51323 Posts
Since pachi requested I actually make a discussion about the issue, I'll make it short.
KeSPA, although as 'great' as they may be, have caused more trouble to the Starcraft industry as much as they have improved it.
Let's first talk about the 'positives' that KeSPA has introduced into programing:
- A centralized, e-Sports association in Korea (largest e-Sports center in the world) - A dedicated map making team for new release Proleague maps - Provided more publicity, exposure to the general population - Larger prize money, appearance fees etc. and a little more which I have forgot.
and now... the list of negatives.
- A set of rules which at times do not make sense at all/do not use logic. Examples: Leta DQ'ed for accidentally typing 'pp' when requesting for a pause Ruby DQ'ed for typing 'ㅎㅎ' in his surrender Nal_rA's DQ (in the Ace Match) for accidentally pausing - Taking the sport of Starcraft to a point where KeSPA's enforcement is a joke. Examples: 'Entry Note states that players are scanned with metal detectors to ensure cheating does not occur'
and the major one I find which boils my blood the most; - KeSPA's hi-jacking of the Proleague name and rights. Which caused.... - MBCgame's renowned 'All-Kill League', Team League, to stop running. - Trying to 'over commercialize' Starcraft/Proleague. and many, many more reasons I won't go into, you can read about this and related issues in these threads. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=50641 http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=50648 http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=51025
So, how do we fix the issue of KeSPA? A players association? Support for 'rebel' leagues such as GOM?
We all know, as much as we all love Starcraft, we are aware without KeSPA, there is technically no hope for it to continue running as Korea's second most watched sport.
Valhalla18444 Posts
don't forget the phantom broadcasting rights fiasco
51323 Posts
On May 13 2009 19:54 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: don't forget the phantom broadcasting rights fiasco
yes, i was suppose to put that under the 'kespa takes over proleague rights' topic.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
bad with it worse without it
thats the sad truth
Singapore66071 Posts
Progamers go on a demonstration. Koreans are fucking good at that.
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
I think the progamers need an association to protect players from + Show Spoiler +BS like what happened tonight.
+ Show Spoiler +Imo Gorush should've just stayed in the booth until they agreed to play out the game.
Ending of 'All-kill league': Prevent Jaedong from bringing Oz up to 2nd position in winners league (oz cannot survive without him)
They should take their rulebook or whatsoever. Read it. Work it over and throw the old one away... I mean.. flaming is bad. But just mixing up some keys and typing "a" or whatever which leads to a forfeit loss is a bit hard. You should not punish everything the same way...
Maybe next season some Proteams will not play OSL/MSL but instead just gom :D
they need to rethink their priorities
Valhalla18444 Posts
On May 13 2009 20:03 cHicKeLoR wrote: They should take their rulebook or whatsoever. Read it. Work it over and throw the old one away... I mean.. flaming is bad. But just mixing up some keys and typing "a" or whatever which leads to a forfeit loss is a bit hard. You should not punish everything the same way...
Maybe next season some Proteams will not play OSL/MSL but instead just gom :D
five teams dont participate in GOM because kespa has a hardon for their attempted monopoly
Singapore66071 Posts
Yeah, destroying a tournament with a lot of potential for great games and with great casters.
On May 13 2009 20:11 konadora wrote: Yeah, destroying a tournament with a lot of potential for great games and with great casters.
And not to mention, crushing dreams and hopes of a progamer..
I'd agree with there's a need for an e-sports governing body to help regulate the activities and events that goes on, but NOT like this! Their acting like a dictator instead of a governing body, it felt like progamers and e-sports has been pushed down to the level of, u can't piss unless we tell u to piss, and u don't eat until we tell u to shit unless Kespa says so situation.
How the hell do u expect e-sport to grow with a dictator ship like that?
We should support GOMtv more now ... dogspa really destroys the beauty of starcraft
Like every major sport with a governing body that has indefinite control, the players NEED to form a players' union so that they can work things out like this. KeSPA is necessary, they do bring positives, and a lot of their things have good intentions but are carried out completely wrong. A players' union is the one thing that can truly help avert such issues and bring the whole rule set to an agreeable middle point.
In terms of KeSPA, referees need to be educated properly on the game, situational training and more. I dunno if they are at this point, but it appears that they are not from some of the decision making. Also, KeSPA needs to take a GOOD look at their rules manual and go through it with a fine-toothed comb and determine what is really necessary, where wording can be clarified and more.
KeSPA is trying to make improvements, as was seen with this recent rules change. However, tonight's incident showed that in KeSPA's attempt to prevent repeats of BackHo's infamous incident in the Batoo OSL, they are neglecting proper judgment and assessment of the situations at hand while trying to make examples of innocent players.
No governing body for a major sports organization is perfect, that's for sure. But KeSPA rates as one of the worst that I've ever seen in anything and they aren't helping their case by not taking more action to keep the situations under control appropriately.
Singapore66071 Posts
Wasn't it Incruit OSL and not Batoo OSL?
51323 Posts
Singapore66071 Posts
O ok nvm, I felt that it was longer since that happened
Wtf. The winner's league is gone because of Kespa? fuck..