On June 07 2015 12:49 chalice wrote: i just dodged a promo game when i was already 0-1 in my series because our 5th pick says "jungle or troll" and sure enough locks in Xin with smite when our 3rd pick had already selected a jungler.
i thought about playing it out because of the promo series, but then two other retards on my team start typing in chat to report the 3rd pick for some reason that i am completely unable to comprehend. i mean one of them was probably a duo with the last pick troll, but how is it even possible that someone else on the team agrees with him? It's best to dodge troll games. You'll lose LP but it won't affect your hidden elo score. Your hidden elo score determines how good your team mates and enemy are. So, you did the right thing imo.
I'm literally going to have a stroke. i have to be the unluckiest person in solo queue
On June 09 2015 13:57 krndandaman wrote:this is why i didn't want to play on my plat smurf plat's a shit elo most dmg, and was 3/0/3 at one point absolutely shitting on their botlane while fucking gragas gets outjungled by an afk farm karthus and lb gets solokilled 3 times vs ziggs LOL edit: rofl, the next game the fucking gragas is sona support on the other team and goes 6/0/3 against my botlane my fucking sides yeah plat is fucking stupid, every game there's at least one person that gets absolutely shit on, like 0/5 at 10 minutes shit on.
On June 09 2015 18:06 IMoperator wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2015 13:57 krndandaman wrote:this is why i didn't want to play on my plat smurf plat's a shit elo most dmg, and was 3/0/3 at one point absolutely shitting on their botlane while fucking gragas gets outjungled by an afk farm karthus and lb gets solokilled 3 times vs ziggs LOL edit: rofl, the next game the fucking gragas is sona support on the other team and goes 6/0/3 against my botlane my fucking sides yeah plat is fucking stupid, every game there's at least one person that gets absolutely shit on, like 0/5 at 10 minutes shit on. When I play against silvers, there are 3 of those match-ups. >.>
Found a way to make Ryze lose. First pick jungle Elise. And a dumbass troll "no support" after everyone else called and he even got asked where he wanted to go, locking in LB.
Then they can just get exploded by Graves or Irelia and I get ganged upon with the cc from Alistar, Nocturne and Annie.
Next game, we get ready to pull. Jungler dc at 1:54. And Gnar starts dblade vs ignite Rengar and feeds fb. He proceeds to build boots and keep feeding. #roadtogold3 The jungler came back and because the enemy was Rengar (and their Gragas a baddie who was just playing Gragas... with a bad build too) we actually had a chance, and even won 4-1 defending our inhib. 55 minutes in, almost a full minute of 4v1, yeah that's winnable.
'cept when your jungle dcs again. Fucking hell. I'm getting dropped lower and lower for fucking bullshit of that magnitude that's out of my control, that's getting frustrating.
I love winning 5 games in a row, getting into a series, and then losing those next 2. Great system riot, i sure do love having certain games mean much more than others.
Oh hey I'm back to Gold III. It only took: - BotRK-Youmuu's rush Lucian, followed by IE, when the enemy team had a 200+ armour Nasus (who was bad, but Lucian was bad at most stuff 'cept farming when we were shoved in early, I'll give him that) and who ignored the pings to go for top t2 and tried to finish when we were 5v4, and they still had Nasus, Ashe and LB up. Dumbass dies. We had 2 other throws (and several bad plays) and he was in one of them too.
- Dumbass Shaco trying to solo dragon without a pink several times, costing me ult and summoners both times (and my life once) just to stop him from fucking up. Vayne trying to go on Jinx with no vision of Thresh when I'm not here, feeding some kills. Dumbass first pick Garen who left Ryze open then whined, claiming Amumu won the lane for Ryze. No, fucktard, when I tell you we can't fight because Ryze can kill me in literally 5 spells while Jinx is fed too, we can't fight. You shouldn't TP then Flash 1v4 to finish off the 30% health Thresh.
- Gnar ignite top rushing BotRK and feeding Vlad, 35 to 109 cs at one point. Morgana feeding Yasuo too, 40 cs behind. 26 AP, no AD/AS runes jungle Shen, and his impressive BotRK rush and taunt whiffs into forcing my E (Braum) to save his ass.
There are games you can't do shit about. It's a bit annoying when you get 4-5 of them in a row, and it gets you demoted from Gold I with a very impressive loss streak. I'm pretty sure the odds of me getting carried 6 games in a row to make up for that retarded shit aren't very high.
9-19 so far this week, fucking abysmal games every single time even when I win. Multiple feeders in every game, if not all 3 lanes at least two and as a jungle main I'm starting to really lose hope. I've been demoted from plat 3 to plat 5 in a single week and I just don't feel like it's completely my fault.....
really not sure if I'll ever be able to make it out of this cesspool of an elo
so I started keeping track of dc's afk and leavers in my ranked games 15 on my team to 1 on the other. the 1 enemy was a leaver after a 20-0 kill lead. I have 7 dcs on my team in last month 4 never connected tot he game at all. elo hell might not exist but shit rng sure does.
I finally reached gold 5, super happy. Then feeders after feeders now I'm silver 2...fuck this
Trying to carry a team as ADC is even more back breaking than before.
Finished exams and decided to marathon all the LOL events coming up.
Open LPL to meet a new face. Few minutes later she popped my "Mute because this caster is atrocious" cherry.
I'm Bard with ADC Tristana, we pick up a double kill lvl 2 against Jinx/Leona. Farming a long, zoning the heck out of the enemy bot lane and like 40 to 15 CS. Cruising along, ez lane win. Top Cho is like 2/1, jungler doing OK (you see where this is going).
Pick up my mobis (I'm/ 1/0/5, Trist is 5/01) and then go roam mid. Realize out Ekko is 0/5, enemy Lux has Mejai's and a NLR.
We lose about half an hour later.
"Honour Ez for carry"
Yeah, because the support who helped him get kills isn't relevant to Ez getting fed enough to carry, even though we got 0 ganks and enemy toplaner kept TPing down as well as them having a jungler. Plus doing 3rd highest damage on the team as support. 100% all ADC outplay of course.
Fuck those Junglers that just like Tax so hard.
Honestly, I dont even care if the guy ganks and takes a creep or two. When he doesn't gank and takes the whole wave... go die in a fire. I mean, honestly. If it was one creeps who cares. 3 creeps, thats annoying. But the full wave multiple times throughout a game? If you are that jungler and you dont fucking hard carry, you deserve to be banned as far as I am concerned.
To that jungler; its your fault your laner dies 1v1 and loses by 50 creeps. the Creeps you take actually fuck your laner so hard... your laner has to 1v1 a guy with 100% CS, you only have 85%... being 800 gold behind at the first item breakpoint fucks you so hard. Zoned for free.
I am seriously convinced the only way to climb through silver/gold/plat is going bot lane with a friend.