I didn't see another thread, so I'll make a shitty one.
If a better one comes up, close this one.
From the calendar:
OGN channel
SKTelecom - Pantech Midas (T) < Geometry > NaDa (T) Canata (T) < Monty Hall > Sea.Pure (P) Kingdom (P)/Rumble (Z) < Chariots of Fire > SiLvEr (Z)/TheROCK[3.33] (P) iloveoov (T) < Shin Peaks of Baekdu > Sea.FireFist (Z) Ace Match < Python >
+ Show Spoiler + Midas<Nada Canata>Pure SKTelecom<Pantech oov>Firefist Gorush<Nada
My picks?
Midas > Nada (Sorry Nada. You've been off. Well so has midas. Hm.) Canata > Pure Pantech (SKT1 2v2? ppfffffft.) Oov > Firefist
actually game 1 is a tossup for me, but I don't want to predict an ace match.
EDIT: Ooh, starbrain is on OGN right now.
Midas < NaDa Canata > Pure SKT > Pantech Oov > FireFist
I think I'll take a shot at livereporting. Trying to use full sentences and good grammar and all >_<
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Germany / USA16648 Posts
Germany / USA16648 Posts
(yeah, this map pisses me off)
omgz im live repoting zorz, then im going to live report boxers match! yayz
poor nada. rooting for him, but i think midas will win.
game start for geometry and i was looking at chat but al i know is they are brown and purple and purple is in the upper left and brown is the upper right
ill figure out soon enough
alright nada is brown (i recognize the first symob OMGZ NADAS GOING RAX RUSH IN HT EMIDDLE OF THE MAP O_O)
omg what's going on?!? i'm watching the other game. bad choice for me.
nada has 2 raxe making in the midlde of the map unbeknowst to midas
midas has yet to see the 2 barracks and there are raines pumping out now....
nada is about to find Midas's base AAAH BUFFERING THE SUSPENSE ah he sees the factory nada moves in with the marines!!!
aaah midas got a vulutre OUT MIDAS MOUTH OPENS IN SHOCK AS IT DIES
one vuluture left for midas hes still tryingnwith micro 3 marines left ONE SCV VULTURE IS DEAD
midas doesnt want to say gg he has 1 scv and mareins streaming into his base
NADA SHUTS DOWN MIDAS WHOOOOHOOOO NADA!!!! time to go watch boxers game by folks!