TL Dwarf Fortress Succession Game - Page 14
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United States354 Posts
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Sweden380 Posts
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United States1359 Posts
Also, as you play, when something awesome happens (FB appears, you just destroyed a seige, tantrum spiral etc) please remember to save and quit the game and then load it up again. That way you can just restart from the save of the last awesome thing that happened. | ||
United States6980 Posts
On June 22 2011 13:25 dellwon wrote: The game crashed so this wont be in the official report, but I wanted to share with you all how baller our kittens are... ![]() LOL kittens hwaiting!!! Oh man I should assign several cats too all my army dorfs! Screw war dogs. | ||
United States31 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + 1 Limestone, 259 I've been walking for days... How was I supposed to know that that was the princesses cat? Who in their right mind would have a cat for a pet for Urists's sake... Whats that up a head? Is that a goblin? A dead one? And another? There must be dozens of them? And dwarfs too? And hundreds of traps? What is this place? 2 Limestone, 259 After walking past about 500 traps and half that many creepy statues (seriously who the fuck needs this many statues) I finally made my way to what seems to be the center of the fort. The place was an absolute mess. Apparently their last leader abandoned them before his year of service was up – something about having to go on an adventure or something. Lazy prick. Long story short, apparently I look like I'm a natural leader or something because before I knew it they were cheering my name and electing me mayor. Who knew trying to organize a stockpile in an attempt to find some food would be asking for such trouble. Well, they're only asking for a year of my time – a bit more than a year I guess – so I'll try to stick around and help them out. Anything to hide me from the king and his wrath. Stupid cat. Of course, I immediately mandated that no sterling silver be exported; I fucking love sterling silver. 3 Limestone, 259 I noticed a small ballista battery overlooking the deathtrap known as the entrance to our fort on my way in. ![]() After surveying the inhabitants here I've noted only 6 siege operators – none of which are well trained. I’ve ordered the excavation of a siege operator training center where our dwarfs can fire catapults in order to increase their skill with siege engines. I also plan on restructuring the battery and increasing the number of ballistas it contains so that it grants more coverage. 4 Limestone, 259 The military was in shambles. I wonder why? Maybe it has something to do with the dozens of dead creatures outside. ![]() I assigned some new dwarfs to the military to make up for the assumed losses. ![]() I also started the process to create some new “training rooms”. I'm going to make sure each squad has scheduled training and defending months. Hopefully this will give them some longevity. 9 Limestone, 259 In order to shore up the defenses for our underfort I added a bridge behind the doors so that we have a second line of defense. ![]() 12 Limestone, 259 A forgotten beast! ![]() Our new gate may keep him out but I will have the military on alert... 14 Limestone, 259 Blast! The bridge wasn't finished in time and the beast got into the underfort. I've dispatched the military to take care of it. 15 Limestone, 259 The military quickly dispatched the forgotten beast. Our militia captain 'stormtemplar' Zustashmelbilkilled it early in the fight with a vicious right-handed punch to the head which bruised the brain. 23 Limestone, 259 Our stockpiles are full and our workshops are cluttered. As of now I have ordered the ceasing of production of coffins, chairs, and mechanisms. Why the fuck do we have so many coffins any way? Its fucking depressing. 2 Sandstone, 259 A forgotten beast arrives! ![]() Learning from my mistakes last time I've decided to send the military out to meet it in battle if it encroaches on our turf. 3 Sandstone, 259 The beast has bypassed our traps! ![]() I have activated the troops. I hope they get there in time! ** The forgotten beast was slain by Alak. He truly is a slayer of forgotten beasts. 5 Sandstone, 259 In an effort to reduce the number of rotting corpses around the fortress I've designated a number of new butcheries, kitchens, butchers, and cooks. Hopefully this fixes the problem. 12 Sandstone, 259 After careful deliberation I decided to end the ban on exporting sterling silver goods. The world should behold the awesomeness of Horsemurdered! 15 Sandstone, 259 8 migrants arrived today. They're a little bit more than useless. 17 Sandstone, 259 I've mandated a single lever on the ballista battery level be connected to both the front and back gates for ease of use. ![]() 22 Sandstone, 259 I just found 6 additional kitchens I missed on my first inspection. Guess I didn't need to add 5 more... Oh well, This place is a mess. I'm considering mining new workshop levels down further... 18 Timber, 259 ![]() NOTE: The entire inner fort from workshops to lava should be included in the “Safety” burrow. It was a lot of work. Hope its right. We were easily able to fight off the goblins. The only one of our casualties was caused by our own traps... 25 Timber, 259 A horse has gone stark raving mad... Given the name of this place I'm getting a bit worried... 6 Opal, 259 I've completed a project. I've rigged the entrance path to the fort to collapse with the pull of a switch! ![]() (I think) 8 Opal, 259 ![]() Wonderful! As long as whomever takes this weapon doesn’t use it to bash heads in it should work out quite nicely. 19 Opal, 259 The new ballista battery is done. As shown below it offers us a much more complete kill zone. ![]() Now I just need those arrows to be completed and our training school up and running... 2 Obsidian, 259 Alak and Giginnomal Tileshruzos (his steel shield) sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! 18 Obsidian, 259 A vile force of darkness has arrived! Unfortunately our ballista arrows aren’t done yet... I've ordered everyone inside and stationed the military near the gate. Hopefully it ends well! 24 Obsidian, 259 I've noticed a lot of free loaders around here lately. So, I've ordered all the idle dwarfs to haul stone from place to place – to build character. 25 Obsidian, 259 The goblins never ended up attacking. They just kind of milled around outside until they were mostly all captured in traps... I sent out the military to mop up the stragglers with ease. ![]() Maybe they were intimidated by the piles of dead goblins everywhere and got scared? I'm working on my year now. I figure I should get us back on a Spring-Spring rotation... | ||
United Kingdom239 Posts
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United States31 Posts
I wasn't able to play until the Spring like I wanted to. I would have made it but I had a crash that set me back a ways and don't have enough time to dedicate to get there. I'm not sure why it's so unstable. It probably has to do with the fact that the save was converted and we have about 200 dwarfs. We should try to enforce the pop cap next time. The game is running at 1/2 the speed it usually does on my computer which makes it way more painful when you crash or something. It also makes it hard to finish your turn. I probably played for nearly 5 hours and only finished a year. (just a guess). ALSO THERE IS AN EASTER EGG TRY TO FIND IT! Story Here: + Show Spoiler + 17 Slate, 260 Nothing interesting has happened recently. I noticed that if we increase our road value and make a bit more offerings we could become the capital so I started some road projects. The siege operator training range is underway as well. 12 Felsite, 260 A wild forgotten beast appears! ![]() Our swordsdwarf was super effective, but four of our kind were slain including our beloved Alak. Apparently the beast secreted frozen extract which froze our dwarfs throats shut and caused them to suffocate. 19 Felsite, 260 An elven caravan arrived. I refuse to trade with them on principle. 26 Felsite, 260 I noticed our food stocks are actually declining. I've decided to dig out a large room and plant some more plump helmets – bitches love plump helmets. 16 Hematite, 260 A forgotten beast appears! The men are out to kill it already; they want revenge for their fallen brothers! ![]() 11 Galena, 260 Urist Otilast keeps throwing tantrums. I have half a mind to treat him like a cat... Couldn't do that to a kid though could I? 12 Galena, 260 Urist threw one tantrum too many. I've sentenced him to single combat with a goblin before years end. TO THE DEATH! 19 Malachite, 260 He lasted longer than I though but eventually Urist was lain by our captive goblin maceman. What a shame. 16 Galena, 260 I intended to stay here through next spring but some of the kings men just arrived and are asking some questions. I've found a dim-wit who will pretend to be me for a small price so I'm going to escape while I can! Luckily, right now everyone is busy dealing with this: ![]() Its a perfect time to run! I do feel kind of bad, but I did get the siege operator training school running as well as construct a ballista battery and ensure they had enough food for the future. And, I started working on roads - which they need to become the capital. | ||
United States2140 Posts
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Sweden380 Posts
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United States6454 Posts
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United States1935 Posts
So glad this is still running strong, lets keep it rolling! | ||
New Zealand2765 Posts
![]() | ||
United States2140 Posts
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Sweden1097 Posts
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United States2140 Posts
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United States1359 Posts
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Netherlands542 Posts
im going to try this out. | ||
United Kingdom294 Posts
And yeah, all the coolest dwarves have died... | ||
United States7542 Posts
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United States22154 Posts
Thanks ^_^ | ||
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