(I'm really pissed off right now so I'm reverting to my normal voice). This sounds really cruel.
You're probably thinking "why the fuck would anyone need to mind control me to get me to come talk to you?"
Well it's a damn near certainty that I need to hear what you have to say. I, here, the operative, I could be anyone. "You need to listen to this."
So if something is really good for you, but someone doesn't want you to hear it, that someone could be you. It could also be me. On the other hand it could be a third party.
Yeah, Kohard, that's basically what my mind is telling me at the moment. "I really need another drink of alcohol". I'm about to get to why my mind is telling me that.
I'll say this. When my mind is telling me something I don't like, I get really pissed off. Most of the time when I get really pissed off I also really need a drink of alcohol? Coincidence? I think not.
Yeah, so to bring people up to speed, we talked a lot about dimensions last night. I'm about to write a feature article (that absolutely cannot be published, let me remind you). This article is about the Mantis Shrimp. Sound boring? It's not.
Alright fuck it this is going straight to hell so I'm just going to cut to the chase.
By cut to the chase, I mean I'm going to cut out the chase and just get to the point.
This is a very effective style of writing for building suspense.
Alright so we talked a bunch about dimensions. Basically there's this guy called Jason who in fact is basically the nicest, kindest guy you can ever meet. He's variously called "Wall-E", "Jason X", "The Demon Barber of Fleet Street", and is probably most accurately portrayed as "Tony Jaa as the 'The Guardian'".
Whether I should really support all these acts of character defamation against Jason is a complicated question. Jason is basically a really royal Thai guy, a little like the Godfather of Asia.
You'll see that The Godfather, Jason of Panache Hair Atlanta, and Mother Mary actually have a lot in common. They're all extremely masochistic. Unfortunately when a really powerful dude has a low opinion of himself, he "invites" a lot of character assassination against himself. Basically he's a "glutton for punishment".
So just imagine you were trying to fight a war against a bunch of really, really, really evil and really, really, unholy enemies who absolutely hated you. Also, these same enemies have all the power. I call them "active" Triads.
If you've ever wondered whether the government is mind-controlling you, read on.
Yeah, "Execution", it's one of the funniest things in the world to me. And I don't say that lightly. I know what a 3D movie is. I've known what a 3D movie is for a long time. I also know what a triangle is. I don't ordinarily like someone screaming the obvious at me, but yeah, Triangle, Triad, 3D movies. It bothers me that I didn't notice that, and it really should bother me. Most of the time, when I overlook something so completely obvious I feel like an idiot. I don't feel like it wakes me up. I feel like it puts me to sleep. I hide it in the back of my mind and think "God damn, I am an idiot". This is exactly what the mysterious "they" want me to think. Also, you are joking, aren't you?
I'm not joking. I'm really not joking. This is the kind of thing where you need to "laugh it off". When you're able to laugh it off, that means you're thinking about it. "It is good to think about it. This is axiomatic." -Stephen King
What I've discovered is you can hone your IQ to a perfect razor's edge where you can compute a zillion different formulas in your head instantly. Unfortunately this doesn't get you anywhere. The answer is "NOW" patently obvious. If you have an IQ of 3,000, and you still can't think about it, SOMETHING ELSE is the problem.
Einstein famously says, "You weren't asking the right questions". Stephen King is getting cynical now. Cynicism is "ironically" self-defeating. Most people think Stephen King is a highly intelligent guy. Masochism really rapes Stephen King's enemies. That's how my mom would say it. I can beat MYSELF up over it. I do beat myself up over it.
My wife famously tells me, "I really don't know when you're gonna realize you're smart." I tell my wife, "I really don't know when you're gonna realize you're smart". The questions are getting more difficult. Read on. And read my other stuff.
The point is NEITHER OF YOU ARE SMART. Neither of you. Really neither one of me, the operative me, is smart. We say this to each other A LOT.
And it wasn't matter if you were. Moving on.
OK. I admit. It's really important that I'm smart so that you don't "move on". That's definitely cultural artifact number one.
Xili(Silly)Devil, I get it. General Chat is a mess. We're trapped in another dark age. Read my stuff.
I'm not even arrogant, but if you're a Satanist like Stephen King (he's really not), you realize pretty quickly that "I" get smart a lot faster when people beat me up. Those familiar with economics will see that "rational" self-interest has really backfired on this one. I can't emphasize this enough.
So that's Satanism in a nutshell. We'll all go "down" together. The question I always end up asking myself, here, is "Why not go up instead?"
Well, we're having this conversation on "Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls". I think the answer is patently obvious. If "UP" worked, people would do it.
In "the end" like a thousand years from now or something UP will work. That's why basically all Satanists end up playing basically like game theory would tell them to play. Dr. Beard interjects. All the "UP" techniques work a lot faster. They generate a lot more resources. Any good, (read skillful) Satanist can tell you that most Satanists work a lot of "Good" economic principles into their game. This is not a coincidence.
Yeah, you've got a good point there. This is mind fucking the hell out of me.
I think the easiest thing to do here is remember that "Freedom "Evolves"", if you will. I just assume that. Most of my other articles disagree. That is, the other articles are right but they don't get much weight. A Good or Holy idea never gets much weight. You'll see this is intimately tied to "Masochism" helps you go up. Note, here: Masochism helps "you" go up. Not "me". If you know anything about going UP then you know that "I", the operative I, am not involved. Pride. Self-flagellation. Hell is yourself.
Well, give evolution a fair shake. A beehive is like a perfect RAID 0 drive. If you could somehow import a RAID 0 drive into your civilization, you civilization would "rape" all the other civilizations near by. Hello, China!
On "beehalf" of the Triads, I'd like to say, "Yeah, basically we don't like you so it's hard to give you a fair shake but we try two."
So what is all this shit about "Corporate" architecture?
OK, I'm gonna soldier through this one. I imagine that a few thouasnd years ago when the Triads got their start they had no idea what they were doing? "LOL u turned all ur friends into drones!" That's not something that would probably come to mind right off the bat.
I mean you've gotta pretty "far gone" to turn your head into a beehive. Not to mention turning all your loved ones heads into beehives. This is another time where I repeat the essential slogan, "Desperate times. Desperate measures are called "fo(u)r".
In my defense, I'll say, I am trying to save them. This isn't a pleasant idea for me or most people. The clock is ticking on the other 7 or 8 billion people in the world. If saving the Triads will also help us save the lives of those 7 or 8 billion people faster then I'll do it.
Again, in my defense and the defense of others who "hate" the Triads, it's really hard to want to save some guy who lives in an Opium Den, smokes hash on tap and fucks concubines all day. I don't know if modern Triads have really changed much at all. This is something you'd have to ask people with experience.
JUST applause. and it really is JUSTICE, I can't believe that. I really, really, really need to see good in them. This is more likely mind control than anything like a healthy sentiment.
Why JUST applause? Well, on Triad X is on his way OUT. That is, he's already left the building. Be happy about this. (It's very difficult to be happy when I "hear" Triad X die because to me it always sounds like my loved one is dying instead). The war against the Triads has been a losing one. One of the biggest problems is that whenever you actually finally kill one of these fuckers a million voices scream out in terror.
This is how scarabs have evolved. Just for safety's sake we need to "assume" that the Triads have been sucking up Scarabs for thousands of years. We need to "assume" the Triads own all the Scarabs ever made. For safety's sake.
For the sake of your confidence, let me also add that these Scarabs are being defused quite rapidly. You can be happy about that.
Note that the Pharoah who built the pyramids was a male. Also note that he was deeply in love with his wife. It's a safe bet that about 99% of scarabs guarding tombs were guarding the queen.
So, returning to Triads (and we can definitely exonerate Arthur, here, seeing as the Pyramids were built about 4,000 years ago).
Triad X, on "his" way out would like you to think of him as the Queen of a beehive. Yellow jackets work wonders here. Just imagine the queen of the beehive is dead. All the drones, workers, and especially warriors go into a mindless frenzy and destroy everything around the now defunct hive. This is what you need to read.
So when Triad X dies, the few hundred million minds which he owns think exactly the following: "OMG, my best friend just died." Were you to PROVE that it was Triad X who just died and not literally "my best friend", these same people would jump for joy.
It is not an especially pleasant reality to think of yourself as a drone. On the other hand, reality is highly unpleasant for these drones. Were someone to PROVE that they were in fact drones and being treated like drones, this would help immensely.
I do sympathize with them. A hard tone is necessary here. Orson Scott Card takes what many regard as an incredibly hard tone with the drones. (He doesn't really take a harsh tone with them at all).
The point is they are really in BuzzZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzz land.
Imagine how "incredibly" happy you would be. And you really would be very happy, if you were to just wake up one morning in heaven ON EARTH and IN THIS LIFE (in other words, quite literally tomorrow morning), and discover that all the oppressive tyrants who had been enslaving your mind had been suddenly been ousted. This is something these "drones" are quite likely to forgive you for. Also they're pretty intelligent.
So one former drone (previously quite high nobility) now screams "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODBYE". This is one of my favorite lines by TOOL band's Maynard.
Well, I know that stretching is now a good idea. I'll get to this in a minute. In other words, "my" mind tells me that "Good Idea X" is (possibly) better than "Good Idea Y". Good Idea Y is where I tell you about this stuff. Good Idea X is where I go stretch and don't tell you about this stuff. This is basically the mind fuck the world is in. "Good Idea X" is plausibly better than "Good Idea Y", but in fact, "Good Idea X" is way way better than "Good Idea Y". In simplest possible terms, Good Idea X > Good Idea Y.
You can see how this rapidly leads to a downward spiral. It becomes quite difficult to reason this way. I've been there. This is usually when I defer to Grandfather Haynes who says, "No nonsense". The so-called "Slippery Slope" fallacy is quite real. As soon as I give in to doubt and say, "Good Idea Y" really could be better than "Good Idea X", I simultaneously reason myself into why "Good Idea Y" is better than Good Idea X. This creates a ton of knots in my mind.
Fundamentally: Good Idea X is the better idea. Good Idea Y is the worse idea.
Let this be our starting point. Once I r"rationalize", that is, REASON myself into how the better idea is in fact the worse idea, I enter an illusion. This is usually how great logicians fall off: The better idea is the better idea. The better idea is the better idea. For most of us, we've been living an illusion so long that it's quite difficult to convince ourself that the better idea is in fact the better idea. This is where trouble starts.
When nothing seems to work, and all Good ideas, ESPECIALLY all HOLY ideas, fall flat on their face, you really start to doubt yourself. This is not something you should blame yourself for.
A lot of people probably wonder about the Samurai. Like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck got into their heads? Well, just suppose you've been on the losing side of a mind control war for a few hundred or a few thousand years. Think in terms of generations. Generation 1 had a pretty good idea of what was going on. Generation 2 had a fuzzy idea of what was going on. Generation 10 had no fucking clue. Think about the game of "telephone".
Also, may I remind you about Generation 3. The world is largely in 3D. Christopher Michael Langan's CTMU, Anthropic Principle, blah blah blah. What it comes to is basically bullshit. I'm not saying the theory is wrong. The theory is exactly spot on. The CTMU (Cognitive-Theoretical Theory of the Universe) basically says "mind" over "matter".
I'd say, the CTMU is tragically, painfully, horribly "wrong". In other words my moral and ethical sensibilities which are basically "God is Good. God is Holy. And God is God. That is, God is Omnipotent" scream out "there's no fucking way these Triads can wield so much power.
This is basically the biggest hang up. CTMU is perfectly accurate. The reality of "Mind over matter" is painfully true.
Also, hash and the supplementary mind power of a few billion drones who are all entitled to the same power as any human creates a VERY convincing illusion. This is where "all men were created equal" creates some major mental hang ups. Maybe all humans were created equal. That depends a lot on how you define "creation", the origin of the universe, and so on.
So, yeah, sure, you're a badass. You've got your power level of "3" and all your drones have a power level of 1. If you have 1,000,000,000 drones (and some Triads do), then Triad X has a power level of 1,000,000,003. Or Triad X has his "own" power level of 3. It's really hard to tell if Triad X is actually a bad ass.
So why don't all the drones rise up, use their combined power level of 1,000,000,000 to overthrow Triad X who has a power level of 3?
Well, you've seen a beehive. The queen might have a power level of 3. The drones each have a power level of 1. If it were "remotely" possible for any type of cohesion to arise, the drones could overthrow Triad X.
Well, you've seen V for Vendetta. It's a nice story. You've also perhaps seen "The Curse of the Black Chrysantheum". I dunno what the actual title is and the internet won't let me remember what the title is. The actual physical internet on my computer also won't return the result no matter which search parameters I try to think up, or no matter how I try to find it.
Any idea how many drones have smoked Ether? My bet is something like somewhere between three and seven billion of them.
So what happens in practice is not V for Vendetta. At least it hasn't been, historically speaking. One, ten, twenty or even ten thousand drones (Tienamen) get it in their heads to finally overthrow an oppressive Triad regime. Now you've got a power level of 999,990,003 vs a power level of 10,000. It doesn't end well.
Let me say a little more about the state of China and beehives. Bees, literal, bees, are not especially forgiving creatures. Triad leaders are really, really, really far gone. When you attempt to defy "the hive" you and your family and basically everyone you've ever been associated with gets a downgrade at work. For your family and friends this often means rape, murder, and torture.
See "The Rape of Nanking" for more information (I realize that Japanese did this). I am also ready to accept that the 70,000,000 disenfranchised Chinese Aristocracy who died in Mao's "To The Hills and Mountains" movement were not treated that much better. Hopefully they were, but for safety's sake, let's "assume" the worst. Willpower is a very real "mind" resource.
For further information about whether being very holy could save you, see Mao's treatment of the Tibetans.
Let me punctuate here with do not pity Triad X as he leaves. He lives and has always lived (perhaps for several generations) a life of perfect bliss, smoking hash, fucking women, and the occasional hit of opium are his modus operandi. No he is not expecting to die, or change any time soon. Tragic though it may be, he has lived a life of "perfect bliss" free from any real manifestations of guilt for the hundreds of millions of lives he ruins daily. It is not a great shame for him to depart.
Anyway, I need some calories, so I'll be back in a few minutes (I'm actually not going to die).
Also, check out my Facebook Blog where I talk about all this and more. My Facebook Blog (Jeffrey Haynes)