Just then, the church doors fly open! A swarm of blue and white floats towards the altar. Dan unmerges himself from his Tastosis archon and stands up straight, walking towards the Korean gamers: "Wait, Nestea!"
Nick stays back, tearfully wishing his friend the best of luck, and knowing that he could never make Dan as happy as Nestea does.
Dan runs up to Nestea, taking his hand. In a barely audible whisper, Artosis breathes: "We belong together, Nestea. You know we do."
Nestea's eyes start to tear, as he remembers all the wonderful nights and mornings he had spent with Artosis. Nestea turns to Mvp and says something no one understands because it's in Korean, and Smix wasn't around to translate. Mvp is visibly shaken, although it can't be discerned whether that's because of the wedding cockblock or his wrist issues. MC looks shocked at first, but then turns angrily towards Artosis and says, under his breath: "I keel you."
The BossToss dons his Murloc suit and prepares to attack Dan. But a small, almost sad, smile creeps onto Nestea's face, and he tilts his head, causing MC to faint. Nestea grabs Dan's hand, and says something else in Korean that was probably something like "I love you too".
Dan "Artosis" "Jewy Grasshopper" Stemkoski and Lim "Zergbong" "Nestea" "Creator of the Universe" Jae Duk lived happily ever after, creating the little Zerg-Protoss hybrids that we encountered at the end of Brood War.
Nestosis: Merging complete.