TL Dwarf Fortress Succession Game - Page 15
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United States1359 Posts
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4410 Posts
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United States139 Posts
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United States958 Posts
On June 27 2011 23:53 shawty wrote: This is such a sick fort. I do love the mention about my tomb in one of the writeups :D And yeah, all the coolest dwarves have died... I was amazed at your tomb, it has inspired me to make a similar one for my best warrior in one of my forts. | ||
United States1359 Posts
On June 29 2011 12:24 Hoosegow wrote: I'm pretty sure the save is broken at this point. I downloaded the most recent save to check the fort out in a little more detail. Crashed twice within 15 minutes of play. Those were the only two times DF has every crashed on me and I've had forts in the 160-180 range, so I doubt it's just 20 more dwarves making the difference. Are you playing with a tileset? Try playing with the default ASCII graphics, it might not crash. | ||
4410 Posts
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United States6980 Posts
I want to see how this one ends! | ||
United States7542 Posts
On June 29 2011 21:08 tnkted wrote: Are you playing with a tileset? Try playing with the default ASCII graphics, it might not crash. Default ASCII has been working for me. Though in the future it'd be nice to have an agreed upon tileset as the default ascii is really painful imo (mostly just the default way stone, grass, and open space is represented). | ||
United States139 Posts
On June 29 2011 21:08 tnkted wrote: Are you playing with a tileset? Try playing with the default ASCII graphics, it might not crash. I tried once with Phoebus and once with default ASCII... I dunno, could be a fluke. Shame because I'd really like to take a spin. What I did see of the fort looked pretty epic (Mandatory: Nice tomb, Shawty. Chained scorpion is brilliant.) I keep checking back to see the continuation of Horsemurdered :D | ||
United States7542 Posts
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United States1359 Posts
Also I think at this point in the fortress we can afford to be a little more risky with the fortress... Anyone else down for some admantium mining? | ||
United States6980 Posts
On June 30 2011 21:28 tnkted wrote: Also I think at this point in the fortress we can afford to be a little more risky with the fortress... Anyone else down for some admantium mining? GOBIGGOHOME Let's craft us some invincible weapons! | ||
United States7542 Posts
On June 30 2011 21:28 tnkted wrote: Make sure you save every now and then logo so that if something bad does happen you won't loose the whole save! Also I think at this point in the fortress we can afford to be a little more risky with the fortress... Anyone else down for some admantium mining? Yeah I have it auto-save every season. | ||
United States6454 Posts
On June 30 2011 21:46 Haemonculus wrote: GOBIGGOHOME Let's craft us some invincible weapons! Hmm, I could have sworn that on my turn I went about as deep as possible without running into the HFS. So we are gonna fight the demons now eh? | ||
United States1359 Posts
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United States7542 Posts
(Apparently my dwarf is a female, oh well!) 16 Galena 260. UNACCEPTABLE! Art they call it, detail they call it. Scribbles. Scrapings, I call it. Already I've confiscated a dozen detailing tools form various dwarves to try and stop the rampant graffiti plaguing the fortress. My efforts didn't go unnoticed and they've elected me mayor. Other dwarves murmur talks of fixing the election, but I know better. When you've gone through the trouble of birthing 8 children (wtf?) it's not that hard to win an election. All I really want to do is draw, but I need to put my desires aside for the good of the fort, and hopefully my coffers. 17 Galena 260. By the gods what have I inherited. I was heading down a flight of stairs when suddenly a giant beast stood before me entangled in combat with a dog! I quickly called in the military and they took care of it with no reported casualties. In my haste to run away from the beast I stumbled into some sort of barbaric arena. I don't know what's worse, the senseless slaughter I witnessed in the pit, or the fact that our citizens seemed intent on watching the games at expense of their own personal health. Several of the onlookers looked thin and pale and I couldn't even begin to guess when they last broke their fast. ![]() This is not what being productive looks like. 1st Sandstone 260. I've gone and given our boys some motivation for learning how to fire the catapults as well as a way to reduce our prisoner population. Otherwise things have been pretty quite, and being the mayor is great. I lounge around all day eating and sleeping and no one gives me any crap. This place is a mess though, I've ordered a new area to be walled off for all this trash we're accumulating. I've also begun construction on a new bedchambers for yours truely. ![]() 21st Sandstone 260. DISASTER! It was a simple request A SIMPLE REQUEST. Our animals were starving. Put them out in the pasture I said. HOW HARD COULD THAT BE. I go down myself to make sure the job got done, no big deal right. Well those eyes, those red eyes full of frenzy. If I recover from my wounds I'll never forget them bearing down on me. I ran as fast as I could and thought I had slipped away, but next thing I know I'm falling down and I nearly impaled myself on some spikes. The ferocity of the beasts unleashed was terrifying and it took quite a while for the military to clean up the beasts, but I was unconscious by that point. I woke up many days later in a hospital bed barely able to move. Once I get out of this hosptial I'm going to have a very STERN talk with our Animal Trainer. Among the dead was our beloved TnkTed the Second Coming. What an uncermonous end to such a great dwarf. He will be greatly missed until the Third Coming. ![]() Uh sorry bout that. I believe we lost 4 dwarves to this mess possibly including my dwarf's child. Also sorry about not getting a picture of the 5-6 dwarves + 2 mountain goats running around. 10th Timber This fort is a mess screw all these leaders I should have their heads WHERE'S MY DOCTOR. KILL ALL DEERS. I will have blood! [My dwarf spent all this time throwing tantrums from her hospital bed] 24th Timber Still laid up in this godforsaken bed and my own children won't even come to visit me. INGRATES. At least I am comforted by the knowledge that as I write this the wheels are in motion to rid the fort of all deers. 6th Opal 260 All is quiet. I'm still laid up in this damnable bed and barely anything has gotten done in my absence. I have put all the deer in a direct line of fire of our catapults, but our siege opertors can't hit the broadside of a barn so a lot of good that's done us. I've increased the size of our military and added a few crossbow dwarves as well as ordered some additional refuse areas so we may finally be rid of the corpses plaguing our fort. 12th Opal 260 A child has mysteriously suffocated... foul play is suspected, but I'm still held up in by bed. I'll have to investigate when I can. And the training spear room has claimed a 2nd child. What an evil place we live in. 10th Obsidian One of our dwarves has made the most splendid bed for me. Finally someone in this damned fort shows some artistic merit. Wait you used WHAT as meterial?!?! If the dwarf hadn't claimed to be possessed, a likely reason given all the ghosts lingering around, I would have shown him what happens to dwarves who waste adamantine. ![]() At least the bed is valued at over 700,000. Alas I fear I will not be able to enjoy the bed myself. My wounds seem to be infected and this place seems to have a lack of soap. Damned dwarves... damned deer... must... kill... them... all... 25th Granite 261 What a curious thing to happen upon, I found this diary one day while cleaning under one of the beds in the hospital. It seems like this journal belong to our late leader and I feel like I owe it to her memory to continue on. Everything has been quiet since her passing and we're trying to carry out her last wishes as best we can. So far the most excitment we've had is when a cat wandered into a room full of wooden spears. Otherwise all is calm. 26th Granite 261 A foul beast has entered the realm. What abomination is this, it is made of steam yet has wings. No matter, one of our hammer lords smashed apart the abberation with a single strike and we are bothered no more. ![]() 20th Slate 261 I hope this is the last vegence our former leader will enact. Unknown to most of us a great prison was created deep within our fortress. It was quite a while before anyone found it and when they did they found more than just a prison. Several corpses littered the area, the dwarves appearently dieing of thirst and neglect. ![]() Uh... I don't recommend using this room. 16th Hematite 261 One of our dwarves went ballistic today screaming about some yarn or something. He chased one of our mason's 1/2 around the workshops before some hammer lord took pity and crushed the beserk dwarve's skull in. 7th Galena 261 Another forgotten beast, this one was cut down by an daring young dwarf before I could even order the troops to assemble. ![]() mmm chocolate wings 22nd Galena 261 Curse the gods! An ambush. A squad of goblins armed with crossbows managed to claim two of our dwarves and inflicted serious wounds on another. I fear for our military's ability to defend this fortress if the goblins attack in larger numbers. We're in desperate need of a true leader. Rumor around the fort is that the king is thinking of moving to our fortress. I don't know what fey mood would put that sort of idea in his head, but stranger things have happened. 24th Limestone 261 One of our commanders has gone ahead and given a name to his spear. From this day forth all evil creatures will learn to fear Takecalm the Darkshafts. I've ordered many of the lesser weapons of the fort melted down. They clutter our stockpiles and none can hold a candle to the mighty darkshafts. From this day forth Horsemurdered will only know the finest of weapons. ![]() Parting notes... Another bloody ambush claimed a few dwarves. No one important but frightning none the least. Even worse the goblin archers fired across the brook into all the dwarves and injured many of our civilians. On the brighter side we finished construction of an outer chamber over a pool of water that is quite beautiful to look at. The dwarven liasons arrived and were quite impressed with Horsemurdered, but I don't know why this place is a mess. I think I'm going to sneak away with them and find someplace a little more sane to live. I'll leave this diary behind in hopes that someone else will read it and come to their senses. ![]() Just some notes for the next person... + Show Spoiler + - I played a little more than a year (a few days over in truth) to get my tower/king's room (last screen shot) filled with water so it wouldn't lag for other people. - Horsemurdered doesn't seem to be self sufficient on food. Over my year here our food supplies dwindled quite a bit until I traded for a bunch of food water. Someone needs to sort all that out. - We need to update our professions. There's a ton of unskilled laborers who are crowding out the legendary workers even for tasks where just a few dwarves would suffice (like engraving, I disabled engraving on all but a few dwarfs). Armor and Weaponsmithing in particular are guilty of this. - Horsemurdered is too big now for people to do work and be haulers. Almost every dwarf I saw had their hauling labors enabled so most of them just went around hauling shit rather than doing useful work. I mostly did clean-up and tidying along with my small projects so I didn't change it, but it's something someone has to fix (also it's why we're running out of food). - We're all set for the king I think (road wise at least) and the tower I made (bottom right surface level) should do nicely for his quarters. It's all vacant considering the dwarf it was intended for is buried underneath it. - WTF soap? We have none and I can't make any the soap workshop had no options to make soap. - Man the place is a mess. Everything strewn about everywhere with all sorts of crazy stockpiles. I tried to setup the refuse stockpile (some for corpses/body parts outside, one inside for bones, teeth etc.), but that's about as far as I got. - We could use more military. Even with hammer lords and adamantine armor they seemed to struggle with the ambushes and at least 1-2 military dwarves suffered injury. Plus there's no partol or topside military duty so their reaction time leaves a lot to be desired. -If you want a good laugh look at all the corpses and skeletons in the training room lol. -As you might guess I was disappointed to find no masterwork engravings. Since my engraver died I didn't get to make any either ![]() -Pasture the animals (or slaughter them)! We had 5-6 animals starve soon after I started because they weren't pastured. But uh... don't pasture untamed animals unless you want a repeat of my experience. and uh sorry tnkted. Oddly/luckily enough no sieges. Probably for the best since we only have ~15 dwarves in the military and our siege engines look to be completely useless since they're on a Z-level above the entrance. So while they're pretty it was a whole lot of work for nothing by someone. Save file: Good luck. [url blocked] | ||
Brazil1342 Posts
On July 02 2011 15:44 Logo wrote: + Show Spoiler + (Apparently my dwarf is a female, oh well!) 16 Galena 260. UNACCEPTABLE! Art they call it, detail they call it. Scribbles. Scrapings, I call it. Already I've confiscated a dozen detailing tools form various dwarves to try and stop the rampant graffiti plaguing the fortress. My efforts didn't go unnoticed and they've elected me mayor. Other dwarves murmur talks of fixing the election, but I know better. When you've gone through the trouble of birthing 8 children (wtf?) it's not that hard to win an election. All I really want to do is draw, but I need to put my desires aside for the good of the fort, and hopefully my coffers. 17 Galena 260. By the gods what have I inherited. I was heading down a flight of stairs when suddenly a giant beast stood before me entangled in combat with a dog! I quickly called in the military and they took care of it with no reported casualties. In my haste to run away from the beast I stumbled into some sort of barbaric arena. I don't know what's worse, the senseless slaughter I witnessed in the pit, or the fact that our citizens seemed intent on watching the games at expense of their own personal health. Several of the onlookers looked thin and pale and I couldn't even begin to guess when they last broke their fast. ![]() This is not what being productive looks like. 1st Sandstone 260. I've gone and given our boys some motivation for learning how to fire the catapults as well as a way to reduce our prisoner population. Otherwise things have been pretty quite, and being the mayor is great. I lounge around all day eating and sleeping and no one gives me any crap. This place is a mess though, I've ordered a new area to be walled off for all this trash we're accumulating. I've also begun construction on a new bedchambers for yours truely. ![]() 21st Sandstone 260. DISASTER! It was a simple request A SIMPLE REQUEST. Our animals were starving. Put them out in the pasture I said. HOW HARD COULD THAT BE. I go down myself to make sure the job got done, no big deal right. Well those eyes, those red eyes full of frenzy. If I recover from my wounds I'll never forget them bearing down on me. I ran as fast as I could and thought I had slipped away, but next thing I know I'm falling down and I nearly impaled myself on some spikes. The ferocity of the beasts unleashed was terrifying and it took quite a while for the military to clean up the beasts, but I was unconscious by that point. I woke up many days later in a hospital bed barely able to move. Once I get out of this hosptial I'm going to have a very STERN talk with our Animal Trainer. Among the dead was our beloved TnkTed the Second Coming. What an uncermonous end to such a great dwarf. He will be greatly missed until the Third Coming. ![]() Uh sorry bout that. I believe we lost 4 dwarves to this mess possibly including my dwarf's child. Also sorry about not getting a picture of the 5-6 dwarves + 2 mountain goats running around. 10th Timber This fort is a mess screw all these leaders I should have their heads WHERE'S MY DOCTOR. KILL ALL DEERS. I will have blood! [My dwarf spent all this time throwing tantrums from her hospital bed] 24th Timber Still laid up in this godforsaken bed and my own children won't even come to visit me. INGRATES. At least I am comforted by the knowledge that as I write this the wheels are in motion to rid the fort of all deers. 6th Opal 260 All is quiet. I'm still laid up in this damnable bed and barely anything has gotten done in my absence. I have put all the deer in a direct line of fire of our catapults, but our siege opertors can't hit the broadside of a barn so a lot of good that's done us. I've increased the size of our military and added a few crossbow dwarves as well as ordered some additional refuse areas so we may finally be rid of the corpses plaguing our fort. 12th Opal 260 A child has mysteriously suffocated... foul play is suspected, but I'm still held up in by bed. I'll have to investigate when I can. And the training spear room has claimed a 2nd child. What an evil place we live in. 10th Obsidian One of our dwarves has made the most splendid bed for me. Finally someone in this damned fort shows some artistic merit. Wait you used WHAT as meterial?!?! If the dwarf hadn't claimed to be possessed, a likely reason given all the ghosts lingering around, I would have shown him what happens to dwarves who waste adamantine. ![]() At least the bed is valued at over 700,000. Alas I fear I will not be able to enjoy the bed myself. My wounds seem to be infected and this place seems to have a lack of soap. Damned dwarves... damned deer... must... kill... them... all... 25th Granite 261 What a curious thing to happen upon, I found this diary one day while cleaning under one of the beds in the hospital. It seems like this journal belong to our late leader and I feel like I owe it to her memory to continue on. Everything has been quiet since her passing and we're trying to carry out her last wishes as best we can. So far the most excitment we've had is when a cat wandered into a room full of wooden spears. Otherwise all is calm. 26th Granite 261 A foul beast has entered the realm. What abomination is this, it is made of steam yet has wings. No matter, one of our hammer lords smashed apart the abberation with a single strike and we are bothered no more. ![]() 20th Slate 261 I hope this is the last vegence our former leader will enact. Unknown to most of us a great prison was created deep within our fortress. It was quite a while before anyone found it and when they did they found more than just a prison. Several corpses littered the area, the dwarves appearently dieing of thirst and neglect. ![]() Uh... I don't recommend using this room. 16th Hematite 261 One of our dwarves went ballistic today screaming about some yarn or something. He chased one of our mason's 1/2 around the workshops before some hammer lord took pity and crushed the beserk dwarve's skull in. 7th Galena 261 Another forgotten beast, this one was cut down by an daring young dwarf before I could even order the troops to assemble. ![]() mmm chocolate wings 22nd Galena 261 Curse the gods! An ambush. A squad of goblins armed with crossbows managed to claim two of our dwarves and inflicted serious wounds on another. I fear for our military's ability to defend this fortress if the goblins attack in larger numbers. We're in desperate need of a true leader. Rumor around the fort is that the king is thinking of moving to our fortress. I don't know what fey mood would put that sort of idea in his head, but stranger things have happened. 24th Limestone 261 One of our commanders has gone ahead and given a name to his spear. From this day forth all evil creatures will learn to fear Takecalm the Darkshafts. I've ordered many of the lesser weapons of the fort melted down. They clutter our stockpiles and none can hold a candle to the mighty darkshafts. From this day forth Horsemurdered will only know the finest of weapons. ![]() Parting notes... Another bloody ambush claimed a few dwarves. No one important but frightning none the least. Even worse the goblin archers fired across the brook into all the dwarves and injured many of our civilians. On the brighter side we finished construction of an outer chamber over a pool of water that is quite beautiful to look at. The dwarven liasons arrived and were quite impressed with Horsemurdered, but I don't know why this place is a mess. I think I'm going to sneak away with them and find someplace a little more sane to live. I'll leave this diary behind in hopes that someone else will read it and come to their senses. ![]() Just some notes for the next person... + Show Spoiler + - I played a little more than a year (a few days over in truth) to get my tower/king's room (last screen shot) filled with water so it wouldn't lag for other people. - Horsemurdered doesn't seem to be self sufficient on food. Over my year here our food supplies dwindled quite a bit until I traded for a bunch of food water. Someone needs to sort all that out. - We need to update our professions. There's a ton of unskilled laborers who are crowding out the legendary workers even for tasks where just a few dwarves would suffice (like engraving, I disabled engraving on all but a few dwarfs). Armor and Weaponsmithing in particular are guilty of this. - Horsemurdered is too big now for people to do work and be haulers. Almost every dwarf I saw had their hauling labors enabled so most of them just went around hauling shit rather than doing useful work. I mostly did clean-up and tidying along with my small projects so I didn't change it, but it's something someone has to fix (also it's why we're running out of food). - We're all set for the king I think (road wise at least) and the tower I made (bottom right surface level) should do nicely for his quarters. It's all vacant considering the dwarf it was intended for is buried underneath it. - WTF soap? We have none and I can't make any the soap workshop had no options to make soap. - Man the place is a mess. Everything strewn about everywhere with all sorts of crazy stockpiles. I tried to setup the refuse stockpile (some for corpses/body parts outside, one inside for bones, teeth etc.), but that's about as far as I got. - We could use more military. Even with hammer lords and adamantine armor they seemed to struggle with the ambushes and at least 1-2 military dwarves suffered injury. Plus there's no partol or topside military duty so their reaction time leaves a lot to be desired. -If you want a good laugh look at all the corpses and skeletons in the training room lol. -As you might guess I was disappointed to find no masterwork engravings. Since my engraver died I didn't get to make any either ![]() -Pasture the animals (or slaughter them)! We had 5-6 animals starve soon after I started because they weren't pastured. But uh... don't pasture untamed animals unless you want a repeat of my experience. and uh sorry tnkted. Oddly/luckily enough no sieges. Probably for the best since we only have ~15 dwarves in the military and our siege engines look to be completely useless since they're on a Z-level above the entrance. So while they're pretty it was a whole lot of work for nothing by someone. Save file: Good luck. [url blocked] Nice work! It seems no one is willing to continue, though.... pitty | ||
United States18076 Posts
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Sweden3280 Posts
Question, what about those ballistae? Are they at the floor above the entrance? I thought they can only shoot at the same floor they are on. | ||
United States1359 Posts
Thanks for the save! Autosave every season will help a lot I think. The save is open for anyone to take, I don't think that we're even following the list since the last three or four people haven't bothered picking up their turns. | ||
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