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Hello everybody, with my vacation on Malta coming to an end I finally had some time to put together this write-up. It doesn't contain matches for WCS S2 final.
Now before we get into this, remember that a difference of around 250 or less means that there is no statistically significant difference between two players, but who am I kidding, you just want to rage and yell at our stats, so here we go.
The list:
- Polt 2015 (+98: WCS AM)
- INnoVation 2012 (-3: WCG KR)
- HyuN 1894 (-3: Hong Kong Esports Qualifiers)
- Life 1882 (+0: No change)
- TaeJa 1866 (-16: WCS AM, ATC, SC2L)
- sOs 1841 (No change)
- Flash 1834 (No change)
- Mvp 1833 (-4: WCS EU)
- Sora 1824 (+135: WCG KR)
- Soulkey 1820 (-9: WCG KR)
This week we see INnoVation banished to a 2nd place. The WCS AM champion Polt who stomped Jaedong in the final has had an impressive last 2 weeks and a large 98 gain, his current peak is equal to that of INnoVation's last period. He is also only 1 vP point away from tieing with the 2088 record Stephano set back in the end of October 2012. San has dropped out of top 10 and the WCG KR Wrecking ball Sora makes a top 10 appearance. (This is mainly due to a high uncertainty as he has only 16 matches played, and has demolished a lot of high rated KR pros). It will be interesting to see if Life can claw his way back to relevance, as he is currently somewhat overrated due to staying somewhat inactive.
The foreigner list:
- LucifroN 1803 (-4: WCS EU, SC2L)
- Sen 1776 (+29: Hong Kong Esports Qualifiers, WCS AM, LaG Gaming HotS tournament)
- NaNiwa 1730 (-2: WCS EU)
- Happy 1724 (-5: WCS EU, Zotac)
- Jim 1705 (+5: WCS AM)
- Scarlett 1681 (+3: WCS AM, ATC, SC2L)
- VortiX 1673 (+14: WCS EU, SC2L, Zotac)
- Snute 1665 (-30: WCS AM, Zotac, ATC, SC2L)
- Nerchio 1659 (+45: Kaspersky Arena, WCS EU, ATC, SC2L, Zotac)
- Kas 1609 (+39: Kaspersky Arena, WCS EU, Zotac)
The foreigner list is still, in my opinion, a really nice depiction of the best of best when it comes to foreigners. With Sen being the only "maybe" player in the list, he did beat HuK, CranK and Shuttle in the last period, so I will defend that he is still top 10 for now at least. NaNiwa maintains his 3rd on the list with Snute dropping 2 places and Scarlett and VortiX both moving up a slot. Overall pretty much the same list as last period.
Hopefully this will be the last time in a while that the write-up will be this delayed. With summer vacation finally drawing to an end, I do not expect it to be an issue for the next couple of periods.
Huge shoutouts this week to my Swedish homeboy Prillan who has hooked me up with an awesome Python script that automates a lot of the boring formatting with colors and point increase/decrease I had to do in the past. While it means nothing to you guys, it means that I can use my time doing these write-ups for more interesting stuff than formatting.
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- This thread.
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- PM. Me or TheBB.
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- E-mail to evfonn(at)gmail(dot)com.
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- Pilgrimage to Zürich. TheBB will find you.
The Aligulac team:
- The motherfucking boss: TheBB.
- Programming team: TheBB, Conti, Otolia, Netbattler, NCzempin, XavierMarchegay, Arzar, Prillan.
- Database maintainers: TheBB, Conti, kiekaboe, Inflicted, MasterOfPuppets, Grovbolle, PhoenixVoid, Shellshock, TheAmazombie, FrozENDruiD, Delphi.
- Chief commander of public relations, high admiral of the tweet fleet, lord chieftain of write-ups and father of dragoons: Grovbolle. (Writing these things gives you the right to an awesome title.
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