On December 10 2011 08:16 ElMeanYo wrote: There is a blog post in the Boston Phoenix today pointing out a curious mention of cold fusion by Mitt Romney in a 'talking points' interview that was done earlier this week. He seems to bring it up 'out of the blue'. See link below:
You can listen to the full audio of the interview here. The cold fusion discussion is around the 3:30 mark.
The author speculates upon a possible connection between Romney and the recent visit by Rossi to the state of Massachusetts, at the behest of Bruce Tarr, senate state minority leader. More on that story here:
Some serious discussion about LENR going on behind the scenes in Washington?
It makes sense, there are serious implications that need planning for, especially for a country as oil dependent as the US. And early adopters of a technology as revolutionary as this would have a head start in any benefits that would come of this, from lower cost structures in any sector to saving on stuff like power grids.
On December 11 2011 02:13 ThaZenith wrote: There is a blog post in the Boston Phoenix today pointing out a curious mention of cold fusion by Mitt Romney in a 'talking points' interview that was done earlier this week. He seems to bring it up 'out of the blue'. See link below:
The author speculates upon a possible connection between Romney and the recent visit by Rossi to the state of Massachusetts, at the behest of Bruce Tarr, senate state minority leader. More on that story here:
Some serious discussion about LENR going on behind the scenes in Washington?
Assuming there is only one point that Romney discusses cold fusion (it was more at the 5:00 mark), its not really convincing that this has anything to do with Rossi. Just because there's a senate minority leader in the same state that he was governor of who happens to be a cold fusion buff doesn't really mean that he "got to" Romney.
But mainly, its because Romney's lighthearted tone throughout the whole discussion, and how he and the editors laugh about the whole idea of cold fusion. If you listen to the YouTube video posted, notice how he refers to the idea (I've tried to give a verbatim quote here, and added in reactions in parentheses):
"I believe in laboratories, looking at ways to conduct electricity with - with cold fusion if we can come up with it (Romney chuckles). It was the University of Utah that solved that, and we somehow can't get it to duplicate it (editors laugh) but uh..we uh...(Romney regains his composure)"
Just listen to it...I really doubt that he was in any way making a serious reference to Bruce Tarr's discoveries about Rossi or about Rossi himself. This seems a bit too specific and unlikely for a presidential candidate to know about anyways...he's not a scientist and probably doesn't keep up with the possible cold fusion breakthroughs and other miracle technologies that may have been created abroad.
On December 11 2011 02:40 radscorpion9 wrote: Assuming there is only one point that Romney discusses cold fusion (it was more at the 5:00 mark), its not really convincing that this has anything to do with Rossi. Just because there's a senate minority leader in the same state that he was governor of who happens to be a cold fusion buff doesn't really mean that he "got to" Romney.
But mainly, its because Romney's lighthearted tone throughout the whole discussion, and how he and the editors laugh about the whole idea of cold fusion. If you listen to the YouTube video posted, notice how he refers to the idea (I've tried to give a verbatim quote here, and added in reactions in parentheses):
"I believe in laboratories, looking at ways to conduct electricity with - with cold fusion if we can come up with it (Romney chuckles). It was the University of Utah that solved that, and we somehow can't get it to duplicate it (editors laugh) but uh..we uh...(Romney regains his composure)"
Just listen to it...I really doubt that he was in any way making a serious reference to Bruce Tarr's discoveries about Rossi or about Rossi himself. This seems a bit too specific and unlikely for a presidential candidate to know about anyways...he's not a scientist and probably doesn't keep up with the possible cold fusion breakthroughs and other miracle technologies that may have been created abroad.
Having listened to it several times now, I agree with you that there were some chuckles there that could have been interpreted as 'just joking around' kind of banter. But why even mention cold fusion in the first place? What is going on in Romney's mind that would bring up this 20 year old supposedly dead technology? It just seems... an very odd comment to make.
I think the chuckles were more about: 'OK I've been briefed on this LENR thing and it could actually be something so I'll make a comment on it in a half joking way. That way if it's real I look like a visionary and if fake I can just say I was joking.'. That's shrewd politics.
At the University of Missouri, on May 29, 2009, scientists from the US Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) lectured on twenty years of verified research involving anomalous heat and mini-explosions on deuterated metals, reported by various governmental and international research laboratories.
They conclude that these energetic observations are of nuclear origin and sow the seeds of a true green energy source.
Here's the full video of the lecture:
It’s a great video which needs to be seen widely.
Clearly SPAWAR are not crazy, corrupt or confidence tricksters. A timely reminder about the solid science behind the phenomenon.
Most of it is heavy on the physics, but for those who simply want conclusions from a credible source, watch the intro and then jump to 46.30.
On December 10 2011 16:22 Speece wrote: Why does this stupid thread keep coming back? Rannasha has already explained why this is most likely a scam. Theres so little evidence that this thing actually works that you might as well say it runs on magic.
If you don't like this thread, no one is forcing you to read it. Go rain on someone else's parade.
thats not how a forum works. if you bring your ideas to the public you dont get to tell people who ask questions to go away.
On January 13 2012 01:41 ElMeanYo wrote: This basically confirms what Rossi has been saying all along.
Not quite, but it is encouraging to see the NASa also starting to talk about "clean safe nuclear energy out of nickel, carbon and hydrogen". They're certainly taking it seriously.
Also LOL at people who got all worked up about the NASA slides on LENR calling them fake
Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments Peter Hagelstein Mon-Fri, Jan 23-27, 30-31, 11am-12:30pm, 4-145, 1/30 class meets in 4-149
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Excess power production in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment; lack of confirmation in early negative experiments; theoretical problems and Huizenga's three miracles; physical chemistry of PdD; electrochemistry of PdD; loading requirements on excess power production; the nuclear ash problem and He-4 observations; approaches to theory; screening in PdD; PdD as an energetic particle detector; constraints on the alpha energy from experiment; overview of theoretical approaches; coherent energy exchange between mismatched quantum systems; coherent x-rays in the Karabut experiment and interpretation; excess power in the NiH system; Piantelli experiment; prospects for a new small scale clean nuclear energy technology.
On 1/30 and 1/31 M. Swartz will discuss results he has obtained from a variety of cold fusion experiments he has done over the years. He has observed excess power in PdD and in NiH experiments; typical energy gains in the range of 2-3 are seen, with a few experiments giving higher energy gain; he has carried out a demonstration of his experiment previously at MIT; and energy produced from cold fusion reactions has been used to drive a Stirling engine. Contact: Peter Hagelstein, plh@mit.edu Sponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Like so many others already said; Rossi has been claiming quite allot about this and nothing that is stated in these links confirms it.The only thing these links shows is the theory behind and that it produces excess energy. Even the PDF that is supposedly to prove this is so vague, there are no measurable numbers or statistics at all, just a graph about the actual output.
Anyone who has experience how reports regarding this kind of things normally look like it should be covered with technical data and table matrices which doesn't exist. What really confuses me is that they aren't talking about the system stability, like if the output is consistent, are there are any energy fluctuations and so forth. There is nothing that actually explains the process or how the result is or anything at all.
EDIT: Ahh, the process is unstable as in the result in each experiment does not always produce excess energy, that explains allot.
EDIT: Ahh, the process is unstable as in the result in each experiment does not always produce excess energy, that explains allot.
Correct... the LENR effect has been reproduced many times but it is inconsistent and hard to maintain. It's only a matter of time before it is figured out.
The question is whether Rossi has done so. He claims to have the design finished and is ramping up for production as early as autumn of this year pending US certification. Rossi also claims to have had preliminary talks with Home Depot on distribution of his product within the next few years.
Andrea Rossi has made some comments regarding the revelation that NASA is involved in LENR research. Rossi was asked on his JONP site to comment on the video that NASA released discussing its LENR work. He responded:
The fact that NASA is trying to copy my work honours me. But their theory is wrong. We will beat them, as well as all the other Competitors with our E-Cats: the E-Cats will have a too low price to allow NASA or anybody else to compete with us. They are Goliath, very big and strong, we are David.
When asked if NASA’s research into LENR was a vindication of his own work Rossi replied:
This is not confirmation, nor vindication: this is copyation. But the original is much better. In any case, these are real Competitors, not clowns with a mock up, like others around.
The Clowns he is talking about is Defkalion Energy, a previous associate of his who claims to be producing their own version of the e-cat, the Hyperion.
On January 13 2012 12:48 woody60707 wrote: This getting bumped again? So I assume some peer reviewed journal has published a paper on this that I can read? No. How odd. Why is that?
Nothing has really happened; NASA has managed to create a LENR that produces heat beyond the energy induced, however the process is highly unstable and not predictable at all.
Inconsistent experiments with LENR is nothing new and has been done successfully as far back as1989 by Martin Fleischmann, which back then were on of the world's leading electrochemists along with Stanley Pons, they too managed to produce anomalous heat as well. However since the process cannot be predicted and when it works it doesn't really create that much extra energy it never was useful to anyone, like any other future LENR. Currently NASA along with other research programs continue such as Italy ENEA and US Navy SPAWAR.
Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments Peter Hagelstein Mon-Fri, Jan 23-27, 30-31, 11am-12:30pm, 4-145, 1/30 class meets in 4-149
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Excess power production in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment; lack of confirmation in early negative experiments; theoretical problems and Huizenga's three miracles; physical chemistry of PdD; electrochemistry of PdD; loading requirements on excess power production; the nuclear ash problem and He-4 observations; approaches to theory; screening in PdD; PdD as an energetic particle detector; constraints on the alpha energy from experiment; overview of theoretical approaches; coherent energy exchange between mismatched quantum systems; coherent x-rays in the Karabut experiment and interpretation; excess power in the NiH system; Piantelli experiment; prospects for a new small scale clean nuclear energy technology.
On 1/30 and 1/31 M. Swartz will discuss results he has obtained from a variety of cold fusion experiments he has done over the years. He has observed excess power in PdD and in NiH experiments; typical energy gains in the range of 2-3 are seen, with a few experiments giving higher energy gain; he has carried out a demonstration of his experiment previously at MIT; and energy produced from cold fusion reactions has been used to drive a Stirling engine. Contact: Peter Hagelstein, plh@mit.edu Sponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
This is actually *really* interesting. I'm excited for sure :o