first of all, I want to apologize. It has been a while since I blogged. A lot of things have happend since the last time I made a new entry, so getting back to blogging might be worth it.
Do you guys remember my first post? It was mostly about my new style of playing and I'm pretty sure I have talked about giving back to the Starcraft community in some way. Well, that moment is here. Have you guys heard of 'The Dutch Starcraft League'? I'm pretty sure TL people don't really like 'ninja-advertising', but I'm so happy about the way my dreams are starting to come true, I will take the risk and talk about it anyway. I have told you about my studies right? It's Media and Entertainment Management, something I started because of Starcraft actually. Gaming became so important, I was looking for a way to incorporate it into my life. I found one guys, I really did.
Being an eventmanager really has its perks. It's basically means I am able to manage big events, get everything done that needs to be done and create something great. How about we use this skill, combine it with our awesome game and the even more awesome community? Yup, sounds awesome right? The first time I heard of DSCL, I saw they were looking for people. Volunteers really, to help out with the workload. I applied, spoke to Frank van Caspel (known as Van Caspel around here), told him about my ideas and the deal was sealed. I became a volunteer for the DSCL. However, I wanted to give it my all and I'm pretty sure Frank noticed this. After a few conversations it was clear to me. He offerd me the position of eventmanager as well as a position within the board of the DSCL. I realized this was what I was looking for. I was so happy, excited and most of all, I was ready to go for it! We work hard, we do everything we can and it seems to work out! Qualifiers are going great, the big event I'm working on for the finals (live finals, crowd watching, awesome players, awesome location etc.) I love it! This is my first step into this world and my first act when it comes to giving back! I want to do more, learn more, meet new people. Which also means, if you have tips, hints or just want to talk about whatever, let me know!
As far as playing goes, I actually had to step back for a while. I got so busy I couldnt concentrate enough on every single thing. I conlcuded that to get better, I had to wait. Up till then it was going great by the way. I feel like I got a deeper understanding of the game by experiencing. I have a lot of support backing me up, which feels awesome. I want to thank you guys for that, all of you. I feel like if someone really wants to go for it, you offer the support needed. It truely is a magical understanding between people. We, the people of the community, seem to have/ share a bond with everyone who loves the game. It's what I love about this community, it is what drives me to work hard to give back. So thank you, thank you so much!
This is a rather short entry, but I promise longer ones in the future. I'm looking forward to writing these again, even though I only made a few uptil now.
Love and warm greetings,