Ruby's game against Hoejja to be considered a 'forfeit loss' after 'gg' incident
Ruby received a warning, and game to be recorded as a 'forfeit loss'
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Ruby received a warning, and game to be recorded as a 'forfeit loss'
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An incident that goes against the rule of 'typing out' has finally occurred after the rule's implementation starting 11th of April.
MBCGame's Ruby typed out 'ww' in the game against Hoejja in the 2009 MSL Survivor Tournament Season 1 Group 2 Game 2 on the 16th, with resulted in a warning and having the match being recorded as a 'forfeit loss'. (T/L note: Not a disqualification)
Ruby played an intense game with Hoejja, but made a mistake by typing 'ww' when he was going to admit his defeat. Players up til now has often used 'ㅈㅈ' ( Korean keyboard's 'ww' ) to express their acceptance of defeat, and this incident seems to have occurred due to their habit of typing in the said manner. There were not many players who were concerned about the rule after the rule was implemented.
After the 'zizi yO incident', only the 'gg' message was accepted as a sign of good manner, in which the rule was present in the Winner's League, and then implemented into all leagues after the start of Proleague's Round 4.
According to the rules, they only accept 'gg' or 'GG' as a message of admitting defeat, and 'no other messages other than 'gg', 'GG' and 'ppp' can be typed, and failure to comply (typing ㅎㅎ, ㅈㅈ, zizi, etc) will result in the game being recorded as a 'forfeit loss', and the player will receive warnings. This rule was implemented after a meeting with all the progaming teams' executives.
This rule will not only be implemented into the Proleague, but OSL and MSL, as well as all other official matches. The losing player must clearly state 'gg' or 'GG' as a clear indication of his acceptance of defeat.
This 'forfeit loss' will not be counted towards the map's official records as it will not be considered as a 'properly ended game'. However, it will be recorded into the player's overall records. Also, a second warning will result in a meeting with the disciplinary committee as well as disciplinary action.
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MBC게임 민찬기, 고강민전 gg선언 실수로 몰수패(보강)
2009년 04월 16일 18시 44분
[포모스=김경현 기자]주의 징계 받고, 고강민전은 몰수패로 기록
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4월 11일 이후 본격 신설된 경기포기의사 규정이 처음으로 적용되는 사례가 발생했다.
16일 2009 MSL 서바이버 토너먼트 시즌1 2조 2경기 비잔티움3에서 MBC게임의 민찬기는 패배시인메시지를 'ww'로 입력하는 바람에 주의 징계를 받았고, 이 경기는 몰수패로 처리가 됐다.
민찬기는 고강민과 치열한 혈전을 펼쳤지만 패배를 선언하는 과정에서 'ww'를 입력하는 실수를 범했다. 이는 선수들의 그 동안 'ㅈㅈ'라는 패배 시인 메시지를 자주 사용했고, 이 같은 습관이 남아 발생한 것으로 보여진다. 실제로 이 규정이 신설된 이후 실수로 인한 징계에 대한 걱정을 하는 선수들이 적지 않았다.
일명 '손찬웅 선지지' 사건과 매너에 어긋나는 gg메시지 등으로 인해 신설된 경기포기의사 규정은 지난 위너스 리그에서 계도 기간을 갖고 프로리그 4라운드 개막 이후 모든 공식 대회에서 정식으로 적용되고 있다.
경기포기의사 규정에 따르면 “경기포기의사 표시는 채팅창에 ‘gg, ‘GG’를 입력하는 것만 인정”하고 “경기포기의사 및 ‘ppp’ 이외의 문자를 채팅창에 입력 시 몰수패와 주의가 주어짐(예 : ㅎㅎ, ㅈㅈ, zizi 등)” 이라고 명시되어 있다. 이는 각 프로게임단의 사무국이 모인 '사무국 회의'를 통해 신설된 규정이다.
이 경기포기의사 규정은 프로리그 뿐만 아니라 스타리그, MSL 등 모든 공식대회에 적용된다. 패배하는 선수는 차분히 gg 혹은 GG 메시지를 남겨 경기포기의사를 분명히 밝혀야 한다.
한편, 규정상 몰수패로 처리된 경기는 정상적으로 종료된 경기로 처리되지 않기 때문에 공식적인 맵 전적에 포함되지 않는다. 하지만 선수의 개인 통산 승수와 공식전 전적에는 포함된다. 또한, 주의 2회를 받을 경우에는 경고 징계를 받게되어 상벌위원회가 열린다.
모바일로 보는 스타크래프트 1253+NATE/ⓝ/ez-i
Enjoy e-Sports & 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지
For people who do not know how to use the 'search' function:
On April 16 2009 21:13 miseiler wrote:
Search the forums.
In an infamous game between BackHo and Firefist, BackHo was absolutely obliterating Firefist. And then he typed 'zizi yO'.
Refs asked Firefist if he wanted a rematch, but he graciously gave the game to BackHo despite BackHo typing out first.
After that, these rules were implemented.
Search the forums.
In an infamous game between BackHo and Firefist, BackHo was absolutely obliterating Firefist. And then he typed 'zizi yO'.
Refs asked Firefist if he wanted a rematch, but he graciously gave the game to BackHo despite BackHo typing out first.
After that, these rules were implemented.
Skip to around 20:20.