I think the Stephano case was kind of over-kill but at the same time I can't help but wonder if somebody actually emailed EG's sponsors to bring this to their attention. Apologies were issued by Stephano as early as October 6th, 2012, and he told his fans not to take it too seriously.
Frankly speaking, however. There are times when we simply need to take it upon ourselves to police something that we know inside and out, as opposed to someone from outside that is extremely unfamiliar with the way something like this works.
In other news today, I have to write my thesis for Chinese and another essay that requires roughly 600 more words to finish.
EDIT: I got 800 stream views altogether today. For those of you in EU or anywhere in the far east that would be interested in knowing, I am going to cast BBoongBBoongPRIME Thursday, CreatorPRIME next Tuesday, and in ten days I will be casting GamaniaSen. If nothing else, show your friends in Taiwan, or your chinese-speaking friends as they are my target audience.