Charlie Sheens House51436 Posts
On May 08 2013 17:42 CoR wrote:Show nested quote +On May 08 2013 17:25 Pandemona wrote: KR: Perfect, i guess the only way to make it god like is to have Tastosis cast Code A side too xD but it's still by far the best
EU: Kaelaris+ToD don't do anything for me im afraid, people say there good so i can't complain to much. I would of rather seen someone else given a try but the best casters from EU have gone over to NA though (TotalBiscuit Rotterdam)
NA: Like the worst one by a million miles, out of ALL the casters available in the NA region they pick arguably the worst 2 possible...Incontrol Rotterdam MrBitter TotalBiscuit Day9 Husky Frodan PainUser are all available to pick from in NA and they choose Axeltoss and Axslav 0.O axlsav isnt the problem, he is just WAY TO SHY ... he needs to get opener, but you normaly have 1 analyst 1 entertainer, i dont se how axeltoss can entertain me ... he trys to go analyticvs etc and nothing full we need a full entertainer so i would say husky/tb/day9/ one of them who is an entertainer like tastless edit: also in us they said its a surprise that jim won vs sasquatchs ... when you say something where 98% of the listeners think WTF then its just not good
Lol what they said that about Jim?!?! ROFL Glad i wasn't their listening to that, jesus christ >.< Jim is my favorite Chinese player by a mile, he is so talented for his age it's unreal! Im so surprised they didn't do any research on him!
But i guess i could be ok with Axslav as if like you say TB/Day9/Husky was alongside him making it a bit more entertaining.
Well, I have to say that ToD/Kaeleris are my favourite casters... KR is good too, and NA was best when Axslav casted alone, otherwise pretty underwhelming...
We need more analysis and less play by play casters... Please. AM and Code A KR casters are problematic in that, really.
EU and KR have awesome casters.
NA needs a lot more work. When compared to EU and KR's casters, they're pretty far down.
EU is best obviously. Tastosis is just to much bias it is really not fun anymore and the ask me something is getting way to stale.
For some reason, i can't stand Kaeleris. i can't put my finger on what it is just yet, but i just personally don't like him. Tod has fantastic game knowledge, so i'm thrilled that hes casting. Korea is great as always. I like Axslav for NA. like tod, he has good game knowledge. i think its so cool that tournaments are brining in pro's as casters. their game knowledge is just so great
On May 08 2013 20:29 Nyvis wrote: We need more analysis and less play by play casters... Please. AM and Code A KR casters are problematic in that, really. Put your feet in the shoes of the guy who plays Nexus wars only, never touched the ladder and is tuning in to his first event. We need someone to explain it in simple terms and to get the excitement going. We aren't in for a lecture.
wolf and khaldor don't get as much notice as their code s counterparts but they are definitely more gameplay focused. other than the occasional player mix-up I think they're pretty good actually.
Kaelaris and ToD are amazing casters. It is nice to have ToD as a player who has a lot of deep knowledge of the game compared to other casters. Also their jokes are fun edit: Korea as awesome as usual, but NA isn't so great...
KR Artosis - solid as usual. The best SC2 caster there is atm. Not really much to say.
Tasteless - I wish that Tasteless would start to learn how to play Starcraft 2 so he could contribute to the actual casting of the game. When you watch Artosis cast with Apollo, or a lesser extent Wolf, they are bouncing ideas about the game back and forth of each other. When Artosis casts with Tasteless they tend to recycle the same non-game related topics over and over again ("What's your favourite RPG? etc"). His charisma and sense of humour carry him, but he could do much better.
NA Axeltoss - I personally don't care for casters that don't know much about the game and don't bring anything to the table. Unlike Tasteless I don't find him to be charismatic or have much of a sense of humour. Happy he is on holiday atm.
Axslav - I know for some people his slight speech problem is really annoying, but I don't find that it bothers me that much. Has great game knowledge and can actually talk about the game in an intelligent manner - a very rare quality in a caster (that should be standard).
EU Kaelaris - similar to Axeltoss but with a British accent. Doesn't have any game knowledge and doesn't bring anything else amazing to the casts.
ToD - good analysis and sense of humour. I find his smug remarks (especially about Zerg players) to be hilarious. I enjoy his casting and hope he does more.
On May 08 2013 20:49 gobbledydook wrote:Show nested quote +On May 08 2013 20:29 Nyvis wrote: We need more analysis and less play by play casters... Please. AM and Code A KR casters are problematic in that, really. Put your feet in the shoes of the guy who plays Nexus wars only, never touched the ladder and is tuning in to his first event. We need someone to explain it in simple terms and to get the excitement going. We aren't in for a lecture.
I didn't say that both casters should do only analysis. But at the moment, we are close to no analysis, with only play by play. You need some play explanation (and not just stating it), some entertainment and some analysis. It's just that analysis is the more lacking of the three.
To above : Artosis-Apollo was the best. Tasteless isn't bad for the entertainment purpose. And I don't think he's bad at the game, he's just letting Artosis do the analysis because it's his role.
rather than going on about how much I like almost every caster Im going to list a few things that would imo help improve the casts a lot:
- Dont bash players, Players know the games much better than any of us, rather than saying theyre bad / doing a bad move, try to explain/ help viewers understand why they act the way they did. Id like to add that almost no casters are doing this but Ive heard it a few times from lesser known casters so I thougt Id just mention it.
-Talk a little bit more about the different upsides/downsides of builds etc, why two builds who seem similar will give players different edges, it would help newer viewers a lot I feel like. For example I have friends who are really new to starcraft 2 , they actually enjoy watching it and would do so more if somebody just explained what was actually going on on a more basic level.
- Mention players twitteraccounts! I know this has been talked about before but I feel like promoting the players, giving them more exposure would be a great idea!
Kaelaris has potential but I find him way too fake. He puts too much emphasis on pronouncing words that when he gets excited its the same as when hes mentioning basic build orders. Its hard for me to explain but the way he says things is odd.
- Dont bash players, Players know the games much better than any of us, rather than saying theyre bad / doing a bad move, try to explain/ help viewers understand why they act the way they did. Id like to add that almost no casters are doing this but Ive heard it a few times from lesser known casters so I thougt Id just mention
Meh. Some casters are pretty good / ex-pro and totally deserve the right to bash players when they do something awful. And sometimes, players deserve it. We can't look at them at perfect gods and expect to analyse their plays.
Artosis and Tod are the best. Kaelaris is ok and that new AM caster isn't bad either.
On May 08 2013 21:02 Nyvis wrote:Show nested quote +- Dont bash players, Players know the games much better than any of us, rather than saying theyre bad / doing a bad move, try to explain/ help viewers understand why they act the way they did. Id like to add that almost no casters are doing this but Ive heard it a few times from lesser known casters so I thougt Id just mention Meh. Some casters are pretty good / ex-pro and totally deserve the right to bash players when they do something awful. And sometimes, players deserve it. We can't look at them at perfect gods and expect to analyse their plays.
Personally I love the level of disbelief present in Artosis' voice when a player does something totally wrong. It's priceless and adorable that he's so disappointed. At the same time, I never feel like he's bashing the players, because he only says "X played terribly" and not "X is a terrible player". I can't think of any times in SC2 where I've felt like any casters were player-bashing.
DotA, on the other hand...oh man...
The polls in the OP don't make much sense. There is too much divergence between the leagues.
ok reading every post everyone is like "greak kr, good eu, sry axeltoss you make na MEH and shampoo is bad" thats 98% of this post so the poll is useless.
also i think thats the MAIN issue with MLG over NASL, not the crew not the studio not anything just the casters, bitterdam is the best thats in america for the moment so its disapointing, also day9 etc are sooo good but not used gets me frustrating. i think because MLG is in new york ? and nasl day9 etc everyone is on the westcoast so taking MLG did destroy the chances for 98% of the american top casters
i think axslav just stop being shy and get a good humorious co caster then mlg is compareable to eu so far i dont watched more then 1 usa day but all kr and eu ones
I kinda agree with what everyone else is saying.
KR: Artosis is great and is doing a good job at keeping tasteless focused at the game, because if Artosis wasn't there I think we wouldn't hear tasteless say a single thing about sc2 and the game going on, just bring up some stupid "what's your favourite three fish?". And most of the time he just agrees to what artosis says about the game.
I can't really talk about EU and NA, I havent't watched that much, but I can say I would to see Incontrol. He is the funniest guy out there and with good knowledge, great voice too for casting. Him coupled with day9 (as at mlg) was awesome.
On May 08 2013 21:41 CoR wrote: ok reading every post everyone is like "greak kr, good eu, sry axeltoss you make na MEH and shampoo is bad" thats 98% of this post so the poll is useless.
also i think thats the MAIN issue with MLG over NASL, not the crew not the studio not anything just the casters, bitterdam is the best thats in america for the moment so its disapointing, also day9 etc are sooo good but not used gets me frustrating. i think because MLG is in new york ? and nasl day9 etc everyone is on the westcoast so taking MLG did destroy the chances for 98% of the american top casters
i think axslav just stop being shy and get a good humorious co caster then mlg is compareable to eu so far i dont watched more then 1 usa day but all kr and eu ones to be honest, i think the problem with MLG over NASL is everything. look at their failures at trying to organize anything (and i'm not only talking about WCS qualifiers; let me remind you of the unparalleled amount of stream failures/technical problems in general at MLG events, trouble with informing players correctly about their open bracket matches, etc.). then add to that all the questionable business choices they've made and i think it should be obvious why you don't really want to put something as important as WCS into MLG's hands, especially when you have NASL at your disposal in NA.
my favorite horrible business decision by MLG is still introducing Arena events, which from the start were intended to be smaller side events (compared to the big Pro Circuit events), and at the same time making the first Arena event also the first PPV-only event ever, while also announcing that there are no plans for Pro Circuit events to become PPV. they were basically saying "hey guys, we're gonna try out this new format, we've never done this before so we don't really know how well it's gonna work out, but we do know just from the structure of it it's not gonna be anywhere near as exciting as our Pro Circuit events, and it's gonna cost us a whole lot less to produce it. oh yeah, btw, you can only watch this if you pay us for it even though you never had to do that before and you still don't have to do it for our bigger and better events."
i don't know what genius came up with that idea, but i do know it's hilarious.