How did you feel when you got invited to MLG Anaheim?
I couldn't believe that I got invited to MLG Anaheim. It's taking place already, when I'm still not done getting over the emotional high from MLG Columbus. I was really happy.
What kind of tournament do you want MLG Anaheim to be for you?
Because I couldn't communicate with the fans and the really tight schedule, I wasn't able to spend time together with the fans very well last time. I want make up for this and make this tournament a tournament where I would be able to truly say "I was with the fans!!!"
Is there any foreign players you want to meet or avoid at MLG Anaheim? And are there any Korean players you are especially careful of, or want to meet during this tournament?
Out of the foreign players, I want to face IdrA once again. Back then, due to Idra's mistake, the game that was just about to get exciting ended abruptly ^^. I want to play an entertaining match with him this time. And I also want to see how much he has learned to persevere.
Out of the [Korean] players, I want to meet DongRaeGu, Park Soo Ho. He said in an interview that he didn't lose due to skill back in the GSTL finals, and there's also the pain from him coming back and defeating us 3:4 during this GSTL Season 1. Since our head to head record is 1:1, I want to take this opportunity to see who wins ^^
Now that you have the experience of going to an MLG, how are you especially preparing for this MLG?
Since I'm always preparing to make sure I'm not lacking in practice, I don't think there are any difficulties with regards to preparing for the tournament. But I'm often thinking about "I wonder what I could do to entertain the fans and make good memories?". I'm preparing for an MLG where I could be with the fans ^^
Your pool in MLG Anaheim consists of SLush, Ret, Socke, and Drewbie. How do you feel about your group?
I think they are all strong players. Because of that, I've been looking for and watching their VODs and replays, and studying them ^^
As foreign tournaments began getting larger, many Korean players started playing overseas. In addition we heard that the October GSL finals will be held in Anaheim also. What do you think about Starcraft 2 going global?
I think of it very positively. I'm certain that there will be more new tournaments in the future, and I think that many Korean players will go overseas to compete, because foreign fans have something korean fans don't have -- heart. [T/N: Original Korean: 팬심]
We're curious what you or the Korean players learned through overseas tournaments. We're wondering if your perspectives have changed.
My perspective changed a lot. I didn't know it until I went there. The idea that eSports comes from accompanying the fans. When you think of a pro in Korea, the players are evaluated and judged only by their performance and their results, but that wasn't the case in America. What is happening is America is exactly this idea. I think Korean players should learn from these tournaments and the idea should take root in Korea, so that eSports can also accompany the fans in Korea, just like America.
There are four players from SlayerS going to this MLG.
Out of the Korean teams, there probably aren't any teams that will have more than four players going like us. We're really blessed, and all of this is because of Jessica noona ^^
Before you left for the last MLG, we heard that Jessica told you to come back victorious and don't come back if you weren't victorious. How did you feel when you heard that statement? Did it motivate you, or was it a burden?
I was motivated and burdened at the same time. I was going there to represent my team, and in a certain perspective, I was going there representing Korea. The only thing on my mind was to win.
Recently, there was an article that was published that talked about how SlayerS needed to do something new in order to regain their momentum. Did the team's atmosphere change since the last victory at GSTL? How is the team atmosphere right now?
If you're looking at just the results, they're correct that we do need to regain our momentum. Each and every one of the players are doing their very best because we all know this. After I lost so helplessly at the Super Tournament people started saying our team was on a decline, and I want to change this atmosphere through this MLG.
What do you think is different about slayers compared to other teams
I think it has to do with our habit of researching and collaborating together.
As the captain of SlayerS, what kind of team do you want SlayerS to be? What role do you want SlayerS to play in Starcraft 2?
I want SlayerS to be a team that no team can challenge. When someone thinks of a Starcraft 2 team, I want them to think of SlayerS first. As a strong team, as a team that accompanies the fans. I want SlayerS to play that kind of role.
We're curious how you started becoming a progamer. We know that you've been active as a MMA fighter before you were a progamer. We're curious how you became a progamer from being a MMA fighter, and what your parents thought.
Before I started MMA, I enjoyed games as a hobby. I enjoyed it for a bit, but after becoming obsessed with MMA, I stopped playing games for a bit. But while I was active as a MMA fighter, I severely injured my pinky, and it turned into a chronic disease and I couldn't hit the sandbag anymore. And so my hands reached for the mouse and after going at it, next thing I knew I was a progamer ^^
Whether it was sports or games, my parents were against them. If it was just an ordinary sport, I'm sure they would have allowed me, but they were against it because it was a violent sport and I was often injured. My parents were of course also against gaming, but after entering a tournament and joining a team, they started to have faith in me ^^
We're curious what kind of effect your experience as a MMA fighter had on your game play, style, or life as a progamer.
While I was a MMA fighter, I really liked the phrase "If I don't sweat again today, I will be crying tears tomorrow". It's a phrase that rebukes me whenever I play and get lazy and get slowly satisfied thinking "I'm sure this is good enough". Because of that I'm never content with where I am and I always push myself little by little ^^
You retired as a progamer while you were playing for SK Telecom. We're curious why you retired, and what kind of mindset you had when you decided to challenge progaming once again with Starcraft 2
[When I retired], it was a really difficult time. My body, my heart, my mind, everything at once. My second finger started becoming paralyzed when I played and my wrists were in terrible shape. There were also problems with my family.
When I returned to Starcraft 2, I ran into it thinking "I'll see the end of it with this". Since I gave up becoming a Starcraft 1 gamer and stopped playing games, it would take something that drastic for me to hold a mouse again.
Who is BoxeR to you? How does the fact that BoxeR is your coach provide you with strength when you need advice or have a problem?
I can't express who BoxeR-hyung is to us. At times he is like our father, like a pillar, and in another way he's like a friend... you can't describe him with mere words. He has been a player for such a long time so he knows exactly how we feel. He takes care of us very thoroughly when we're having trouble, when we need something, all the miscellaneous things related to the game, and our mental health, and because he manages us so well, he is a source of enormous strength.
What kind of dreams do you have in the world of e-Sports?
BoxeR-hyung once told me that he wanted to produce an e-Sports player that will bring the world together as one. I want to become this player.
Finally, please say something to your fans overseas.
Hello ^^ I think I'm only able to remain as a gamer because there are fans like you who cheer for me in joy when I win and encourage me when I lose. I want to do something to pay the fans back! This MLG Anaheim! You should expect something!! ^^