My friend is a computer graphist and he made this awesome wallpaper for me. I figured it was too awesome not to share here.
He likes to make fun of me, because sometimes when we play 4vs4 or something, there are people who ask me if I'm the REAL geiko :D, this is the reason for the text
Anyway he says that now that the 3D model is done, he can basically make him take any position that I want. You guys got any ideas ? Comments about the zealot and how it can be improved etc... are also welcome
Nice work!
BTW there is a high poly zealot head model that comes with sc2:wol that is used for the portrait animation. I used it for this image http://i.imgur.com/EKhS2.jpg. Might save some time in the future
Italy12246 Posts
Zealots are fuckin ballers, cool stuff :D
Make a parody of Monsieur J zealot =)
That's really really cool!
Every time I read your name, I think of the legendary gecko, Gex (from the video games). So here ya go, a present from me to you:
15 minutes can save you 15% or more on your car insurance. Oh wait, you're not the Geico.