On August 26 2013 08:29 mav451 wrote: You have any sources for that info?
If you're referring to my post, then no. Just personal experience fixing development machines working under extreme loads.
(Well, I did at the time, as I had to discover the fix from a mixture of experimentation and extreme internet forum whoring, but there's no way I could point you to the particular thread at this point.)
On August 15 2013 05:51 MysteryMeat1 wrote: So I need to get a wifi card for my desktop since I will be moving out and my new place has wifi and I won't be plugged directly into the modem anymore. What wifi card would you reccomend. I honestly have no clue what I need to know and can post my hardware specs if needed.
I have a TP-Link TL-WN851ND Wireless N Dual Antenna Network Adapter Card (yes I C+P'd that) and it works very well. I bought it for $20 but you might be able to find cheaper. You might also want to consider USB wireless adapters in case you don't feel comfortable adding a new piece of hardware to your computer.
Does anyone have any other suggestions. I kind of want a usb one, but don't mind adding in the hardware.
My living room PC uses a Rosewill RNX-N250PCe (RNWD-11005). Speedtest was pretty good at 25MB down/5MB up, but I don't know how good stability it. I'm in a high-rise and it's going through several walls, but seems to do alright. I like the two giant dipoles.
Any ms word pros here (working with 2010.) I am working on a document that needs numbered paragraphs. Will likely be editted so doing it manually wouldn't be the most fun.
I set the numbering to [000x], where x is the paragraph number. Had it going fine until I hit paragraph ten. Would like to to continue [0010], [0011].. [0101] etc. Any way to get it to do that?
Yes, you can use a monitor for a console. Input lag is dependent on how good/bad your displays are. The display used for a console has no effect on FPS. Everyone is using the same configuration and the games are designed for that one configuration so talking about FPS on consoles is rather silly.
On August 27 2013 17:38 skyR wrote: Yes, you can use a monitor for a console. Input lag is dependent on how good/bad your displays are. The display used for a console has no effect on FPS. Everyone is using the same configuration and the games are designed for that one configuration so talking about FPS on consoles is rather silly.
Thanks for the answer!
What I meant with FPS was the monitor keeping up with what the console was sending it.
On August 25 2013 12:42 docvoc wrote: Guys, my Asus ve247 monitor refuses to work at my dorm. I took it to a friend of mine, and it seemingly magically worked when he turned it on. I brought it back to my dorm and now it isn't working, I don't know what the issue is, but it just won't fucking work. I've tried everything I can think of, including plugging in the monitor after the computer has been running so that the HDMI signal will catch. I thought my gfx card had busted until it worked at my friends house. I have no idea what to do now. I'm really confused. Halp.
Alright I've calmed down a bit more. Here is some more information. I have an ASUS ve247 monitor (i forget if it's an H or a G model). When I plug the HDMI into my computer rig and into the monitor, the monitor tells me: HDMI NO SIGNAL. The same goes for when I used the VGA. The monitor is plugged in and so is the computer. Both have power, but the monitor remains blank and says HDMI NO SIGNAL until it goes to black screen. The monitor starts up, but does not actually show a signal. I went to the ASUS forums, but they were less than useful. My friend was able to get it to work, but I don't know how to replicate what he did since he is on a trip and can't be here physically to help me.
I assume you talk about a desktop PC, not a notebook.
Are you being a bit stupid and plugging it into the motherboard's HDMI instead of graphics card?
There's also a strange program called "lucidvirtu" that runs everything over the motherboard, so maybe the way your PC is set up it wants it the other way around.
The graphics card may have lost contact to the slot after transporting the PC so open it up and wiggle and push the card.
On August 21 2013 09:23 Cyro wrote: Got any vids of you playing @ that dpi? would be interesting
No but i can try making one sometime this week. Would it have to be on 1900x1080 with 4.9k or just the way i have it atm?
Here's one of my old ones. Not perfect accuracy, and a real pain in the ass to do maps like this. This is just relax mod even, so only mouse movement to focus on
Oh man i totally forgot about this. I play it pretty casually but i got the beatmap and tried that same one out. I didn't think my accuracy was THAT bad (first time trying it on relax so i can just focus on accuracy, pitiful lol). It was a really cool experience though cause it made me pretty conscious of what i like and i dont like about my setup. Maybe i can just ditch my cloth mousepad for something else and lower the DPI to try to keep a similar feel but more accuracy, idk.
On August 21 2013 09:23 Cyro wrote: Got any vids of you playing @ that dpi? would be interesting
No but i can try making one sometime this week. Would it have to be on 1900x1080 with 4.9k or just the way i have it atm?
Here's one of my old ones. Not perfect accuracy, and a real pain in the ass to do maps like this. This is just relax mod even, so only mouse movement to focus on
Oh man i totally forgot about this. I play it pretty casually but i got the beatmap and tried that same one out. I didn't think my accuracy was THAT bad (first time trying it on relax so i can just focus on accuracy, pitiful lol). It was a really cool experience though cause it made me pretty conscious of what i like and i dont like about my setup. Maybe i can just ditch my cloth mousepad for something else and lower the DPI to try to keep a similar feel but more accuracy, idk.
Haha it's the biggest challenges that really bring out what works and what doesn't, i've never seen anyone actually do that map with high DPI to any level of skill, most of the youtube videos i think were of tablet players because it's really hard to do with a mouse and wrecks your body.
I think 2000dpi* 1:1 (no acceleration etc) might be passable for "good" accuracy, but i'd really suggest 800-1k if you want to re-adjust and push boundaries of what you can do with mouse, that vid was taken @630dpi which i think is a little bit too far off the low end for somebody new, and not optimal for everything (i'm forcing myself to use 810 now because i can do that and it's easier to use some game engines like sc2/LoL without sacrificing accuracy, but a bigger step up would hurt me)
*All values taken for a 1920 width screen, to translate sens, divide your screen width (etc 1366) by 1920 (1366/1920 = 0.7114) and multiply the value by that number (2000*0.7114 = 1422)
Maybe i can just ditch my cloth mousepad for something else and lower the DPI to try to keep a similar feel but more accuracy, idk.
What feel are you looking for? And remember with any adjustments, what feels fast or slow or right is all a matter of what you are adjusted to, if you take two players, one @1000dpi and the other @2000dpi and tell them both to use 1500, one will complain that 1500 is too fast and the other one that it is too slow
On August 21 2013 09:23 Cyro wrote: Got any vids of you playing @ that dpi? would be interesting
No but i can try making one sometime this week. Would it have to be on 1900x1080 with 4.9k or just the way i have it atm?
Here's one of my old ones. Not perfect accuracy, and a real pain in the ass to do maps like this. This is just relax mod even, so only mouse movement to focus on
Oh man i totally forgot about this. I play it pretty casually but i got the beatmap and tried that same one out. I didn't think my accuracy was THAT bad (first time trying it on relax so i can just focus on accuracy, pitiful lol). It was a really cool experience though cause it made me pretty conscious of what i like and i dont like about my setup. Maybe i can just ditch my cloth mousepad for something else and lower the DPI to try to keep a similar feel but more accuracy, idk.
Haha it's the biggest challenges that really bring out what works and what doesn't, i've never seen anyone actually do that map with high DPI to any level of skill, most of the youtube videos i think were of tablet players because it's really hard to do with a mouse and wrecks your body.
I think 2000dpi* 1:1 (no acceleration etc) might be passable for "good" accuracy, but i'd really suggest 800-1k if you want to re-adjust and push boundaries of what you can do with mouse, that vid was taken @630dpi which i think is a little bit too far off the low end for somebody new, and not optimal for everything (i'm forcing myself to use 810 now because i can do that and it's easier to use some game engines like sc2/LoL without sacrificing accuracy, but a bigger step up would hurt me)
*All values taken for a 1920 width screen, to translate sens, divide your screen width (etc 1366) by 1920 (1366/1920 = 0.7114) and multiply the value by that number (2000*0.7114 = 1422)
Maybe i can just ditch my cloth mousepad for something else and lower the DPI to try to keep a similar feel but more accuracy, idk.
What feel are you looking for? And remember with any adjustments, what feels fast or slow or right is all a matter of what you are adjusted to, if you take two players, one @1000dpi and the other @2000dpi and tell them both to use 1500, one will complain that 1500 is too fast and the other one that it is too slow
I feel that sometimes the mouse gets "kinda stuck." I've only ever used cloth mousepads and cheap $10 mice until...i don't know a year ago? Since im pretty weak due to a disability i have, i think id prefer whatever would "glide" the most. With low DPI and a clothpad it felt like it took ages to move from one corner of the screen to the other.
Currently im mostly playing LoL so it's not like im looking for "dat accuracy" like one would want for an fps but i DO find myself clicking on the ground instead of whatever i want to hit at times.
With low DPI and a clothpad it felt like it took ages to move from one corner of the screen to the other
That's just a matter of being used to it or not like i said, unless you have a problem moving your arm below the elbow
Currently im mostly playing LoL so it's not like im looking for "dat accuracy" like one would want for an fps but i DO find myself clicking on the ground instead of whatever i want to hit at times.
Yea i know what you mean, LoL is really not too mouse demanding, but with decent settings you should be able to snap click to anything in that game without ever missing, moving minions np
Currently im mostly playing LoL so it's not like im looking for "dat accuracy" like one would want for an fps but i DO find myself clicking on the ground instead of whatever i want to hit at times.
Yea i know what you mean, LoL is really not too mouse demanding, but with decent settings you should be able to snap click to anything in that game without ever missing, moving minions np
On August 27 2013 22:56 Liman wrote: How do I change video quality on twitch now? I only see minimum and maximum resolutions.This started today.
Probably the stream you were looking at only had those available. I just checked one and see low, medium, high, 1080p+.
Ooo, low, medium, high, source! Hopefully less people getting mixed up between what resolution and quality mean now
Mouse usage in general is fine, it's harder and can get tiring to do quick and long mouse movements over a larger period of time.
For LoL sometimes i missclick in teamfights at times, hence my Vayne is pretty weak compared to say Ezreal, since i sometimes waste silver bolts stacks. While i stick to LoL mostly i think DPI tweaking will be enough, if i start doing stuff that's more mouse demanding i'll probably pop my head in here again (or the appropriate Tech thread) for whatever i need.
On August 28 2013 07:35 Cyro wrote: Ooo, low, medium, high, source! Hopefully less people getting mixed up between what resolution and quality mean now
I can smell the snark through the Internet itself.
What free streaming services are there that are easy to use? I only know about twitch, but they removed the 480p option, so anyone have alternative suggestions?
On August 29 2013 02:04 nosliw wrote: What free streaming services are there that are easy to use? I only know about twitch, but they removed the 480p option, so anyone have alternative suggestions?
Lately Gamecreds is getting some attention - I know of few rather big (at least in my country) streamers using it: http://www.gamecreds.com/
On August 29 2013 02:04 nosliw wrote: What free streaming services are there that are easy to use? I only know about twitch, but they removed the 480p option, so anyone have alternative suggestions?