For those of you who are not familiar with me, I'm breaker and I want to be a pro caster one day. Some of you guys may have already seen me doing casting in Chinese, which would make a moderate amount of sense because if one wishes to obtain a job in the entertainment industry, the best method of attaining such work is to do something original that people will love. Thus it made sense to start casting in Chinese for me, basically selling my minority to the Taiwanese eSports Scene.
Recently I just ordered a slew of computer hardware, all of which is superior to that of Destiny's (With the exception of his video card, Power Supply, Monitors, possibly motherboard and maybe his Heat Sink). Ok, maybe not entirely superior, but my point is that all of the performance crucial hardware that I ordered is superior to his with the exception of the video card. I believe my internet connection is going to play the biggest factor in this, as I am on a wireless lan that averages a 20 MBPS up / 20 MBPS down rate. I wanted to go ethernet, but I can't because there is just NO way I can here. For some stupid reason, the landlord here removed all ethernet ports here over the summer break, so this basically forced me to go wireless. With that in mind, I bought the most expensive Wireless Adapter that fits a PCI slot that I could find. You can compare my specs to Destiny's at the following two URLS:
Moving forward, I was asked to cast for the ASL and I gladly accepted it. I got in to a niche that was not well advertised and it paid off.
For those of you who don't know my story, I guess I can give you a "TL:DR version."
Basically what happened was that I studied abroad last semester in Taiwan. I met Sen (possibly the only pro most of you know that is not Korean, European, or American), Joeman (Taiwan's Day9 Figure) and SoBadRush (Taiwan's "Tasteless" figure). Meeting Sen in and of itself simply inspired me to change my philosophy towards Starcraft and within two weeks of meeting him, I made it to Diamond Top 8 on the NA ladder, and made it to Platinum on the TW/KR server.
I will be streaming on low quality for the ASL Tomorrow evening 21:00 KST.
However, after tomorrow, every Tuesday and Thursday I should be streaming on maxed out settings in SC2 with settings that can parallel, if not exceed, that of Destiny's.