I'm Mago, a platinum level zerg, and I would really love to improve at StarCraft. I go to school, I have a job, and I really want to be able to play at a master level. When I play, I normally play until I lose. After that lose, no matter how close the game was, I get mad, ignore the replay, and just quit. I don't want to do that anymore! Starting in season six, I've decided i'm going to play a lot more, and i'm going to review every game I play after I play it. I plan on posting reviews of each game here, to try and help myself understand what I did in the situation I was in that caused me to win or lose the game. The only obstacle I have is my rage, which I deal with every day.
Goals for season 6 -
Diamond league
300 ladder games won.
I lied when I said the biggest problem I had was my rage, the switch under my A key is actually broken, and I've had to change my key bindings so my caps lock is my A key, and that will unfortunately be like that until I get the replacement switch Razer sent me in the mail.
I'll probably start on Sunday, as I would like to end this season in top 8 platinum, and i'm only rank 15 at the moment. until then, thanks for reading.