Keep our forum clean! PLEASE post your WIP melee maps in this thread for initial feedback. -Barrin |
Latest. Pretty different! It seems to be getting more experimental each build (pseudo-inbase 3rd/4th to solve the problem that RF mentioned before) but I think at least most of it works. I tried something with the bottom bases.. this solution gives both players a 6th base instead of having only one 6th base to fight over. The basic idea with those southern bases is to have bases that are somewhat far away, but the actual choke leading to those bases -isn't-, meaning you just need a token force at those bases to deal with drops while you defend the main thoroughfares up north with your big army. He can do a large drop to overwhelm that token defending force, of course, but then he's susceptible to a big counter up north so it's a gamble. + Show Spoiler +(p.s. those 2 bases at the bottom middle aren't very susceptible to tanks, the only thing reachable by a tank on the other side are the near geysers, and that's only if he has something giving him vision.. which is perfectly fine in my eyes, as 6th bases should be at the very least slightly harassable)
Aesthetics still haven't been started yet (other than placing trees to indicate what isn't passable and such), I did paint some more rock on some cliff edges to make them visible for now.
I love the Collected works. Dem cloaked rocks
On September 25 2012 03:07 ArcticRaven wrote:Dem cloaked rocks
cloaked rocks? what did i miss
I was looking for that too, I think cloaked rocks a really cool, if you could find some good way of showing people that they are there (since most people are probably going to be confounded by just the little blur)
EDIT: Especially if they block a 2nd entrance to the main or something.
On September 25 2012 13:58 RFDaemoniac wrote: I was looking for that too, I think cloaked rocks a really cool, if you could find some good way of showing people that they are there (since most people are probably going to be confounded by just the little blur)
EDIT: Especially if they block a 2nd entrance to the main or something. You could try a row of neutral DT's or something... though that might scare some players shitless.
neutral DTs.. lol that is some hardcore trolling if someone didn't know ahead of time that the map had them
On September 25 2012 14:16 Fatam wrote: neutral DTs.. lol that is some hardcore trolling if someone didn't know ahead of time that the map had them If they're neutral rather than hostile I'm pretty sure they won't attack units.
On September 25 2012 14:49 -NegativeZero- wrote:Show nested quote +On September 25 2012 14:16 Fatam wrote: neutral DTs.. lol that is some hardcore trolling if someone didn't know ahead of time that the map had them If they're neutral rather than hostile I'm pretty sure they won't attack units. but they will block pathing and building
And you can also mineral walk through them but not normal move through them!
So here is my WIP map. I just started trying some mapping, so be nice.
Map Name: Floating Gardens Server: EU Size: 164x132 playable Bases: 10x 8m2g Watchtowers:2
Others: Destructable rocks on the natural and on the direct path ramp. Watchtowers cover ramp to the opponents fifth and front ramp. 5th is covered by some sightblockers to the center of the map. There is a shortcut from the main to third, which can be used by reapers or colossi.
top-down view
+ Show Spoiler +
What I like: The third is hard to defend cause of its position to the near highground, but early aggression is also risky cause of the narrow direct paths.
What I dislike: I am not satisfied with the form of the main, I also have the feeling, that the long way over the 5th is not open enough. In general I also want to try to make the map look less angled.
Hoping for any honest feedback
I would suggest making the thirds a bit more accessible in both cases, as you will get -rivers- of zerg tears in their current states. I think there's some room for innovation in the current meta (tricky as it is to dance around all the restrictions we have) but don't fuck with people's 3rd distance, they are sensitive about that shyte lol
your Country52797 Posts
On September 26 2012 22:20 The_Templar wrote:[snip] Concept Two- Lunar Brawl: [snip] Messed around with this some.
Yay or nay?
@Templar: too many chokes and too resource dense. You should either cut out 1 or 2 bases and widen some pathways, or enlarge the whole map and thereby spread out out the bases and widen the pathways. Selective narrow chokes is fine but you have narrow pathways where players will want to or have to engage. The main-nat-3rd concept is okay but doesn't actually provide real options, so it's more for mid-to-lategame use.
Any thoughts on the map I am currently working on? I hate the rocks, but they have to be there to allow FFE.
@monochromatic: You should enlarge the map a little (widen it) and simplify some paths in order to require less rocks and improve the proportions. This would also provide a 4th that isn't so close to the middle. The 5th base needs to be pulled away from the enemy main so that tanks can't hit anything and you can't warp in on it. If the intention is to provide an alternate 3rd base I think it should go on the low ground hugging the main cliff.
You could also try forcefields instead! ;D
Hi here is a map i've been working on for a while now and would like to hear your thoughts on it. Mapname:Sudden valley
It has been uploaded to EU servers already so if you want please try it out and tell me what you think.
I've played some games with my friends on the map and i find it to be quit fun to play. I haven't spotted any blatant imbalances, but me or my friends are not that good quality players so feel free to point out your concerns if you find any.
At the moment i'm thinking of making changes to the area near the NW and SE bases as well as the area between the middlebase and and the ramp with half-rocks.
Suddenly, a Valley. There's no need for the rocks, I think.
Looks pleasant.
but you could have variation based on cliff level, it looks quite stale for now. Good Luck!