a second later. This is probably just a ping issue making it appear like it happened that way, but ugh.