On January 07 2013 13:48 Grobyc wrote: Is it ever going to be possible to have the plugin auto-update? It's nice to see you constantly updating this and such, but I think most people fine it very unappealing to have to manually update this frequently.
Regardless, good work. I only stumbled upon this just now.
I have made it so the standalone updates it self, but sadly have not got around to making the sc2gears plugin auto update.
It is on my list to make it so both the plugins will auto update.
i hear you, manually updating sucks, and i hope to have an auto updater soon, or at least not have to change the plugins any time soon
Bug Fix Fixed a problem with the stand alone app and sea battle net accounts. The application will auto update after you restart it.
Also expect to see a large update in the next day or so , have some pretty exciting stuff to show you guys
This is amazing! I am excited for this large update
Updates 2013-01-18
- 1v1 Games now have a Details page attached to them with Build order Graphs and Units Build Graphs
- Data Should now be uploaded in English only, which will make it so the foreign accounts display correctly
- Paging on the Accounts Replay Page, paging will show up after you hit over 300 replays
- More Speed improvements, if the site is still not loading blazing fast for you LET ME KNOW !
- New Logo to better fit the site
- Contact Us Page
- FAQ Page
- New Logo to better fit the site
Example of the new charts
So you know, i'm still back importing all the old data from all the previously uploaded replays, so give that a few hours to finish. After that if you run across any problems let me know and i will fix them as quick as i can.
What do you guys think of the new Logo ?
I have to say the site is looking very good, a lot of hard work that I think everyone appreciates. Everything is layout in a very nice format that makes looking at/for info easy. The addition of the build order graph and table is pretty cool and the new logo is very sharp. Keep up the good work!
Love this site !!!! i just started using it but i love that it does all the work for me. Keep it up !
Is it working with HOTS ?
On January 24 2013 00:49 ArhK wrote: Is it working with HOTS ?
Yes and no,
Yes it will upload your replays to the server (if you point the applications to the beta replay folder aka sc2gears or the standalone).
No it wont do any of the more advanced features like event tracking, apm, user rank.
But if you want it to keep track of your replays a min, with a little bad data since there is not a beta webserver with your rank, then ya it will work.
After Hots is released i will work as quick as i can to make it work, since im going to want to use it just as much as everyone else :p
On January 24 2013 01:14 breath wrote:Yes and no, Yes it will upload your replays to the server (if you point the applications to the beta replay folder aka sc2gears or the standalone). No it wont do any of the more advanced features like event tracking, apm, user rank. But if you want it to keep track of your replays a min, with a little bad data since there is not a beta webserver with your rank, then ya it will work. After Hots is released i will work as quick as i can to make it work, since im going to want to use it just as much as everyone else :p Breath
Ok thanks for your input. If I may, maybe you should edit the FAQ section on your website in order to adress this point, I am pretty sure I am not the only one with this question ;-).
On January 24 2013 18:14 ArhK wrote:Show nested quote +On January 24 2013 01:14 breath wrote:On January 24 2013 00:49 ArhK wrote: Is it working with HOTS ? Yes and no, Yes it will upload your replays to the server (if you point the applications to the beta replay folder aka sc2gears or the standalone). No it wont do any of the more advanced features like event tracking, apm, user rank. But if you want it to keep track of your replays a min, with a little bad data since there is not a beta webserver with your rank, then ya it will work. After Hots is released i will work as quick as i can to make it work, since im going to want to use it just as much as everyone else :p Breath Ok thanks for your input. If I may, maybe you should edit the FAQ section on your website in order to adress this point, I am pretty sure I am not the only one with this question ;-).
Its in the FAQ though i guess i don't say that it will upload the replays at a min i will update the FAQ to reflect this.
If you have any suggestions for the site, im all ears !
Updates 2013-01-27
- New Graph, APM/EPM for ladder games
- Abliltiy to see the break down off all maps/matchups (click on "all" on the far left 1v1 table
- Firefox Version 18 display fixes.
Also if you do have any problems with the site or the standalone programs let me know and i can fix them as quickly as i can. Since i run this site as a hobby i don't spend loads of time testing it, so if something pops up post here or send me a message on the site.
Updates 2013-02-13 * Small Bug Fixes * New Rankings System designed for custom maps. We have partnered with purakushi and his SC2Pro Mod to give him an ELO Ranking system tied into sc2replaystats.com
With this new ranking system if any other MODS are interested in having a ranked option on their MOD feel free to contact me and i can get you set up to start tracking it for you.
As always if you have any problems let me know, we expect to support HOTS shortly after release.
Updates 2013-02-21 * Fixed Standalone to work with Patch 2.0.4 * Also fixed the standalone to always upload the replay even if it cant handle the format, that way i can fix them later without you losing data. * Dakota_Fanning fixed sc2gears so that will also work now.
Updates 2013-03-17 * Added in a Stats Filter that will let you drill down into more specifics besides just 1v1 stats. * Display changes to show if its a HOTS or WOL replay * Added more support for HOTS replays, more to come. * Fixed a couple possible display problems in team games. * More backend changes to help make the system more stable
Sorry for the long gap in updates, HOTS beta and now HOTS has been taking up to much of my time Let me know if you guys find any problems with this release, i did change ALOT of how the core stats are built so if they seem off let me know.
Fixed a bug with replays now showing up if you where an observer and not a player in the game. Sorry about this.
AS OF TODAY Beta Versions of the Sc2ReplayStats.com SC2Gears Plugin will not work!!!!
The only people that are affected by this are people that are using the beta version of the plugin i release 5 months ago. It is pointing to the wrong site, and as of today will no longer upload replays to the site. I have sent multiple emails warning anyone that was still using this plugin.
So if you notice your replays are not being uploaded anymore, its most likely because your on a super old version of the plugin. If you do fall into this all you need to do is download the newest version and copy it over the version you have in sc2gears and you will be back up and running.
Here is the latest version Sc2Gears Plugin Download Link
If you have any problems let me know.
Updates 2013-04-04
* Added the Ability to Upload replays manually to the site. * Added Twitter Button to the website, so now you can easily share your replays on twitter
As always keep the suggestions flowing, i love that people are using the contact us page !
Updates 2013-04-06 * Completely changed Profile page, now with MUCH better stats. * Some bug fixes to bad data that was coming up.
There is now tabs of information on the top, so that i can display more data in a cleaner way.
Division Tab
Maps Tab
As always keep the feedback coming in on the contact us page, this feature idea came from a masters terran !
Nice update!
Starbow is considering using your ranking system for their mod, but I will get back to you once they get to that point. They still need to work out some other things.
On April 07 2013 05:59 purakushi wrote: Nice update!
Starbow is considering using your ranking system for their mod, but I will get back to you once they get to that point. They still need to work out some other things.
Cool, hopefully they will contact me and i can help them get setup on it. Are you going to get someone to use what i set up for you