Don't post in this thread to say "gay gamers are like everyone else, why do they have a special thread?" It is something that has been posted numerous times, and this isn't the place for that discussion.
For regular posters, don't quote the trolls. |
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On January 28 2012 12:21 Klondikebar wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2012 12:17 RoMGraViTy wrote:On January 28 2012 12:08 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:00 Troxle wrote:On January 28 2012 09:54 Klondikebar wrote:On January 27 2012 22:46 Robinsa wrote:On January 27 2012 22:08 FalahNorei wrote:On January 27 2012 12:36 Ankh1221 wrote: I wish i were gay. How awesome would a gay cruise be? Everyone's eligible. Those guys know how to have fun. trust me, don't wish for that. being gay IS nice, and even has some advantages over being straight, but there ARE disadvantages. alot of them. wish to be bi, no borders at least  also, (don't flame me toooooo hard for this please << ), there are theories that I support and believe in, stating that such things like fully gay or fully straight don't exist, but only preferences.... there were cases of straight guys falling in love with each other already, and the stories of gays marrying a woman and raising a family are rather comon. so there, like the guys before me said, never too late to experiment ^^ also; edit: josketh, love your DA ^^ edit2: okay, edited this stupid thingy 5 times now to get rid of typos. damn, me so bad v.v I think being BI is the worst of them all actually. Its really easy to get messed up and not knowing who you are. Gay people generally have a problem with their identity to begin with as well but BI people are bound to think theyre normal 1 second then gay the next.. and no matter what kind of relation ship you chose youre always going to be tempted by what you dont have. Whew, finally got a chance to check one of my favorite homes on the internet today! I definitely sympathize with bi guys. There are a fair number of gay guys (me included) who really don't even want to date bi guys for this reason. Quite frankly, if you put me next a girl of equal (or even slightly lesser) hotness, and told a bi guy he had to choose, he'd pick the girl 9/10 times. Everything about dating a girl is easier than dating a guy in our society AND girls are better looking to boot. At least...that's how I feel about dating a bi guy. I know it's not universally true but it definitely something that makes me shy away from a relationship with one. TL:DR You may get the best of both worlds but the worst of both worlds comes with that too and I don't envy it. Edit in cause I don't wanna spam posts: DUBBLE YEW TEE EFF! Is Doa married?! I noticed a ring on his left ring finger tonight. I am so sad panda but I am not surprised. *sigh* Time to burn this crush to the ground. I guess I'm the lonely 10% that picks the guy? O.o I consider myself bi, but I have a stronger preference towards men and more consistantly only want men, but I have my times of feelin' attracted to both parties. The problem is those brief times. If we've been dating for several months, and all of a sudden you're like "I'm in a girls phase" even if it only lasts for a couple of days that kills sex, it kills intimacy, every time you see a pair of breasts I'm going to wonder...it's not just a rough patch It's a patch where your (completely uncontrollable) hormones are throwing you in the opposite direction. That can really erode the security that's supposed to come from a relationship. Doesnt work that way. There is no "girls phase/guys phase" - its always both, but it always depends what your looking at or with that makes you question one way or another more, and its normally very temporary. Like when, suppose, your with your BF and a super hot guy walks past and u check him out. Same concept, cept it can be with both sexes. I have to side with Troxie too in that most of the time i DO prefer guys, but its just that women dont turn me off and i dont mind checkin em out etc. Its not a swing state. Its always Both Girls are, defacto, prettier than guys...there's an element of competition there that I just don't think I can win.
What a bizarre thing to say. Prettier? maybe. More attractive? no.
On January 28 2012 17:06 kentriarch wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2012 16:20 Josketh wrote: Thanks, kentriarch! You are awesome!
I wouldn't be afraid to date a bi-guy. I think that, like all relationships, it is built on trust.
What is more interesting to me is that concept behind transgender dating. I have a hard time fathoming myself with gal who became a guy. Though, in her mind, she was always a guy, I'm not sure how I would approach it. I'd like to say confidently that I would be open to the idea if we had mutual feelings, strong and true. Unfortunately, I cannot make a statement so definitively. It's an embarrassing thing for me to admit, but honestly, I just don't know.
This of course is not a slam on transgender folk but a post to bring awareness to the difficult world they live in. I have mad respect for anyone that goes through it all and keeps their head high.
Have you guys, straight, bi, gay, whatever, ever humored the thought? Are there any transgender people here to speak on it at all? Never actually given this much thought. I loathe to admit this, but I think I am on the same boat. I don't know if I can definitively say I will be open to such an idea. Also, there's the anatomy thing for me. I don't know if I can deal with that. To me, a couple relationship is not just feelings but there's the sexual element and that is what makes it special. Though, I won't have any issues building a great friendship with a transgender, based on mutual interests etc etc.
Transgender men (FTM) really aren't too different from biological, for lack of a better word, men, most FTM's go through a lot of surgery so they can be more anatomically correct (really tired and poorly wording this). There is also an option for FTM's to go through genital reassignment, although I've read that it's not very common due to it being expensive/ not really effective. but tbh if someone loves you and you love them, what difference does it make? some MTF transpeople choose to not go through genital surgery, so because of whats in their pants i shouldn't see them as how they see themselves? not trying to be a shit disturber or anything but, transpeople just want people to see them how they see themselves. if you meet a cute guy/girl and you end up really liking them/loving them and then later you found out "they used to be a Girl/guy" and suddenly you view them differently?
it's not like it changes who they are, they're still the same person you fell in love with only now you know their dna is x/x or x/y. I know a few transpeople who are actually terrified at the thought that if while they were dating and someone told their S.O they were trans, specifically "Oh she used to be a he, didn't she tell you? relationships built on trust etc etc" it's probably one of the most horrifying experiences a person could go through, having someone totally love you for who you are, and then they find out "who you were" and suddenly you're the most disgusting THING they've ever known, not really a guy/girl, but not really your "genetic" gender anymore. just picture how fucked up that is for a minute. I like comparing it to when a best friend finds out your gay or something, one minute you guys are the BEST of friends, the next you're the most disgusting thing on the planet to them.....long rant...brain tired sorry just my 2cents on the matter.
TL;DR If you love someone don't focus on "who they were" since no matter what their genetics say they're the same person you've always known/loved
On January 28 2012 16:20 Josketh wrote: Thanks, kentriarch! You are awesome!
I wouldn't be afraid to date a bi-guy. I think that, like all relationships, it is built on trust.
What is more interesting to me is that concept behind transgender dating. I have a hard time fathoming myself with gal who became a guy. Though, in her mind, she was always a guy, I'm not sure how I would approach it. I'd like to say confidently that I would be open to the idea if we had mutual feelings, strong and true. Unfortunately, I cannot make a statement so definitively. It's an embarrassing thing for me to admit, but honestly, I just don't know.
This of course is not a slam on transgender folk but a post to bring awareness to the difficult world they live in. I have mad respect for anyone that goes through it all and keeps their head high.
Have you guys, straight, bi, gay, whatever, ever humored the thought? Are there any transgender people here to speak on it at all?
Hiya, transwoman here (born male, transitioned to female). In my personal experience, many people have the same opinion on the matter as you in that if the personal connection was there, they would happily be willing to try a relationship with a transman or transwoman. However many people simply refuse to date transpeople for the sole reason that they're trans. And, even though that sucks big time, if being trans is a dealbreaker for some people, then it's a dealbreaker. I can't really acknowledge that I added much to the conversation, but that was my two cents on the matter.
On January 28 2012 16:20 Josketh wrote: Thanks, kentriarch! You are awesome!
I wouldn't be afraid to date a bi-guy. I think that, like all relationships, it is built on trust.
What is more interesting to me is that concept behind transgender dating. I have a hard time fathoming myself with gal who became a guy. Though, in her mind, she was always a guy, I'm not sure how I would approach it. I'd like to say confidently that I would be open to the idea if we had mutual feelings, strong and true. Unfortunately, I cannot make a statement so definitively. It's an embarrassing thing for me to admit, but honestly, I just don't know.
This of course is not a slam on transgender folk but a post to bring awareness to the difficult world they live in. I have mad respect for anyone that goes through it all and keeps their head high.
Have you guys, straight, bi, gay, whatever, ever humored the thought? Are there any transgender people here to speak on it at all?
I shall also chime in on the trans discussion purely from a personal point of view with maybe no information that will prove useful but hopefully it'll at least provide another point of view.
But first, just to point out the statement above should read "Though, in his mind, he was always a guy, I'm not sure how I would approach it." as he was not a girl and you should use the correct pronouns when talking to or about people to avoid causing anyone feeling upset.
So yeah, on to me and dating as a straight trans woman. Since it's relevant to this thread I'd probably find it very difficult to go out with anyone who was bi for fear they ever saw or liked me for anything "male" which whilst rather petty is honestly an insecurity I don't think I'd be able to deal with. It's much the same reason I'd never date an "admirer" (the word people who're specifically in to trans people use). For completions sake I'd obviously not date a gay guy owing to you guys not being in to girls and I'd not date a lesbian owing to not really being in to other women. For any of the straight people who come through this thread to deal with misconceptions from time to time, I'm also not just a gay guy who doesn't want to be gay, sexual orientation and gender are completely unrelated.
So yeah, as we've by now established I personally find myself rather insecure in relationships, always second guessing both myself and other people and it has honestly caused problems. Other issues such as "why would he really like me when there are other girls who weren't messed up by testosterone out there?" or "why would he stay with me long term when he's giving up on the option of having biological children as a result" can cause problems and that's before even starting on the whole host of pre-op intimacy issues.
There are some steps though that I've found help with them, and the most important of which I use is never giving out my phone number or email address to anyone I meet on a personal note without them knowing I'm a trans woman. Sure it's something I'd much rather wasn't needed, but it means no chance of any relationship developing that might fail on telling people, and it means I've invested absolutely nothing in to people as friends even until I find out if they're bigots or worth my time and honestly I've found it to be quite successful. No future issues for letting people know something which I frankly consider a relatively unimportant aspect of my past just seems like good sense.
Well this post is mostly a mess of words at this point so I'm actually just going to leave it here as I don't know what else to add. Hopefully it's been an interesting insight if nothing else, and please remember all women are different, even trans ones, so nothing in this post necessarily applies to anyone else. This post is only meant in reply to the discussion.
I want say that I was not trying to be offensive or disrespectful towards the transgender community. You guys and gals have to put up and go through a bunch of crap to become who you are supposed to be. That isn't quite fair, ya know?
For me, it isn't the physical aspect, it is the psychological aspect. It isn't even the psychology of the transgender person. It is my own.
Those few posts were really insightful, though. I am super ignorant on the whole ordeal. I wouldn't say that being transgender is a deal breaker for me. I'll honestly say that I would have to sort myself out but if the feels and attraction is there, why not? Maybe one day, i'll have a transgender friend in my real life to guide me through their story and I'll lose the hesitation.
On January 28 2012 21:03 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2012 12:21 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:17 RoMGraViTy wrote:On January 28 2012 12:08 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:00 Troxle wrote:On January 28 2012 09:54 Klondikebar wrote:On January 27 2012 22:46 Robinsa wrote:On January 27 2012 22:08 FalahNorei wrote:On January 27 2012 12:36 Ankh1221 wrote: I wish i were gay. How awesome would a gay cruise be? Everyone's eligible. Those guys know how to have fun. trust me, don't wish for that. being gay IS nice, and even has some advantages over being straight, but there ARE disadvantages. alot of them. wish to be bi, no borders at least  also, (don't flame me toooooo hard for this please << ), there are theories that I support and believe in, stating that such things like fully gay or fully straight don't exist, but only preferences.... there were cases of straight guys falling in love with each other already, and the stories of gays marrying a woman and raising a family are rather comon. so there, like the guys before me said, never too late to experiment ^^ also; edit: josketh, love your DA ^^ edit2: okay, edited this stupid thingy 5 times now to get rid of typos. damn, me so bad v.v I think being BI is the worst of them all actually. Its really easy to get messed up and not knowing who you are. Gay people generally have a problem with their identity to begin with as well but BI people are bound to think theyre normal 1 second then gay the next.. and no matter what kind of relation ship you chose youre always going to be tempted by what you dont have. Whew, finally got a chance to check one of my favorite homes on the internet today! I definitely sympathize with bi guys. There are a fair number of gay guys (me included) who really don't even want to date bi guys for this reason. Quite frankly, if you put me next a girl of equal (or even slightly lesser) hotness, and told a bi guy he had to choose, he'd pick the girl 9/10 times. Everything about dating a girl is easier than dating a guy in our society AND girls are better looking to boot. At least...that's how I feel about dating a bi guy. I know it's not universally true but it definitely something that makes me shy away from a relationship with one. TL:DR You may get the best of both worlds but the worst of both worlds comes with that too and I don't envy it. Edit in cause I don't wanna spam posts: DUBBLE YEW TEE EFF! Is Doa married?! I noticed a ring on his left ring finger tonight. I am so sad panda but I am not surprised. *sigh* Time to burn this crush to the ground. I guess I'm the lonely 10% that picks the guy? O.o I consider myself bi, but I have a stronger preference towards men and more consistantly only want men, but I have my times of feelin' attracted to both parties. The problem is those brief times. If we've been dating for several months, and all of a sudden you're like "I'm in a girls phase" even if it only lasts for a couple of days that kills sex, it kills intimacy, every time you see a pair of breasts I'm going to wonder...it's not just a rough patch It's a patch where your (completely uncontrollable) hormones are throwing you in the opposite direction. That can really erode the security that's supposed to come from a relationship. Doesnt work that way. There is no "girls phase/guys phase" - its always both, but it always depends what your looking at or with that makes you question one way or another more, and its normally very temporary. Like when, suppose, your with your BF and a super hot guy walks past and u check him out. Same concept, cept it can be with both sexes. I have to side with Troxie too in that most of the time i DO prefer guys, but its just that women dont turn me off and i dont mind checkin em out etc. Its not a swing state. Its always Both Girls are, defacto, prettier than guys...there's an element of competition there that I just don't think I can win. What a bizarre thing to say. Prettier? maybe. More attractive? no. i usually dont find that either. there only seems a rare few of each gender that are pretty anyways (attractive even). women are designed to be chubby, fat even. men being more muscles. neither really come out pretty, though both attractive to some sexuality.
On January 29 2012 05:10 Roe wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2012 21:03 marvellosity wrote:On January 28 2012 12:21 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:17 RoMGraViTy wrote:On January 28 2012 12:08 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:00 Troxle wrote:On January 28 2012 09:54 Klondikebar wrote:On January 27 2012 22:46 Robinsa wrote:On January 27 2012 22:08 FalahNorei wrote:On January 27 2012 12:36 Ankh1221 wrote: I wish i were gay. How awesome would a gay cruise be? Everyone's eligible. Those guys know how to have fun. trust me, don't wish for that. being gay IS nice, and even has some advantages over being straight, but there ARE disadvantages. alot of them. wish to be bi, no borders at least  also, (don't flame me toooooo hard for this please << ), there are theories that I support and believe in, stating that such things like fully gay or fully straight don't exist, but only preferences.... there were cases of straight guys falling in love with each other already, and the stories of gays marrying a woman and raising a family are rather comon. so there, like the guys before me said, never too late to experiment ^^ also; edit: josketh, love your DA ^^ edit2: okay, edited this stupid thingy 5 times now to get rid of typos. damn, me so bad v.v I think being BI is the worst of them all actually. Its really easy to get messed up and not knowing who you are. Gay people generally have a problem with their identity to begin with as well but BI people are bound to think theyre normal 1 second then gay the next.. and no matter what kind of relation ship you chose youre always going to be tempted by what you dont have. Whew, finally got a chance to check one of my favorite homes on the internet today! I definitely sympathize with bi guys. There are a fair number of gay guys (me included) who really don't even want to date bi guys for this reason. Quite frankly, if you put me next a girl of equal (or even slightly lesser) hotness, and told a bi guy he had to choose, he'd pick the girl 9/10 times. Everything about dating a girl is easier than dating a guy in our society AND girls are better looking to boot. At least...that's how I feel about dating a bi guy. I know it's not universally true but it definitely something that makes me shy away from a relationship with one. TL:DR You may get the best of both worlds but the worst of both worlds comes with that too and I don't envy it. Edit in cause I don't wanna spam posts: DUBBLE YEW TEE EFF! Is Doa married?! I noticed a ring on his left ring finger tonight. I am so sad panda but I am not surprised. *sigh* Time to burn this crush to the ground. I guess I'm the lonely 10% that picks the guy? O.o I consider myself bi, but I have a stronger preference towards men and more consistantly only want men, but I have my times of feelin' attracted to both parties. The problem is those brief times. If we've been dating for several months, and all of a sudden you're like "I'm in a girls phase" even if it only lasts for a couple of days that kills sex, it kills intimacy, every time you see a pair of breasts I'm going to wonder...it's not just a rough patch It's a patch where your (completely uncontrollable) hormones are throwing you in the opposite direction. That can really erode the security that's supposed to come from a relationship. Doesnt work that way. There is no "girls phase/guys phase" - its always both, but it always depends what your looking at or with that makes you question one way or another more, and its normally very temporary. Like when, suppose, your with your BF and a super hot guy walks past and u check him out. Same concept, cept it can be with both sexes. I have to side with Troxie too in that most of the time i DO prefer guys, but its just that women dont turn me off and i dont mind checkin em out etc. Its not a swing state. Its always Both Girls are, defacto, prettier than guys...there's an element of competition there that I just don't think I can win. What a bizarre thing to say. Prettier? maybe. More attractive? no. i usually dont find that either. there only seems a rare few of each gender that are pretty anyways (attractive even). women are designed to be chubby, fat even. men being more muscles. neither really come out pretty, though both attractive to some sexuality.
while it might be true that they're naturally designed to be like that, I wouldn't say thats neccessary for them to be attractive. naturally, I bet we're not supposed to be gay/bi either. so yeah, don't think that really matters (personally I'm more into chubbies, girls OR guys XD )
On January 29 2012 05:24 FalahNorei wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2012 05:10 Roe wrote:On January 28 2012 21:03 marvellosity wrote:On January 28 2012 12:21 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:17 RoMGraViTy wrote:On January 28 2012 12:08 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:00 Troxle wrote:On January 28 2012 09:54 Klondikebar wrote:On January 27 2012 22:46 Robinsa wrote:On January 27 2012 22:08 FalahNorei wrote:[quote] trust me, don't wish for that. being gay IS nice, and even has some advantages over being straight, but there ARE disadvantages. alot of them. wish to be bi, no borders at least  also, (don't flame me toooooo hard for this please << ), there are theories that I support and believe in, stating that such things like fully gay or fully straight don't exist, but only preferences.... there were cases of straight guys falling in love with each other already, and the stories of gays marrying a woman and raising a family are rather comon. so there, like the guys before me said, never too late to experiment ^^ also; edit: josketh, love your DA ^^ edit2: okay, edited this stupid thingy 5 times now to get rid of typos. damn, me so bad v.v I think being BI is the worst of them all actually. Its really easy to get messed up and not knowing who you are. Gay people generally have a problem with their identity to begin with as well but BI people are bound to think theyre normal 1 second then gay the next.. and no matter what kind of relation ship you chose youre always going to be tempted by what you dont have. Whew, finally got a chance to check one of my favorite homes on the internet today! I definitely sympathize with bi guys. There are a fair number of gay guys (me included) who really don't even want to date bi guys for this reason. Quite frankly, if you put me next a girl of equal (or even slightly lesser) hotness, and told a bi guy he had to choose, he'd pick the girl 9/10 times. Everything about dating a girl is easier than dating a guy in our society AND girls are better looking to boot. At least...that's how I feel about dating a bi guy. I know it's not universally true but it definitely something that makes me shy away from a relationship with one. TL:DR You may get the best of both worlds but the worst of both worlds comes with that too and I don't envy it. Edit in cause I don't wanna spam posts: DUBBLE YEW TEE EFF! Is Doa married?! I noticed a ring on his left ring finger tonight. I am so sad panda but I am not surprised. *sigh* Time to burn this crush to the ground. I guess I'm the lonely 10% that picks the guy? O.o I consider myself bi, but I have a stronger preference towards men and more consistantly only want men, but I have my times of feelin' attracted to both parties. The problem is those brief times. If we've been dating for several months, and all of a sudden you're like "I'm in a girls phase" even if it only lasts for a couple of days that kills sex, it kills intimacy, every time you see a pair of breasts I'm going to wonder...it's not just a rough patch It's a patch where your (completely uncontrollable) hormones are throwing you in the opposite direction. That can really erode the security that's supposed to come from a relationship. Doesnt work that way. There is no "girls phase/guys phase" - its always both, but it always depends what your looking at or with that makes you question one way or another more, and its normally very temporary. Like when, suppose, your with your BF and a super hot guy walks past and u check him out. Same concept, cept it can be with both sexes. I have to side with Troxie too in that most of the time i DO prefer guys, but its just that women dont turn me off and i dont mind checkin em out etc. Its not a swing state. Its always Both Girls are, defacto, prettier than guys...there's an element of competition there that I just don't think I can win. What a bizarre thing to say. Prettier? maybe. More attractive? no. i usually dont find that either. there only seems a rare few of each gender that are pretty anyways (attractive even). women are designed to be chubby, fat even. men being more muscles. neither really come out pretty, though both attractive to some sexuality. while it might be true that they're naturally designed to be like that, I wouldn't say thats neccessary for them to be attractive. naturally, I bet we're not supposed to be gay/bi either. so yeah, don't think that really matters  (personally I'm more into chubbies, girls OR guys XD )
Actually homosexuality is common in other animals, not just humans. So unless there was some amazin' genetic mix up thousands and thousands of years ago that created homosexuality, there is no "not supposed to be".
On January 28 2012 21:03 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2012 12:21 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:17 RoMGraViTy wrote:On January 28 2012 12:08 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:00 Troxle wrote:On January 28 2012 09:54 Klondikebar wrote:On January 27 2012 22:46 Robinsa wrote:On January 27 2012 22:08 FalahNorei wrote:On January 27 2012 12:36 Ankh1221 wrote: I wish i were gay. How awesome would a gay cruise be? Everyone's eligible. Those guys know how to have fun. trust me, don't wish for that. being gay IS nice, and even has some advantages over being straight, but there ARE disadvantages. alot of them. wish to be bi, no borders at least  also, (don't flame me toooooo hard for this please << ), there are theories that I support and believe in, stating that such things like fully gay or fully straight don't exist, but only preferences.... there were cases of straight guys falling in love with each other already, and the stories of gays marrying a woman and raising a family are rather comon. so there, like the guys before me said, never too late to experiment ^^ also; edit: josketh, love your DA ^^ edit2: okay, edited this stupid thingy 5 times now to get rid of typos. damn, me so bad v.v I think being BI is the worst of them all actually. Its really easy to get messed up and not knowing who you are. Gay people generally have a problem with their identity to begin with as well but BI people are bound to think theyre normal 1 second then gay the next.. and no matter what kind of relation ship you chose youre always going to be tempted by what you dont have. Whew, finally got a chance to check one of my favorite homes on the internet today! I definitely sympathize with bi guys. There are a fair number of gay guys (me included) who really don't even want to date bi guys for this reason. Quite frankly, if you put me next a girl of equal (or even slightly lesser) hotness, and told a bi guy he had to choose, he'd pick the girl 9/10 times. Everything about dating a girl is easier than dating a guy in our society AND girls are better looking to boot. At least...that's how I feel about dating a bi guy. I know it's not universally true but it definitely something that makes me shy away from a relationship with one. TL:DR You may get the best of both worlds but the worst of both worlds comes with that too and I don't envy it. Edit in cause I don't wanna spam posts: DUBBLE YEW TEE EFF! Is Doa married?! I noticed a ring on his left ring finger tonight. I am so sad panda but I am not surprised. *sigh* Time to burn this crush to the ground. I guess I'm the lonely 10% that picks the guy? O.o I consider myself bi, but I have a stronger preference towards men and more consistantly only want men, but I have my times of feelin' attracted to both parties. The problem is those brief times. If we've been dating for several months, and all of a sudden you're like "I'm in a girls phase" even if it only lasts for a couple of days that kills sex, it kills intimacy, every time you see a pair of breasts I'm going to wonder...it's not just a rough patch It's a patch where your (completely uncontrollable) hormones are throwing you in the opposite direction. That can really erode the security that's supposed to come from a relationship. Doesnt work that way. There is no "girls phase/guys phase" - its always both, but it always depends what your looking at or with that makes you question one way or another more, and its normally very temporary. Like when, suppose, your with your BF and a super hot guy walks past and u check him out. Same concept, cept it can be with both sexes. I have to side with Troxie too in that most of the time i DO prefer guys, but its just that women dont turn me off and i dont mind checkin em out etc. Its not a swing state. Its always Both Girls are, defacto, prettier than guys...there's an element of competition there that I just don't think I can win. What a bizarre thing to say. Prettier? maybe. More attractive? no.
Really? I've always thought that girls were much better looking than guys. I just can't get boners for them.
Moi! bad camera on phone but hey xoxoxo
On January 29 2012 08:56 Klondikebar wrote:Show nested quote +On January 28 2012 21:03 marvellosity wrote:On January 28 2012 12:21 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:17 RoMGraViTy wrote:On January 28 2012 12:08 Klondikebar wrote:On January 28 2012 12:00 Troxle wrote:On January 28 2012 09:54 Klondikebar wrote:On January 27 2012 22:46 Robinsa wrote:On January 27 2012 22:08 FalahNorei wrote:On January 27 2012 12:36 Ankh1221 wrote: I wish i were gay. How awesome would a gay cruise be? Everyone's eligible. Those guys know how to have fun. trust me, don't wish for that. being gay IS nice, and even has some advantages over being straight, but there ARE disadvantages. alot of them. wish to be bi, no borders at least  also, (don't flame me toooooo hard for this please << ), there are theories that I support and believe in, stating that such things like fully gay or fully straight don't exist, but only preferences.... there were cases of straight guys falling in love with each other already, and the stories of gays marrying a woman and raising a family are rather comon. so there, like the guys before me said, never too late to experiment ^^ also; edit: josketh, love your DA ^^ edit2: okay, edited this stupid thingy 5 times now to get rid of typos. damn, me so bad v.v I think being BI is the worst of them all actually. Its really easy to get messed up and not knowing who you are. Gay people generally have a problem with their identity to begin with as well but BI people are bound to think theyre normal 1 second then gay the next.. and no matter what kind of relation ship you chose youre always going to be tempted by what you dont have. Whew, finally got a chance to check one of my favorite homes on the internet today! I definitely sympathize with bi guys. There are a fair number of gay guys (me included) who really don't even want to date bi guys for this reason. Quite frankly, if you put me next a girl of equal (or even slightly lesser) hotness, and told a bi guy he had to choose, he'd pick the girl 9/10 times. Everything about dating a girl is easier than dating a guy in our society AND girls are better looking to boot. At least...that's how I feel about dating a bi guy. I know it's not universally true but it definitely something that makes me shy away from a relationship with one. TL:DR You may get the best of both worlds but the worst of both worlds comes with that too and I don't envy it. Edit in cause I don't wanna spam posts: DUBBLE YEW TEE EFF! Is Doa married?! I noticed a ring on his left ring finger tonight. I am so sad panda but I am not surprised. *sigh* Time to burn this crush to the ground. I guess I'm the lonely 10% that picks the guy? O.o I consider myself bi, but I have a stronger preference towards men and more consistantly only want men, but I have my times of feelin' attracted to both parties. The problem is those brief times. If we've been dating for several months, and all of a sudden you're like "I'm in a girls phase" even if it only lasts for a couple of days that kills sex, it kills intimacy, every time you see a pair of breasts I'm going to wonder...it's not just a rough patch It's a patch where your (completely uncontrollable) hormones are throwing you in the opposite direction. That can really erode the security that's supposed to come from a relationship. Doesnt work that way. There is no "girls phase/guys phase" - its always both, but it always depends what your looking at or with that makes you question one way or another more, and its normally very temporary. Like when, suppose, your with your BF and a super hot guy walks past and u check him out. Same concept, cept it can be with both sexes. I have to side with Troxie too in that most of the time i DO prefer guys, but its just that women dont turn me off and i dont mind checkin em out etc. Its not a swing state. Its always Both Girls are, defacto, prettier than guys...there's an element of competition there that I just don't think I can win. What a bizarre thing to say. Prettier? maybe. More attractive? no. Really? I've always thought that girls were much better looking than guys. I just can't get boners for them. I think it's just based more on culture. If you put effort into it, you can usually look reasonably attractive, you can see this on youtube make up vids, there are some girls that normally look very plain / bad acne but end up looking pretty amazing. (Or GSL studio when the actors get tons of make up lol) Just different cultures have different norms / varying degrees of pressure to look good.
Girls in most cultures are usually much more exposed to the culture of looking pretty / attractive though so it's more likely they'll put the effort into it to stay thin / put up on make up, do their hair etc then guys. In NA the pressure for girls to look good is often much higher than for males, so maybe that's why you have that perception.
An example showing my point would be if you went to say modern day Tokyo, where men being stylish / metrosexual is the norm, you'll see many "beautiful" looking males(maybe more on average than good looking girls in other places). If you took the same look at Japanese males in Tokyo say during 1950's, they won't look nearly as good. Ofc, I know attraction isn't the same for everybody but hopefully people understand what I mean.
On January 29 2012 09:09 Sturov wrote:Moi! bad camera on phone but hey  xoxoxo ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tW2NH.jpg)
going for an MKP look?
edit: or Bisu o wow.
So... I finally got my bf to try on cheapo hipster glasses.....
he became....
Here's a comparison + Show Spoiler +
What do you think?
On January 29 2012 11:26 neoghaleon55 wrote:So... I finally got my bf to try on cheapo hipster glasses..... he became.... Pseudo-DRG! Here's a comparison + Show Spoiler +What do you think?
He's a damn good lookalike. Enjoy your 1v1's...try to last till the late game.
Thanks for the the insight and comments about the transgender people in our community. I believe my ignorance and prejudices stem from the fact that I never had the chance to meet or befriended any transgender people.
Side note, I just saw this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/justin-adkins/hot-trans-guys_b_1237439.html?ref=gay-voices It is a blog article on what is 'hot' for a trans man. Take a look and what do you all think?
On January 29 2012 11:26 neoghaleon55 wrote:So... I finally got my bf to try on cheapo hipster glasses..... he became.... Pseudo-DRG! Here's a comparison + Show Spoiler +What do you think?
Awesome!!! I was actually looking for a 'Like' button =/
On January 29 2012 11:50 kentriarch wrote:Thanks for the the insight and comments about the transgender people in our community. I believe my ignorance and prejudices stem from the fact that I never had the chance to meet or befriended any transgender people. Side note, I just saw this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/justin-adkins/hot-trans-guys_b_1237439.html?ref=gay-voices It is a blog article on what is 'hot' for a trans man. Take a look and what do you all think? Show nested quote +On January 29 2012 11:26 neoghaleon55 wrote:So... I finally got my bf to try on cheapo hipster glasses..... he became.... Pseudo-DRG! Here's a comparison + Show Spoiler +What do you think? Awesome!!! I was actually looking for a 'Like' button =/
Ryan Sallans is downright hot. On reddit someone posted some time series photos of themselves as they were making the transition from a male to a female body. It was impressive. They were actually really hot as a guy so it was kinda a shame but they turned into a really pretty woman and I was very impressed at how...it worked. I know it sounds dumb but I hadn't realized how far science has taken us.
My god, the Balian Buschbaum one is amazing.
So, I didn't think I'd fall so hard onto the Apollo train. But I did. Good news, my friends really want to do these Starcraft photos so I may have them sooner than later.
sounds great! we can't wait to see them. I recommend more sweaty guys! <3 lol
On January 29 2012 09:40 RoMGraViTy wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2012 09:09 Sturov wrote:Moi! bad camera on phone but hey  xoxoxo ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tW2NH.jpg) going for an MKP look? edit: or Bisu o wow.
Yeah going for a MKP look :p x