279 Posts
A quick post from the event. MLG definitely recognizes that this was an error on our part--most especially catching it so late. And we definitely apologize to Pain.User and Tyler both for the error.
The blunt truth of the matter is that we're running a very large live event and we're all working 20 hours a day while we're here. Mistakes happen and we work as fast as possible to correct them when they do. So, we also apologize to you guys as their fans (and hopefully ours).
That said, the reason that it was a full reset was because that's what in the rules. A league is based on its credibility and its credibility comes from how closely it adheres to its rules. This rule left no room for discretion. We don't make up rules on the fly at the tournament. On the rare occasions where we don't have a rule for a given situation, the tournament admin and the league commissioner consult to make a call. But AFTER the event, we revisit the situation and then codify the rules.
Any questions, please ask. I'll be monitoring this thread.
genuine post thank you sir
May I suggest you guy change the rule to asking the players if it's allright continuing on the wrong map...?
Edit: And honestly if Painuser wins it's gonna harm your credibility more than you not blindly following the rules.
if tyler loses this, i shall be pissed man.
User was warned for this post
I understand.
It's just really shitty for the person who has to suffer before you "codify the rule".
PainUser knew he lost. He told Tyler after the game he had like 15 scvs. That's as crappy as it gets for Tyler, and probably puts him on tilt more than losing the first game.
Why be so strict? Why not just ask the players if they're ok with playing the wrong map? Nobody cares about leagues following rules. They care about leagues being fair. Usually that means following the rules, but I don't think that was the case here. Why not be fair as opposed to technically right?
Thanks for taking the time to explain what happened, it really does make a difference.
And thanks for putting togehter this awesome event!
As Potatoto said, why could you not continue playing on that map. You had not noticed the error for about 10 minutes, so why not let it go on? What if this happened on one of these long games we've had today such as SEN vs QXC or Socke vs Liquid`Jinro?
Thank you for the post. MLG's involvement in the community is one of the reasons I buy the HD pass for every SC2 event.
Shit happens in live events, I guess, but if Liquid`Tyler loses I think everyone will be bummed out as he was way, way ahead in that game on Lost Temple. Anyway, keep on chuggin', MLG. Dallas has been awesome so far.
so painuser just won game 1.
so if a disc happens in the midgame with someone having a clear advantage is it always going to be restart? its basically the same problem just caused by mlg.
even though i do appreciate mlgs work and understand that something like that can happen in the heat of the tourny
tyler should definitly be awarded with the win :/
United Kingdom16710 Posts
I understand you had to adhere to the rules but there should be some room for flexibility. The fact that it was 13 minutes into the game and one player had a clearly advantage should've factored into the decision making. Maybe you should have a look at the rules again so that a little more common sense can be applied in future occurances.
279 Posts
On November 07 2010 10:40 -_- wrote: Why be so strict? Why not just ask the players if they're ok with playing the wrong map? Nobody cares about leagues following rules. They care about leagues being fair. Usually that means following the rules, but I don't think that was the case here. Why not be fair as opposed to technically right?
Several questions like this and that's the "nice" thing to do, but it's not the RIGHT thing to do. If we do this EVERYTIME there's an issue, we mind as well just make rules up on the fly. The time to _SET_ rules is BEFORE the tournament. The time to _REVISE_ rules is AFTER the tournament. The rules that we set for the tournament is what players buy passes for and expect to have in place when they show up. That's a level competitive playing field.
And mistakes happen, we're human and we're here for 16-20 hours a day for 7 days straight getting the event ready and running it. Most for time you never even see them because when they do, we have rules in place that everyone can look at and say "this is how it's supposed to be."
If we adjusted them on the fly, and especially in a situation like this, there's no point to the rules.
And if the rule was to ask the players whether they should reset, in this instance Pain.User had a clear advantage. Wouldn't he say yes of course? And wouldn't Tyler say no, reset? Even if they're both perfect gentlemen about it (which, given who they are, I think they would be), how can that be a fair level playing field?
The SITUATION is what sucks here, not the rules. And we (MLG) errored, so we apologize for creating the situation.
EDIT: misphrased a bit about playing out.
Rules are meant to be followed...but you could have just asked both players if it was okay to continue with the map that was chosen or something also it was 13 min. into the game and Tyler clearly had an advantage, and this could also mentally mess with the players.
Understand it from MLG's point of view, but it doesn't stop it sucking for Tyler 
Overall a brilliant tournament, so a single mistake is understood I guess. Just a shame that they couldn't have carried on with LT - its not like the players knew otherwise?
Neither player had a problem playing on LT, or they would've voiced it. It doesn't affect ANY other player in the tournament. Enforcing the rule this strictly while there was a player clearly in a huge advantage, 13 minutes into a game, is incredibly disheartening. Abiding by a rule without any sort of flexibility or discussion doesn't increase anyone's credibility. Tyler is clearly affected by this and it's showing in his attitude and play
On November 07 2010 10:42 leo23 wrote: As Potatoto said, why could you not continue playing on that map. You had not noticed the error for about 10 minutes, so why not let it go on? What if this happened on one of these long games we've had today such as SEN vs QXC or Socke vs Liquid`Jinro?
The opening map is fixed for each round of the tournament. If they had continued, it would have been the only match with an opening game NOT played on Xel'Naga Caverns. I think for fairness and consistency's sake, they had to replay the match. An unfortunate event, to be sure, but it was handled properly by the MLG staff.
will MLG be willing to modify the rule about wrong maps?
The problem isn't that you followed the rule like you should have but that the rule is STUPID. What should have been in the rules was for the players to be allowed to continue on that map. It has ALWAYS been up to the referee to determine if someone was in a position, where under the circumstances, the player is given the win. Liquid`Tyler was in that position and you took the win away from him.
I applaud you for recognizing your mistake but the fact remains because of MLG's serious blunder it could cost Tyler the series.
Why is it that most of MLG's rules tend to make very little sense? Using extremely imbalanced and outdated maps that absolutely no one practices on is just one of the many I have seen come up.
I'm just going to thank you for acknowledging the situation and explaining what your thinking behind simply restarting the game was. That said I am not sure I agree with your decision. I believe that if you bent the rules and allowed the players to decide nobody would have looked into it and it wouldn't have knocked the credibility of MLG.
EDIT: If you don't mind answering an unrelated question has MLG thought about modifying the map pool? Kulas in particular seems like it is too imbalanced of a map to even be an option.
just wanted to say that this was a great tournament and thank you for the statement.