On March 24 2013 17:18 B.I.G. wrote:
Thats the kinda thinking that won't help you get over her.
Edit: holy shitcakes, after quantic's harsh comment I decided to read some of your other blogs to see what the fuss was all about and sweet baby jesus that is one fucked up bitch you got yourself there haha. I mean I'm almost like impressed how this girl just mindfucks and manipulates everything that has a dick around her.. And the cheating man, I mean if she works this fast she must've cheated on you what, like a 100 times? Seriously, get as far away from her as you can and burn all the bridges, people like this are pure destruction, they will suck everyone that allows them into their misery and drags them down with them. Run dude. Fucking run.
Thats the kinda thinking that won't help you get over her.
Edit: holy shitcakes, after quantic's harsh comment I decided to read some of your other blogs to see what the fuss was all about and sweet baby jesus that is one fucked up bitch you got yourself there haha. I mean I'm almost like impressed how this girl just mindfucks and manipulates everything that has a dick around her.. And the cheating man, I mean if she works this fast she must've cheated on you what, like a 100 times? Seriously, get as far away from her as you can and burn all the bridges, people like this are pure destruction, they will suck everyone that allows them into their misery and drags them down with them. Run dude. Fucking run.
A week has passed since I cut her outta my life haha, It's not easy man, but like I don't feel like a longing for her anymore, I haven't stepped out of the house almost this whole week, except for a suit and tie party. I was getting a lotta attention that party BUT, that 30 year old woman I told you guys about, LOL she went to the same party so I spent most of the party with her, but a random girl came up to me and told me she had a crush on me and I kissed her. Just trying to recover from this mess I guess, going to go back to lifting tomorrow.
Also, I kinda burned the bridges, I actually messaged the other dude that she cheated on him again, twice, a week ago, and this comes right after she confessed to him about her infidelity with me, because once he finds out, once she finds out, she's going to never talk to me again, that's why I did it. Also, what makes it worse is that a week after I message the guy I realise that she she actually got together with the guy right after she cheated on him with me again.
I'm going overseas for a holiday next week, it's gonna be good for me, clear my mind and all, and when I come back I'm going to start going out more often and see more people again.