Hey guys. I've taken a really long break off of SC2, and I've been playing way too much League of Legends. (It's incredibly fun) Now that I'm back, I have decided that I really want to get into Masters. It's the one goal I set awhile ago, but it just wasn't realistic. I wasn't really determined enough, I was too scared just to hit Find Match for fear of losing. Now, I feel like I've overcome that, and hitting that button is no worse than just hitting play in League of Legends.
As of right now this is where I stand in terms of MMR:
And this is my goal:
It's a huge gap, and I'm really willing to work hard for it. I've got 8 replays where I've lost to show you guys. I'll try and put spoiler tags under the replay links, just stating where I felt I went wrong, and what I might need to do to get better.
All my TvPs are using the Bomber TvP 1 rax FE. All my TvZs are using the Bomber TvZ build vs Ostoijiy in the Red Bull Battlegrounds.
http://drop.sc/200749 + Show Spoiler +This is a TvT that I lost. I go for the ThorZain TvT as detailed in Day[9] daily... 365? Not quite sure. I try to go for an early contain. I think I messed this up by just only having 1 tank with me, it was broken very easily, and I over commit to it. My worker count seemed to be lower, and my marine count. I think this was a huge problem in macro, and just generally over extending myself.
http://drop.sc/200748 + Show Spoiler +I go for a 1rax expand, like Bomber did in his TvZ against Ostoijiy in the Red Bull Battlegrounds. I missed placing my factory by a full minute, which is really bad. He spotted my two engineering bays, but I moved out anyways. I had no vision on the map, I also had no idea that he had even taken his third. I had very few marines for the time that the game ended at as well. Once again a macro problem, and I'm not certain as to when to move out.
http://drop.sc/200747 + Show Spoiler +I take my third way too late. I can't really deal with the warp prism harass very well, and I did not build turrets to counter it. This is also a problem where I'm just not sure when to move out. I tried attacking when +1 infantry attack finished, but the warp prism harass really kept me behind. Eventually he kills me when I don't have ghosts, or vikings.
http://drop.sc/200746 + Show Spoiler +I feel like I got really ahead in this game. Eventually me not being able to take a fourth just ruined the game and I lost. Not quite sure what else to say, besides things I've said before.
http://drop.sc/200745 + Show Spoiler +I took the wrong expansion, and that got shut down really easily. After that I just tried my best to get back into the game, but it wasn't gonna work out for me. Most likely I feel because I didn't drop him at all. If I had I might have had more time to recover from that mistake.
http://drop.sc/200744 + Show Spoiler +I thought I did pretty well this game. The only bad spot was just getting demolished by the dts, and losing part of my army in the beginning. Not being able to push while my army supply was ahead was a huge blow though.
http://drop.sc/200743 + Show Spoiler +I feel like I got really ahead in this game. Eventually me not being able to take a fourth just ruined the game and I lost. Not quite sure what else to say, besides things I've said before. I think I'm not taking enough barracks though. My money is definitely floating too high this game.
http://drop.sc/200742 + Show Spoiler +I try the Bomber TvZ build this game. I take my third much faster than Z. But he continuously attacks my third and shuts it down, and I have no answer to it. I should have made some blue flame hellions, it may have made a big difference. Eventually the attacks are just too much for me.
My Micro and Macro are really lacking. I also get supply blocked way too much. These are just things I have noticed in my play. You don't have to download and watch all of these as it would take over like an hour, but please try to watch as many as you can and help me the best you can. Thanks it would help me a lot!
Hey man, very nice blog from what i see. I will watch the TvP replays (as im protoss) and try to help you out a bit there. 9 am now though and i didnt sleep yet (was w8ting for servers to get gm ), thats why ill do it tomorrow.
Hope i wont forget about it^^ gl on your way to masters!
On June 20 2012 15:56 KalWarkov wrote:Hey man, very nice blog from what i see. I will watch the TvP replays (as im protoss) and try to help you out a bit there. 9 am now though and i didnt sleep yet (was w8ting for servers to get gm ), thats why ill do it tomorrow. Hope i wont forget about it^^ gl on your way to masters!
Thanks so much! I appreciate it very much! :D
Hi dude !
I just found time to analyze one of your replay. Initially i planned on analyzing 3, but it took longer than i expected
Here my notes watching the replay slowly:
Tal'Darim vs „MajorCrimes“
- (try to not show him your CC if possible (walloff, delay till 2 nd marine possibly) – dont sacrifice too much for it though. This game, it wouldve prolly been too much time lost and P scouted first pos) - Take 2 gas at ~21 supply, not just 1. With 1 gas, your stimp and factory are highly delayed. IF you go for 1 gas, you have to go to 4 or even 5 rax to apply pressure, not just 3 with 1 addon.
→ Push at 8:00 is fatal: - Behind in tech cuz still only 1 gas - Pressure too light cuz only 3 rax / push before stimp (stimp was delayed as well, not enough gas when techlab finished) - Scanning the sentrys with enough energy, still going up the ramp (tal not good for it). → 1k overmins at 8:40
At this time, you COULD have either: Starport at 50% + with reactor on the way, stimp done, 3 addons @ barracks instead of 1, 3rd CC at 50% or more. OR stimppushed with ~ 10 armysupply at his ramp at the same time. Only reason youre still quite OK in the game is cuz P doesnt build probes constantly enough / upgrades late.
From 9:00 on: You cut SCVS a lot, stop upgrading for a while, no turrent in front (dts would just kill u). I assume thats because ur focus is on the warpprism, multitasking question. Against a prism, build 1-2 vikings!
13:00 push seems more like desperation now, but its the only chance.
You push out a bit, but you literllaly w8 3 minutes dropping with 1 dropship, while there is no reason for it. → no upgrades finishing soon → no helpful tech finishing soon (no info on what u need anyway – 2nd starport vikings or faster ghosts? Scan his tech or scout with dropping!) → no eco advantage worth w8ting for (3rd still sitting in your main – WHY?)
Still no scvs building, too late for that anyway probably.
→ 17:15 „endfight“ catches you totally by suprise. Why is that? No mappresence! Marine here and there, scan in the main and most importantly: you almost NEVER have the xel naga towers. As a Terran, you should always have a marine at each xel naga tower (in this case, the 12 and 3 o clock are important obviously).
Short version: what to work on?
- Perfect your Build Order till minute 9! Either tech faster / defend that OR 5 rax / offense. - Timing of your 3rd. Not only the build-, but also the float-timing! - Scan / Drop(scout) / Mappresence! You need to know if he techs for colossus or archon / ht first! - Your upgrades are late! Always keep ur first ebay busy and add a 2nd one / armory right before your +1 attack finishes. - SCV Production, especially from 9:00 on! Keep it constant in almost every situation till u reach ~65-70!
Hope that helps you a bit! Gl in the future