Day 4: Current Vote Count
Not Voting (11): sicklucker, Vivax, Toadesstern, Onegu, Breshke, Superbia, Fecalfeast, Trfel, ritoky, Artanis[Xp], Damdred
Currently, no one is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (4): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel Breshke (2): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia
Not Voting (3): Breshke, Fecalfeast, ritoky
Currently, no one is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (5): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky Breshke (2): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia
Not Voting (2): Breshke, Fecalfeast
Currently, no one is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Superbia (5): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky Breshke (2): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia Fecalfeast (1): Breshke
Not Voting (1): Fecalfeast
Currently, Superbia is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.
##unvote ##vote FecalFeast
##Unvote ##Vote FecalFeast
##Unvote ##Vote FecalFeast
##unvote ##vote Fecalfeast
Day 4: Current Vote Count
Fecalfeast (5): Breshke, Toadesstern, Damdred, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel Superbia (1): Toadesstern, Artanis[Xp], Onegu, Trfel, ritoky Breshke (1): Vivax, Damdred Onegu (1): sicklucker, ritoky (1): Superbia
Not Voting (1): Fecalfeast
Currently, Fecalfeast is set to be executed. Day 4 ends in at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
Reminder to make sure to unvote before voting, if you have already voted someone.
Voting is mandatory and in this thread. You may NOT abstain.
Posting after the deadline and prior to flip is subject to a modkill.