On Driving Near Pennsylvanians - Page 5
Blogs > tofucake |
United States872 Posts
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Hyrule18943 Posts
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United States2706 Posts
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Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
My road rage has subsided with age though so I handle it better now. But luckily, I work off hours so I generally miss all the traffic and stay a happy camper. Every now and then though I need to come in during normal hours and proceed to curse every single bitch on a cell phone, old fucker drifting in and out of lanes, idiots who jump out in front of me coming down only to go the same speed as the person next to them, and TBH women in-their-own-world-and-apparently-the-only-one-on-the-road. I sooo couldn't work normal hours. On May 19 2012 13:29 WniO wrote: driving 18 wheelers in downtown boston is worse and then dealing with motherfuckers blazing by when the signs for 2 miles have said LEFT LANE ENDS - MERGE and they just keep coming and aslo trying to a climb a steep grade and doing good in 8 gear, only to have some cockbag merge with no signal right in front of you and you need to brake and start the climb in 5th gear fucker fuckhead. I always feel horrible for truck drivers and try to be extra courteous to 'em... drives me absolutely crazy when someone blocks them from merging on and off a ramp as if the truck driver has nearly as much of a chance to adjust as the car does. | ||
United States3161 Posts
Like... NOTHING. | ||
Canada7089 Posts
I saw this title and have been avoiding this because the only thing I could imagine would be in the body was "don't do it" instead you made how awful these people are really funny. Well done. | ||
United States508 Posts
On May 19 2012 21:34 vx70GTOJudgexv wrote: Dude, nothing is worse than a CT driver. Like... NOTHING. Seeing as I live in Philly ( I rarely drive now, though, only out of necessity due to no insurance... ) and I used to live in VT/MA, I can agree with this so easily. CT < PA < NJ in terms of driving quality, easily. And inside Philadelphia, people get dumber than Boston drivers. It's incredible. The East Coast outside of New England in general has awful drivers, I suspect... | ||
United States14276 Posts
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Poland8852 Posts
On May 18 2012 22:21 JingleHell wrote: Ah, but that's the thing, I actually obey the law. I just happen to drive a decent size, steel body thing, and people see it, and don't fuck with it unless there's room. I also won't hit the brakes to avoid a wreck if it's someone else's fault, unless my kid is in the truck. Pretty funny to watch some clown get all pissed off because they can't force me to back off when it's my right of way. This is actually interesting. Is that really the law in the US? Because here (and I believe it is common in Europe), you are legally obligated to avoid the collision, if you can. Even if it is not technically your fault (someone crossed a red light, for example), if you do not brake, you are also guilty. So with this approach, you won't get very far in here ... As a side remark for several people that mentioned that drivers are bad everywhere: seriously, visit Germany and rent a car there. You will understand the difference. Even in Norway, with all the draconian fees and what not, people are generally bad (only just bad and slow).. but Germans, they have the natural sense for order (with some obvious exceptions, of course). | ||
United States11308 Posts
On May 21 2012 07:29 opisska wrote: This is actually interesting. Is that really the law in the US? Because here (and I believe it is common in Europe), you are legally obligated to avoid the collision, if you can. Even if it is not technically your fault (someone crossed a red light, for example), if you do not brake, you are also guilty. So with this approach, you won't get very far in here ... As a side remark for several people that mentioned that drivers are bad everywhere: seriously, visit Germany and rent a car there. You will understand the difference. Even in Norway, with all the draconian fees and what not, people are generally bad (only just bad and slow).. but Germans, they have the natural sense for order (with some obvious exceptions, of course). How exactly do you enforce that law? Didn't have time. Car next to me. Car in the oncoming lane. A law like that essentially makes every other traffic law legally optional. "It was their fault, officer, I ran the red light, but he should have seen me coming and stopped." No idea if we have some half baked law like that here or not, but the fact is, I'm not going to risk 6 other kinds of worse wreck to avoid getting sideswiped by some idiot who thinks I'm obliged to yield because he's an asshole. | ||
Hyrule18943 Posts
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United States11308 Posts
On May 21 2012 07:58 tofucake wrote: If it's a yield, you're in the right. If it's a merge, you actually are required to yield provided he's not trying to get in front of you behind another guy who just merged in. Oh, I'm talking average jackass A who cuts me off. None of whom signal, which makes it utterly moot, since I didn't know they wanted to merge. Frankly, our traffic laws are such a moronic mess that I just go by the basics, and if someone wants in, they can damn well signal and not try to fit a 12 foot car into an 8 foot gap. Also, that may be local, most of our traffic is state by state law, not federal. | ||
Zimbabwe5568 Posts
Apparently the faster you drive, the bigger car you have and the louder music you are playing, the less obligated you are to signal. Oh, and I actually see girls & slutty looking women put their makeup on while driving with their knees 15 mph above the speed limit. This shit pisses me off the most. I have never literally felt an urge this bad to cut them off, stop, drag them out of their car and commit bloody homicide with my fist. It's amazing with so many idiot drivers there's still very few accidents per mile driven in the united states. I guess the cars have gotten a lot better and more idiotproof. I think we need to remove seat belts and airbags to let the problem solve itself. | ||
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