Hello, I'd like to request permission for having a user stream on TL. My stream is at livestream.com/jaerak , and I'd like to start broadcasting on TL for some live advice. I am a D terran player trying to get to D+, and I stream a few hours about 4 days a week. Look forward to meeting more of the community here, Thanks, and TL rocks!
LOL dude you're streaming? you gotta fix your livestream, too.
Hi, I saw your 1v1 vs Majesty, TvT on python.
You can't do a real wall at your main on Python. If you want wall, build it in your cliff. But in TvT wall is not obliged. Build a first vulture, if you want 1 facto expand, build 2 or 3 marine and a bunker to prevent a 2 factory speed vulture.
Then, don't focus on a unit when you have to do other thing. For exemple when you back your scout who is attacked by a marine. Right click on your main mineral, your scout will back and you can quickly do other things. Don't spam when you have other thing to do.
I advice you to use F2 and F3 for the early game : F2 to center map on your main CC, F3 to center map to your natural CC.
Keep practicing and good luck have fun .