Oh wow,my 10,000th post couldn't have come at a better time eh?Theres some stuff that I'd like to talk about and I categorized them with some Zazzy banners
I've been on TL for the last almost a year and a half,thats right just a year and a half to make it to 10K,Beyonder took 9 years! I mean most of my posts have been spam,but at least now I'm trying to contribute to TL in some way or the other *cough*streaming*cough*.
Over the time I have accumulated these 10000 posts I have gotten quite a few PMs using harsh tones regarding my storm posting(yes someone actually PM'd me calling me the storm poster :p,unforunately he didn't mean it as a complement) calling me a no life forum nerd,but to be honest,I mostly only post on the go either on my cellphone or my iPod Touch(second generation,it was a gift so don't be alarmed).
I've had some great time here on TL,its amazing how you can on an internet community but somehow TL actually pulled this off,I mean when I say this most of you would assume I'm talking about just the BW forums(its awesome) but even in the SC2 forums,its like being on TL just does that to you,it could be because of the mods and our 10 commandments,the 11th commandment(apparently it helps),I just don't know how you guys did it.Even a complete douche have changed after some bans.
Yet there are still some douchebags that don't,but thats ok they are just the minority,unless they do stupid shit like make alternate accounts to make themselves look bigger(You know who I'm talking about).
Teamliquid is my internet home,although I want express more gratitude and talk more I seem like it would just overlap the things I have already said,also I got some psychological problem that makes it hard for me to put my thoughts on paper.
oh wow,I'd love to talk about brood war in general but I think I should really talk about today because its been such an amazing day with the SPL grand finals and the day in general relative to it.
spoilers so that you don't get spoiled because there will be some major spoilers.
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I've been anticipating it all day,the rematch of last season when KT and SKT,for weeks I've been reading through the trash talk in the LR thread from the SKT fans my thoughts after reading were always the same,"win or lose at least the trash talk would stop for a while because its just getting retarded".
I was completely prepared for this match and nothing could stop me from watching it,and it was legendary,from the get go the first game between fantasy and perfective,"ok perfective you can beat fantasy,cause he can't bio for nuts lolololololol,just make sure you have your queen strategies mastered."
he goes for the early ling attack and kills the bunker at the natural.
and fantasy send out like 2 firebats all on their own just when the mutas popped and "lol free firebats lol"
but then perfective went all-in and refused to expand and tech and died to fantasy's defense,I was totally upset.
the second set was also similar,CH was really looking like he could take it from the revolutionist Bisu,stupid slow drop attempts.
Third set was me sitting on the toilet taking a dump(but Hoejja won so ^_^) until halfway through the 4th set when Action seemed so ahead of Sun who was going for heavy 2 base and action was going pure lings and sniping his goons and he was doing great,and then he made a queen for god knows what reason when he had he had no army and his base was under siege.WTF indeed.
so 3-1,I'm like fuck we might lose this right now and its obviously going to be Flash vs BeSt,and man by the end of that game I was the happiest man in the world,it was pretty much the same kind of ownage Flash did the last time these two battled on fortress.
and I'm going to give you the best description of that Game 6.
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by now I was sure the ace match was between the 2 aces of the two teams, Flash vs Bisu it had to be I already said I did not want it any other way.
KT sends out Flash!
SKT seems like they are having some discussion as the camera pan over to bisu,then it pans over to the 2 refs and in between them is BeSt,and its BeSt.
I was so dissapointed,he just had his ass handed to him by Flash and coach park still sends him out anyway,but still it would have to be a good game anyway right I mean I've seen Ace match come backs happen so I hope Flash doesn't lolrape him again like in Game 5.
so my brother comes home from work now,and hes watching me bounce in joy in front of the PC(like Bisu in the winner's league finals).
Bro:So porn?:p
Me:no,why do you always think its porn.
Bro: *walks over*Oh you're watching starcraft again,but I never see you so excited like this.
Me:of course,this is the grand finals of the proleague(I've explained the BW scene to him before)and its the ace match,with Flash(he knows Flash) vs BeSt.
Bro:okok,but I don't see why you're getting so jumpy.its just a game you know.
Me: remind me you said that if One Piece skips a week.
-stupid argument-
ok so I tell him to get lost we'll continue this later(we fought,I lost) right when Flash take the 12 o clock expo.
then the battle comes near the 3 expo with BeSt caught off in a bad position is forced to figt losing most of his army while Flash doesn't lose anything more than the units in the front line,I started jumping,FUCK YEAH KT was going through my head,Flash kept pushing into the natural of BeSt waves of small groups of units for BeSt coming from the top right doing almost nothing,gets a huge mine drag at Flash's tanks camped in front of the natural,still worthless though,Flash destroys the natural and progresses to the main,while Best gives up the main and decides to fortify the top right base making tons of units form those gateways but Flash having almost 100 supply advantage rolls him over and then I saw it.
BeSt GGs.
loaded up this song on youtube
wow this season was so great for KT it was like a Cinderella story,Violet gone,fOrGG gone,last place in the first round,Action being useless.
I'd really like to Thank SKT for giving such a good fight against KT,its sad that the team dominated the entire season only to fall at the finals.Anyways good luck next season SKT and the rest of the teams too.
I hope we will have all 10 teams live through the post season without disbanding(MBC and Fox). T_T
I was completely prepared for this match and nothing could stop me from watching it,and it was legendary,from the get go the first game between fantasy and perfective,"ok perfective you can beat fantasy,cause he can't bio for nuts lolololololol,just make sure you have your queen strategies mastered."
he goes for the early ling attack and kills the bunker at the natural.
On August 19 2011 18:42 BLinD-RawR wrote:
and fantasy send out like 2 firebats all on their own just when the mutas popped and "lol free firebats lol"
but then perfective went all-in and refused to expand and tech and died to fantasy's defense,I was totally upset.
the second set was also similar,CH was really looking like he could take it from the revolutionist Bisu,stupid slow drop attempts.
Third set was me sitting on the toilet taking a dump(but Hoejja won so ^_^) until halfway through the 4th set when Action seemed so ahead of Sun who was going for heavy 2 base and action was going pure lings and sniping his goons and he was doing great,and then he made a queen for god knows what reason when he had he had no army and his base was under siege.WTF indeed.
so 3-1,I'm like fuck we might lose this right now and its obviously going to be Flash vs BeSt,and man by the end of that game I was the happiest man in the world,it was pretty much the same kind of ownage Flash did the last time these two battled on fortress.
and I'm going to give you the best description of that Game 6.
+ Show Spoiler +
by now I was sure the ace match was between the 2 aces of the two teams, Flash vs Bisu it had to be I already said I did not want it any other way.
KT sends out Flash!
SKT seems like they are having some discussion as the camera pan over to bisu,then it pans over to the 2 refs and in between them is BeSt,and its BeSt.
I was so dissapointed,he just had his ass handed to him by Flash and coach park still sends him out anyway,but still it would have to be a good game anyway right I mean I've seen Ace match come backs happen so I hope Flash doesn't lolrape him again like in Game 5.
so my brother comes home from work now,and hes watching me bounce in joy in front of the PC(like Bisu in the winner's league finals).
Bro:So porn?:p
Me:no,why do you always think its porn.
Bro: *walks over*Oh you're watching starcraft again,but I never see you so excited like this.
Me:of course,this is the grand finals of the proleague(I've explained the BW scene to him before)and its the ace match,with Flash(he knows Flash) vs BeSt.
Bro:okok,but I don't see why you're getting so jumpy.its just a game you know.
Me: remind me you said that if One Piece skips a week.
-stupid argument-
ok so I tell him to get lost we'll continue this later(we fought,I lost) right when Flash take the 12 o clock expo.
then the battle comes near the 3 expo with BeSt caught off in a bad position is forced to figt losing most of his army while Flash doesn't lose anything more than the units in the front line,I started jumping,FUCK YEAH KT was going through my head,Flash kept pushing into the natural of BeSt waves of small groups of units for BeSt coming from the top right doing almost nothing,gets a huge mine drag at Flash's tanks camped in front of the natural,still worthless though,Flash destroys the natural and progresses to the main,while Best gives up the main and decides to fortify the top right base making tons of units form those gateways but Flash having almost 100 supply advantage rolls him over and then I saw it.
BeSt GGs.
loaded up this song on youtube
wow this season was so great for KT it was like a Cinderella story,Violet gone,fOrGG gone,last place in the first round,Action being useless.
I'd really like to Thank SKT for giving such a good fight against KT,its sad that the team dominated the entire season only to fall at the finals.Anyways good luck next season SKT and the rest of the teams too.
I hope we will have all 10 teams live through the post season without disbanding(MBC and Fox). T_T
Shoutouts because these people are awesome and they are the reason I will forever love TL.
Torte di Lini(come back,I'm sorry)
Riptide[I hate you(like I love you)]
Jpak(sorry I forgot about you )
Kipsate(you make watching nanashin's stream even more fun)
I maybe forgetting a few people but its ok I'm still a big fan you(you know who you are).
I'm tired and I still want to write more,maybe,tommorow..zzzzz.
yay now that I posted this blog I can post more now.