he had a post it note where he wrote "Favorite Restaurant : Subway" which I always found hillarious for a couple of reasons... first reason being, why would anyone's favorite restaurant be Subway? I mean its good but really? the other reason is, why would anyone have to write what their favorite restaurant is? LOL I bursted out laughing ^^
Thanks for writing this up CatZ, you're a natural entertainer Hope you're going to Vegas, I'd love to share a smoke
Great blog, seemed like a lot of fun.
poor leenock... >.<
btw. that byung shin, is that why gsl cencored byun's nick as a running joke in the first seasons?
Need more of these "tournament reports", always nice to know what goes on behind the scenes and how the different cultures interact in the esports world, thanks CatZ.
A sincerely entertaining and informative read. Couldn't agree more with the platitudes for MLG and Sundance in particular. Catz you are by far my favorite personality in the SC2 scene, don't stop until you have the entire world screaming WE WIN!
Loved the blog! You allways have the most insightful blogs dude <3 seem like a chill dude also ^^
funny read
I think you need to update your sig there catz bro :D
On February 29 2012 20:14 JustPassingBy wrote: poor leenock... >.<
btw. that byung shin, is that why gsl cencored byun's nick as a running joke in the first seasons? Nope, it was because byun = shit in korean.
You should write a column, Catz's column.
Good read <3
Oh Leenock, why you so cute.
Empire State.
10/10 always on Catz' blogs!
Really nice blog CatZ, also I agree with pretty much everything you said about MLG, I've never been treated so well on an event ever.
It was cool meeting you, I'm sorry that we had already gone when you woke up! I would imagine there are more events ahead where we'll meet anyways!
Cool stories. (No, not "cool story bro", but seriously, sounds like fun time for all aside from the actual competition.) So why you gotta be trolling Leenock? Poor guy can't even visit the bar... Also, I don't know if it's accidental, but surely all the casters don't smoke? It almost sounds like they're all out there smoking (great for meeting people at an event, I noticed, although bad for your lungs - then again I wondered how Tasteless got that sexy low burr) while you're out there.
Disagree with you only on the throwing behind MLG because ESPORTS! part, but then if the free preview bits I saw are an indication of where they're going, I'd have to say the other part (hard work) is great and the production value is going up to where I wouldn't mind spending some money for an event I'm not going to be physically attending.
Oh, and you gotta be careful when you say anything... if you say anything, mean anything, because y'know they're going to go with anything.