On June 12 2014 22:24 KatatoniK wrote:
This is a question I find myself asking more and more often as of late. PvP used to be my favourite of the 3 match-ups I played and ever since I got promoted into gold my love of the mirror has taken a massive nosedive just because of the state of the matchup in here.
I'm no mathematician so I'm not going to figure out any solid stats but it feels like 9 times out of 10 times in PvP I'm going to get cheesed or murdered by a 1 base build, it's frustrating and about as fun as being hit over the head with a sledgehammer for a week straight. It's like every Protoss in gold league has magically forgotten their N key exists and that it builds this wonderful yellow structure we call a Nexus.
I mean what is there not to love about a Nexus, it has the letter x in it, it makes probes, you can make it shoot lasers and piss Terrans off! It contains a frantic dude (if StarCrafts is to be believed) telling you don't have enough minerals or that your need more pylons.
I just don't get why PvP has deteriorated into 1 base shit lasting less than 10 minutes, why are people so reluctant to go past 10 minutes in this match-up? If someone could just enlighten me please do because I can't figure it out myself.
This is a question I find myself asking more and more often as of late. PvP used to be my favourite of the 3 match-ups I played and ever since I got promoted into gold my love of the mirror has taken a massive nosedive just because of the state of the matchup in here.
I'm no mathematician so I'm not going to figure out any solid stats but it feels like 9 times out of 10 times in PvP I'm going to get cheesed or murdered by a 1 base build, it's frustrating and about as fun as being hit over the head with a sledgehammer for a week straight. It's like every Protoss in gold league has magically forgotten their N key exists and that it builds this wonderful yellow structure we call a Nexus.
I mean what is there not to love about a Nexus, it has the letter x in it, it makes probes, you can make it shoot lasers and piss Terrans off! It contains a frantic dude (if StarCrafts is to be believed) telling you don't have enough minerals or that your need more pylons.
I just don't get why PvP has deteriorated into 1 base shit lasting less than 10 minutes, why are people so reluctant to go past 10 minutes in this match-up? If someone could just enlighten me please do because I can't figure it out myself.
1 base Protoss play can be a lot of fun. Tight builds and good micro for the win. Macro PvP can often be boring especially as you look for the right engagement. That said, if you like macro play, go for it. Just start with a safe build, hold and be ahead.