When using this resource, please read FragKrag's opening post. The Tech Support forum regulars have helped create countless of desktop systems without any compensation. The least you can do is provide all of the information required for them to help you properly. |
On March 04 2012 04:54 Medrea wrote: I dunno the Aurum gold seems like an ok PSU for the moment since CAPSTONE is unavailable. It's worse or comparable to S12II other than efficiency though, and more expensive. Mostly I was just pointing out the noise, so it makes no sense at an option if you're getting an aftermarket CPU cooler just for lower noise. For some reason they have the fan spinning very fast even though there's not much heat produced.
On March 04 2012 04:55 Shauni wrote:whats wrong with it? On this budget, spending like $100 extra on the case, motherboard, CPU cooler for somebody who cares about "pure gaming" use. That's just squandering the money away.
On March 04 2012 04:57 Medrea wrote: With your first one?
Motherboard was priced higher than some boards you can get that can also overclock.
Cooler for a non overclocker.
Overpriced RAM and case, though cases are subjective.
I think the Aurum was a stretch.
Im only 50 percent on the 6870 for such a small resolution but upgrade cycle of 5 years makes me feel better about it.
Teamliquid prefers to make builds that favor the core system and the specific needs of the builder over luxuries.
No, obviously the latter one. Like i said i was still editing the first one... Overpriced RAM, maybe? they're the cheapest ones here and i cant navigate on this shitty newegg website. The PSU is the core of your computer, I don't think it's bad recommending a stable gold unit, especially since all you guys recommend is the lowly Corsair CX series. If he's going to use it for gaming, and 5 years, then the best part needs to be the GPU obviously. I'd go for a 6950 if it fitted.
And regarding the case, it's a bit overpriced in usa, but i wouldnt feel safe recommending any of those 39,99 cases on newegg...
CX430V2 wont die in 5 years. Or even 10 years. PSU's dont usually die when they are quality made.
It would take OP's builds entire lifetime to probably make up that $40 in power savings.
GPU isnt very important after a point when the resolution is that small. But a lot of people upgrade monitors so, yeah a 6870 is perfect.
Again, Aurum is way way worse than something like Rosewill Capstone. Other than efficiency it's in the budget tier, not far from CX V2. It's got somewhat high acoustic noise, decent enough but not great capacitors, and group regulation on the secondary--overall, not great performance or build quality.
Sleeve-bearing fan on CX V2 may have issues in 5 years, not to mention 10. That's why I mentioned some kind of S12II, which can be cheaper. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371029
Isnt the Neo Power I have the same?
On March 04 2012 05:04 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 04:57 Medrea wrote: With your first one?
Motherboard was priced higher than some boards you can get that can also overclock.
Cooler for a non overclocker.
Overpriced RAM and case, though cases are subjective.
I think the Aurum was a stretch.
Im only 50 percent on the 6870 for such a small resolution but upgrade cycle of 5 years makes me feel better about it.
Teamliquid prefers to make builds that favor the core system and the specific needs of the builder over luxuries. No, obviously the latter one. Like i said i was still editing the first one... Overpriced RAM, maybe? they're the cheapest ones here and i cant navigate on this shitty newegg website. The PSU is the core of your computer, I don't think it's bad recommending a stable gold unit, especially since all you guys recommend is the lowly Corsair CX series. If he's going to use it for gaming, and 5 years, then the best part needs to be the GPU obviously. I'd go for a 6950 if it fitted. And regarding the case, it's a bit overpriced in usa, but i wouldnt feel safe recommending any of those 39,99 cases on newegg...
Newegg has one of the best website design among online retailers. I'm not even American and I praise how good their website is. I haven't seen one electronic / computer hardware retailer even come close to Newegg in terms of website design.
Your second build is subpar. Overpriced memory as you mentioned but Aurum is not that much better than the lowly CX units you are bashing. You say you don't feel comfortable recommending less expensive cases yet you're fine with Asrock and Powercolor -_-' Not to mention you're missing a HDD and DVD burner?
On March 04 2012 05:23 Medrea wrote: Isnt the Neo Power I have the same? They're both Seasonic but different.
Though I have only a passing knowledge of usability etc., I wouldn't say that Newegg's website design is that good, though it is well above average compared to a lot of computer hardware retailers. It's easy to use because of what appears to be Newegg's strength on the back end--you can search and sort by a lot of different parameters, which is possible because they must actually have people entering in these parameters for each product. e.g. you can actually do something like sort for socket 1155 motherboards with FireWire, and pretty much it will work. Also it's really good with taking pictures of products from many angles.
Papua New Guinea1058 Posts
On March 03 2012 23:09 skyR wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 03 2012 21:04 HornyHerring wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On February 18 2012 23:32 skyR wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On February 18 2012 23:15 HornyHerring wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I'm trying to setup a new pc for my needs and I'd love a little help/feedback. So, here it goes. What is your budget?About 1000$. Although I'm not sure if I need a pc that's gonna need money like that.What is your resolution?I play on 1680x1050, desktop on 1920x1200 right now. Not planning on changing it.What are you using it for?Gaming, want to play SC2 at highest settings, Lineage2(a lot of players in one place, think it's processor-heavy), wanna start Diablo3 and maybe some new games like Skyrim or whatever. I'd like to fraps as well and maybe stream(not in HD) if I get a better connection in the future. I also use some mapping programs for games. And I generally like to run shitton of tabs at Chrome with 28373287492 programs running at once.What is your upgrade cycle?Well, my current PC has been built in 2005 or 2006, except for gpu which was bought in like 2008 or 2009. So I dont plan on updating it anytime soon(except for minor changes I guess). But I don't think my needs will grow in time.When do you plan on building it?Within the next 2-3 months.Do you plan on overclocking?I have not OCd my current PC, dunno if I even need it.Do you need an Operating System?Nope. Got access to Win7 32 and Win7 64.Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire?Nope.Where are you buying your parts from?Most likely polish(since it's where I reside right now) internet shop - gral.pl. unfortunately there's no ENG version of this site.I already have a 24" 16:10 screen and might buy a new monitor to get a dual screen setup(suggestions for the second one - around 21" can be 16  HD - would be much welcome). Already have a mouse and a keyboard. Got a 1TB HDD for data. Regarding building a pc in general: Do I need an extra cooling for the cpu? Do I need some kind of thermal paste for the processor? Do I need cables? Generally, what else would I need to buy in order to have the PC running? Here's what I've put up together(site is in polish, but I guess the numbers and names speak for themselves): CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K 4x3.30 GHz BOX (LGA1155, 6MB, HD3000, 95W) MOBO: Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3, P67, DDR3, SATA3, USB 3.0, RAID, GBLAN, ATX, LGA1155 RAM: DDR3 4GB 2000MHz Corsair Vengeance XMP (2x2GB, DualDDR, CL10) SSD: Corsair Force Series 90GB, 2.5", SATA3 550MB/s, 500MB/s DVD: LG GH22NS70 DVD±R 22x, DVD+RW 8x, CD-RW 32x, DVD+R DL 12x, DVD-RAM 12x, OEM, SATA, Black GPU: GeForce GTX550Ti Gigabyte 1024MB, DDR5, HDMI, DVI, PCI-E CASE: Antec Three Hundred (bez zasilacza) PSU: ATX 600W Corsair CMPSU-600CXV2EU (Fan 140mm) Feedback would be much appreciated. Cheers. An aftermarket heatsink is recommended (required) for overclocking a 2500k. Thermal paste is included with the heatsink but you can buy something better if you wish. All cables are included with the retail components and you should have left over SATA cables from your previous computer. There is nothing extra to buy, everything is included with retail packaging. Paying a lot of money for better memory when you can't afford flagship components is one of the stupidest things you can do since memory frequency and timing have a negligible impact on performance. 1333MHz cas9 memory is going to cost significantly less and give you maybe 2 less FPS. If you do a lot of multi-tasking, which I'm starting to doubt you do since most multi-taskers wouldn't settle for anything less than 2x4gb in 2012. Not sure of pricing in Poland or how much you're even paying... GTX 550 Ti is generally shit since you can get the same performance (6770, 7750) for less or better performance (6850, GTX 460) for slightly more. A 600w unit is not necessary. Get a ~500w unit that's of better quality than the CXv2 for the same price or get the 500w variant of the CXv2 for less. On February 18 2012 23:33 Shikyo wrote:+ Show Spoiler + I don't get why you go for that kind of RAM but you totally won't need it, you'd be much better off with 1333-1600 mhz 8gb ram with 1.5v voltage
Is that a Corsair Force GT or 3?
Your graphics card is way weaker than what I'd get
That case is outdated and generally I'd recommend bitfenix shinobi instead
That PSU has more wattage than necessary for you even if you go with a decent processor
The mobo is ok but asrock p67 pro3 for instance should be better if it's around the same price
I'm not sure why you didn't include links or prices but I'm way too lazy to manually check those so I can't really comment on that.
For graphics card I would suggest something like 6950 or GTX 560 Ti and for RAM just get something like corsair 1600mhz 8gb 1.5v, the cheapest one. You also want a heatsink and I'd suggest hyper 212+, thermalright true spirit, or freezer 13 pro
Thanks for your input, guys, and sorry that I'm replying that late. I finally got to review the build according to your suggestions. The site I use is in polish, but the specs can be readable in any language I guess, I'll try to estimate the prices as well. Procesor: Intel Core i5 2500K 4x3.30 GHz BOX (LGA1155, 6MB, HD3000, 95W)Heatsink: Arctic Cooling Freezer 13 Pro (LGA775/LGA1155/LGA1156/LGA1366/AM3/AM2/939)Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3, P67, DDR3, SATA3, USB 3.0, RAID, GBLAN, ATX, LGA1155Ram: DDR3 8GB 1600MHz Corsair Vengeance XMP Blue (2x4GB, DualDDR, CL9)SSD: Corsair Force Series 90GB, 2.5", SATA3 550MB/s, 500MB/sDVD: LG GH22NS70 DVD±R 22x, DVD+RW 8x, CD-RW 32x, DVD+R DL 12x, DVD-RAM 12x, OEM, SATA, BlackGPU: Radeon HD6850 MSI 1024MB GDDR5, DP, HDMI, 2xDVI, PCI-E OC 820/4400Case: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus BlackPSU: ATX 500W Corsair CMPSU-500CXV2According to the current currency exchange rate the price is about 1002,16 USD, shipping free. Yea, I know it's kinda expensive for such build, Feedback on the updated build would be much appreciated. It's okay. I'd get the OCZ ZS 550 instead of the Corsair CX500V2: http://www.gral.pl/OCZ Technology ZS 550W_957.htmlI suggest spending a little more for a Crucial M4 128gb: http://www.gral.pl/Crucial M4 SSD 128GB SSD SATA3_700.htmlYou can get 1333MHz for significantly less (?): http://www.gral.pl/Kingston 2X 4GB DDR3-1333_634.html If you want to stick to Corasir than these low-profile ones would be better: http://www.gral.pl/Corsair 2X 4GB DDR3-1600_681.htmlOn March 03 2012 19:58 Anomek wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 02 2012 07:49 Anomek wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Hi, i guess if you guys can help me with build a PC. I've made a pre-build but i'm afraid i may overprice too much. What is your budget? It's around 1000-1200$ but i'm quite flexible in this matter. Note that prices in Poland can be different (but you probably know that already  ) and i'm looking rather for best performance/price ratio (with emphasis on performance) What is your resolution? 1980x1080 What are you using it for? Mosty gaming but i also want to be able to run many applications in background (like application server, database, etc.) and still have good performance. No photoshop, no streaming. What is your upgrade cycle? around 2 years, but i'm willing to buy something cheaper to replace it in few months (and fit with budget today) When do you plan on building it? In 1-2 weeks. Do you plan on overclocking? No plans for overclocking. Do you need an Operating System? No Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? Until it's cost-effecting and in my budget - no. Where are you buying your parts from? As I mentioned I'm from Poland and I'm going to buy parts in local stores. So my pre build is Intel Core i7 2600 3,40 GHz BOX (i've read here that i must be rich to buy it, it costs ~400$ here, i would buy something cheaper if it had similar performance, i don't want to save on this one) Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3-B3 G.SKILL DDR3 2x 2GB 1866MHz CL9 Ripjaws I have no idea how cost-effective these two are  I also want 2x HDD in RAID 0 Any help will be appreciated. Cheers So after taking into consideration your advices, I've build following setup. I also wanted to keep overclocking possible (but nothing hardcore). There are two choices somewhere, because I've not decided yet where I will buy PC, and not everything is in stock (and I must buy everything in one place).. i5 2500K or 2550K (depending which one is in stock) Asrock P67 Pro3 (B3) Radeon 6870 HIS 1GB 2xDVI&HDMI&2xMiniDP (PCI-E) or other 6870 in case there is no HIS in stock (I want it to be as silent and cool as possible, no oc intended) Kingston HyperX DDR3 2X 2GB 1600MHz XMP CL7 Low Latency Limited Edition / G.Skill 4GB (2x2GB) 1600MHz CL6 RipjawsX OCZ Agility 3 SSD 2,5" 60GB 525 MB/s 475 MB/s 80k IOPs / Corsair SSD Force Series GT 60GB (555/495MB/s) I already got second HHD 1T SATA II case SilentiumPC Brutus BT-410 Pure Black / Zalman Z9 (b/z) PSU Thermaltake Smart 530W 80+ 120mm APFC HSF Thermaltake Contac 29 BP Is it ok? I'm not sure whose advice you took into consideration but unless cas7 and cas6 costs the same as cas9, whoever told you to waste money on the memory is an idiot since performance gains between cas6/7 and 9 is negligible. When you can't afford good components or even 2x4gb, why would you waste money for a less than 1 FPS gain in most cases? Okay, thank you very much, once more. Switched the ram and psu. But why the change on SSD? The specs say it's slower than the Corsair one(take in mind that I'm a total nub, so I might not understand something in the specs and it's actually better or something) And I dunno if I'd actually need so much space on the drive that will pretty much contain only the OS, a game or two, and a few apps. But then again, I'm clueless. Thanks.
The Corsair one is pretty similar to OCZ Agility 3 and many others--they use the SandForce SF-2281 controller and asynchronous NAND flash with pretty much the same firmware. This series has a long history of bad reliability issues, though some of that is cleared up now. That's the important part. Compared to some other SF-2281 SSDs, it's slower because of the worse flash. Probably it's not slower by an amount a typical desktop user would notice, but still, you brought up performance so we might as well address that.
The controller is well known for its real-time data compression, so the max sequential speeds you see are not achieved in practice on a lot of data that doesn't compress down that much.
Actual real-world performance is actually lower than for the Crucial, which is average for this generation: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/400?vs=425
But again, it's mostly about the reliability issues, which you wouldn't know about from reading the specs.
I'd like to preface this build request with a few details: 1. Already have Samsung SA23700D monitor 2. Already have a 1 TB SATA Hard Drive
How do I have these parts? Well, a friend upgraded to an expensive Sandy Bridge-E multi-monitor build and bought both the monitor and HDD for a total of $150 off of him (he bought some 27'' monitor and didn't really need much storage), I'm not complaining but he definitely has too much money on his hands. With all that being said...
What is your budget? $1100-1200
What is your resolution? 1920x1080
What are you using it for? Mostly gaming (D3, SC2, Crysis 2, pretty much all blockbuster games)
What is your upgrade cycle? 2-3 years
When do you plan on building it? March 4, 2012 or if you guys foresee any price shifts within the next week that will save some money
Do you plan on overclocking? Definitely, probably push a 2500k to 4.5+ at least
Do you need an Operating System? No
Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? Maybe, multi-GPU performance has improved but I'm not sure if at this point it's worth the investment with microstuttering issues, heat, and software support issues, I'd like to hear your take on this issue if you don't mind
Where are you buying your parts from? I live in the United States so any online retailers that ship to/within the US, so most likely Newegg.com; NCIX US if they have better pricing.
What is your budget? $300-350 max, with shipping
What is your resolution? 1280x1024
What are you using it for? Light gaming (League of Legends and maybe SC2 will be the most demanding, only need to be playable at low settings), aswell as light streaming (Not any higher than 480p).
What is your upgrade cycle? unknown, system isn't for me
When do you plan on building it? Next week
Do you plan on overclocking? No
Do you need an Operating System? No
Where are you buying your parts from? Newegg.
On March 04 2012 10:36 Nabutso wrote: What is your budget? $300-350 max, with shipping
What is your resolution? 1280x1024
What are you using it for? Light gaming (League of Legends and maybe SC2 will be the most demanding, only need to be playable at low settings), aswell as light streaming (Not any higher than 480p).
What is your upgrade cycle? unknown, system isn't for me
When do you plan on building it? Next week
Do you plan on overclocking? No
Do you need an Operating System? No
Where are you buying your parts from? Newegg.
300-350 bucks isnt enough for a complete system for playing SC2 and streaming it. You'll need to go a little higher.
On March 04 2012 10:28 BryanSC wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I'd like to preface this build request with a few details: 1. Already have Samsung SA23700D monitor 2. Already have a 1 TB SATA Hard Drive
How do I have these parts? Well, a friend upgraded to an expensive Sandy Bridge-E multi-monitor build and bought both the monitor and HDD for a total of $150 off of him (he bought some 27'' monitor and didn't really need much storage), I'm not complaining but he definitely has too much money on his hands. With all that being said...
What is your budget? $1100-1200
What is your resolution? 1920x1080
What are you using it for? Mostly gaming (D3, SC2, Crysis 2, pretty much all blockbuster games)
What is your upgrade cycle? 2-3 years
When do you plan on building it? March 4, 2012 or if you guys foresee any price shifts within the next week that will save some money
Do you plan on overclocking? Definitely, probably push a 2500k to 4.5+ at least
Do you need an Operating System? No
Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? Maybe, multi-GPU performance has improved but I'm not sure if at this point it's worth the investment with microstuttering issues, heat, and software support issues, I'd like to hear your take on this issue if you don't mind
Where are you buying your parts from? I live in the United States so any online retailers that ship to/within the US, so most likely Newegg.com; NCIX US if they have better pricing.
Well Kepler is coming out in April and AMD should have 7850 and 7870s out soon (like next week but they'll most likely be overpriced). But if you don't want to wait, here's one possible configuration for $1129. All the 7970s are sold out or I'd recommend those ._. If you want to do SLI / CrossfireX than it's just another +$50 to $100 for a capable motherboard (eg. Asrock Z68 Extreme3) and a Capstone 650 for $100 or a Kingwin Platinum Absolute for $96. And switch to a 7950 with a dual slot heatsink.
Intel Core i5 2500k @ $200 http://us.ncix.com/products/?sku=57962&promoid=1009
Coolermaster HAF 912 @ $50 http://us.ncix.com/products/?sku=55583&promoid=1009
Coolermaster Hyper 212+ @ $23 http://us.ncix.com/products/?sku=41337&promoid=1009
DVD Burner @ $16 http://us.ncix.com/products/?sku=45244&promoid=1009
ASUS Radeon HD7950 DirectCuII @ $490 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121489
Asrock P67 Pro3 @ $100 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157230
Rosewill Capstone 550 @ $80 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182068
Crucial M4 128GB @ $170 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148448
On March 04 2012 11:01 LeKiNGG wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 10:36 Nabutso wrote: What is your budget? $300-350 max, with shipping
What is your resolution? 1280x1024
What are you using it for? Light gaming (League of Legends and maybe SC2 will be the most demanding, only need to be playable at low settings), aswell as light streaming (Not any higher than 480p).
What is your upgrade cycle? unknown, system isn't for me
When do you plan on building it? Next week
Do you plan on overclocking? No
Do you need an Operating System? No
Where are you buying your parts from? Newegg. 300-350 bucks isnt enough for a complete system for playing SC2 and streaming it. You'll need to go a little higher.
It wont be for streaming SC2, just playing it. Streaming would be other games, much less cpu intensive ones.
On March 04 2012 06:16 skyR wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 05:04 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 04:57 Medrea wrote: With your first one?
Motherboard was priced higher than some boards you can get that can also overclock.
Cooler for a non overclocker.
Overpriced RAM and case, though cases are subjective.
I think the Aurum was a stretch.
Im only 50 percent on the 6870 for such a small resolution but upgrade cycle of 5 years makes me feel better about it.
Teamliquid prefers to make builds that favor the core system and the specific needs of the builder over luxuries. No, obviously the latter one. Like i said i was still editing the first one... Overpriced RAM, maybe? they're the cheapest ones here and i cant navigate on this shitty newegg website. The PSU is the core of your computer, I don't think it's bad recommending a stable gold unit, especially since all you guys recommend is the lowly Corsair CX series. If he's going to use it for gaming, and 5 years, then the best part needs to be the GPU obviously. I'd go for a 6950 if it fitted. And regarding the case, it's a bit overpriced in usa, but i wouldnt feel safe recommending any of those 39,99 cases on newegg... Newegg has one of the best website design among online retailers. I'm not even American and I praise how good their website is. I haven't seen one electronic / computer hardware retailer even come close to Newegg in terms of website design. Your second build is subpar. Overpriced memory as you mentioned but Aurum is not that much better than the lowly CX units you are bashing. You say you don't feel comfortable recommending less expensive cases yet you're fine with Asrock and Powercolor -_-' Not to mention you're missing a HDD and DVD burner?
I just think newegg is very messy, ads and featured items everywhere. Listing and categories everywhere... I prefer to navigate something at least a bit more clean in order to find things by other means than the search button. The detail and descriptions are obviously there, but it wasn't what I complained about.
And about cases, it was mostly not knowing whats hip among the american budget cases, there were so many 3990 cases that i never heard of so I didnt know where to start...
On March 04 2012 11:11 Nabutso wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 11:01 LeKiNGG wrote:On March 04 2012 10:36 Nabutso wrote: What is your budget? $300-350 max, with shipping
What is your resolution? 1280x1024
What are you using it for? Light gaming (League of Legends and maybe SC2 will be the most demanding, only need to be playable at low settings), aswell as light streaming (Not any higher than 480p).
What is your upgrade cycle? unknown, system isn't for me
When do you plan on building it? Next week
Do you plan on overclocking? No
Do you need an Operating System? No
Where are you buying your parts from? Newegg. 300-350 bucks isnt enough for a complete system for playing SC2 and streaming it. You'll need to go a little higher. It wont be for streaming SC2, just playing it. Streaming would be other games, much less cpu intensive ones.
SAMSUNG 22X DVD Burner SATA Model SH-222BB/BEBE - OEM $16.99 GIGABYTE GZ-KF03B Black SGCC ATX Mid Tower Computer Case $19.99 SeaSonic S12II 380B 380W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC Power Supply $56.99 Western Digital Caviar Blue WD2500AAKX 250GB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive $74.99 AMD Entertainment Edition 4GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10600) Desktop Memory Model AE34G1339U2 $19.99 AMD A6-3670K Unlocked Llano 2.7GHz Socket FM1 100W Quad-Core Desktop APU (CPU + GPU) with DirectX 11 Graphic AMD Radeon HD 6530D AD3670WNGXBOX + MSI A55M-P35 FM1 AMD A55 (Hudson D2) Micro ATX AMD Motherboard $159.98
On March 04 2012 11:45 Shauni wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 06:16 skyR wrote:On March 04 2012 05:04 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 04:57 Medrea wrote: With your first one?
Motherboard was priced higher than some boards you can get that can also overclock.
Cooler for a non overclocker.
Overpriced RAM and case, though cases are subjective.
I think the Aurum was a stretch.
Im only 50 percent on the 6870 for such a small resolution but upgrade cycle of 5 years makes me feel better about it.
Teamliquid prefers to make builds that favor the core system and the specific needs of the builder over luxuries. No, obviously the latter one. Like i said i was still editing the first one... Overpriced RAM, maybe? they're the cheapest ones here and i cant navigate on this shitty newegg website. The PSU is the core of your computer, I don't think it's bad recommending a stable gold unit, especially since all you guys recommend is the lowly Corsair CX series. If he's going to use it for gaming, and 5 years, then the best part needs to be the GPU obviously. I'd go for a 6950 if it fitted. And regarding the case, it's a bit overpriced in usa, but i wouldnt feel safe recommending any of those 39,99 cases on newegg... Newegg has one of the best website design among online retailers. I'm not even American and I praise how good their website is. I haven't seen one electronic / computer hardware retailer even come close to Newegg in terms of website design. Your second build is subpar. Overpriced memory as you mentioned but Aurum is not that much better than the lowly CX units you are bashing. You say you don't feel comfortable recommending less expensive cases yet you're fine with Asrock and Powercolor -_-' Not to mention you're missing a HDD and DVD burner? I just think newegg is very messy, ads and featured items everywhere. Listing and categories everywhere... I prefer to navigate something at least a bit more clean in order to find things by other means than the search button. The detail and descriptions are obviously there, but it wasn't what I complained about. And about cases, it was mostly not knowing whats hip among the american budget cases, there were so many 3990 cases that i never heard of so I didnt know where to start...
Search button? Those ads are neweggs shellshocker deals many of which are pretty damn good. But not often what you want.
Use the tabs on the left to go from category to category. After that pick a subcategory. Then filter based on basic, advanced or power user specifications.
Now you are enjoying your life.
On March 04 2012 12:13 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 11:11 Nabutso wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 11:01 LeKiNGG wrote:On March 04 2012 10:36 Nabutso wrote: What is your budget? $300-350 max, with shipping
What is your resolution? 1280x1024
What are you using it for? Light gaming (League of Legends and maybe SC2 will be the most demanding, only need to be playable at low settings), aswell as light streaming (Not any higher than 480p).
What is your upgrade cycle? unknown, system isn't for me
When do you plan on building it? Next week
Do you plan on overclocking? No
Do you need an Operating System? No
Where are you buying your parts from? Newegg. 300-350 bucks isnt enough for a complete system for playing SC2 and streaming it. You'll need to go a little higher. It wont be for streaming SC2, just playing it. Streaming would be other games, much less cpu intensive ones. SAMSUNG 22X DVD Burner SATA Model SH-222BB/BEBE - OEM $16.99 GIGABYTE GZ-KF03B Black SGCC ATX Mid Tower Computer Case $19.99 SeaSonic S12II 380B 380W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC Power Supply $56.99 Western Digital Caviar Blue WD2500AAKX 250GB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive $74.99 AMD Entertainment Edition 4GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10600) Desktop Memory Model AE34G1339U2 $19.99 AMD A6-3670K Unlocked Llano 2.7GHz Socket FM1 100W Quad-Core Desktop APU (CPU + GPU) with DirectX 11 Graphic AMD Radeon HD 6530D AD3670WNGXBOX + MSI A55M-P35 FM1 AMD A55 (Hudson D2) Micro ATX AMD Motherboard $159.98 $348.93
Overclocking a Llano on a four phase board with no heatsink isn't exactly bright.
And that's over his budget. $350 is basically not possible from Newegg unless you buy utter shit components, open box / refurbished, or wait for sales.
On March 04 2012 11:45 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 06:16 skyR wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 05:04 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 04:57 Medrea wrote: With your first one?
Motherboard was priced higher than some boards you can get that can also overclock.
Cooler for a non overclocker.
Overpriced RAM and case, though cases are subjective.
I think the Aurum was a stretch.
Im only 50 percent on the 6870 for such a small resolution but upgrade cycle of 5 years makes me feel better about it.
Teamliquid prefers to make builds that favor the core system and the specific needs of the builder over luxuries. No, obviously the latter one. Like i said i was still editing the first one... Overpriced RAM, maybe? they're the cheapest ones here and i cant navigate on this shitty newegg website. The PSU is the core of your computer, I don't think it's bad recommending a stable gold unit, especially since all you guys recommend is the lowly Corsair CX series. If he's going to use it for gaming, and 5 years, then the best part needs to be the GPU obviously. I'd go for a 6950 if it fitted. And regarding the case, it's a bit overpriced in usa, but i wouldnt feel safe recommending any of those 39,99 cases on newegg... Newegg has one of the best website design among online retailers. I'm not even American and I praise how good their website is. I haven't seen one electronic / computer hardware retailer even come close to Newegg in terms of website design. Your second build is subpar. Overpriced memory as you mentioned but Aurum is not that much better than the lowly CX units you are bashing. You say you don't feel comfortable recommending less expensive cases yet you're fine with Asrock and Powercolor -_-' Not to mention you're missing a HDD and DVD burner? I just think newegg is very messy, ads and featured items everywhere. Listing and categories everywhere... I prefer to navigate something at least a bit more clean in order to find things by other means than the search button. The detail and descriptions are obviously there, but it wasn't what I complained about. And about cases, it was mostly not knowing whats hip among the american budget cases, there were so many 3990 cases that i never heard of so I didnt know where to start...
I never said you complained about descriptions or details. I said as a whole, their design is far superior to that of other computer hardware / electronic retailers. If you want to prove me wrong than provide examples. Newegg's website succeeds in several areas (contrast, white space, focus, navigation, search, filters, categories, and so on - most of which should be obvious to designers) where other similar retailers fail miserbly (eg. Amazon, NCIX, Tigerdirect).
Ads can't be helped with a retailer whose selling hundreds if not thousands of brands. You can't expect these retailers to have the sophistication of Apple or any other high-end retailer.
On March 04 2012 12:37 skyR wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 12:13 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 11:11 Nabutso wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 11:01 LeKiNGG wrote:On March 04 2012 10:36 Nabutso wrote: What is your budget? $300-350 max, with shipping
What is your resolution? 1280x1024
What are you using it for? Light gaming (League of Legends and maybe SC2 will be the most demanding, only need to be playable at low settings), aswell as light streaming (Not any higher than 480p).
What is your upgrade cycle? unknown, system isn't for me
When do you plan on building it? Next week
Do you plan on overclocking? No
Do you need an Operating System? No
Where are you buying your parts from? Newegg. 300-350 bucks isnt enough for a complete system for playing SC2 and streaming it. You'll need to go a little higher. It wont be for streaming SC2, just playing it. Streaming would be other games, much less cpu intensive ones. SAMSUNG 22X DVD Burner SATA Model SH-222BB/BEBE - OEM $16.99 GIGABYTE GZ-KF03B Black SGCC ATX Mid Tower Computer Case $19.99 SeaSonic S12II 380B 380W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC Power Supply $56.99 Western Digital Caviar Blue WD2500AAKX 250GB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive $74.99 AMD Entertainment Edition 4GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10600) Desktop Memory Model AE34G1339U2 $19.99 AMD A6-3670K Unlocked Llano 2.7GHz Socket FM1 100W Quad-Core Desktop APU (CPU + GPU) with DirectX 11 Graphic AMD Radeon HD 6530D AD3670WNGXBOX + MSI A55M-P35 FM1 AMD A55 (Hudson D2) Micro ATX AMD Motherboard $159.98 $348.93 Overclocking a Llano on a four phase board with no heatsink isn't exactly bright. And that's over his budget. $350 is basically not possible from Newegg unless you buy utter shit components, open box / refurbished, or wait for sales. Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 11:45 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 06:16 skyR wrote:Show nested quote +On March 04 2012 05:04 Shauni wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 04 2012 04:57 Medrea wrote: With your first one?
Motherboard was priced higher than some boards you can get that can also overclock.
Cooler for a non overclocker.
Overpriced RAM and case, though cases are subjective.
I think the Aurum was a stretch.
Im only 50 percent on the 6870 for such a small resolution but upgrade cycle of 5 years makes me feel better about it.
Teamliquid prefers to make builds that favor the core system and the specific needs of the builder over luxuries. No, obviously the latter one. Like i said i was still editing the first one... Overpriced RAM, maybe? they're the cheapest ones here and i cant navigate on this shitty newegg website. The PSU is the core of your computer, I don't think it's bad recommending a stable gold unit, especially since all you guys recommend is the lowly Corsair CX series. If he's going to use it for gaming, and 5 years, then the best part needs to be the GPU obviously. I'd go for a 6950 if it fitted. And regarding the case, it's a bit overpriced in usa, but i wouldnt feel safe recommending any of those 39,99 cases on newegg... Newegg has one of the best website design among online retailers. I'm not even American and I praise how good their website is. I haven't seen one electronic / computer hardware retailer even come close to Newegg in terms of website design. Your second build is subpar. Overpriced memory as you mentioned but Aurum is not that much better than the lowly CX units you are bashing. You say you don't feel comfortable recommending less expensive cases yet you're fine with Asrock and Powercolor -_-' Not to mention you're missing a HDD and DVD burner? I just think newegg is very messy, ads and featured items everywhere. Listing and categories everywhere... I prefer to navigate something at least a bit more clean in order to find things by other means than the search button. The detail and descriptions are obviously there, but it wasn't what I complained about. And about cases, it was mostly not knowing whats hip among the american budget cases, there were so many 3990 cases that i never heard of so I didnt know where to start... I never said you complained about descriptions or details. I said as a whole, their design is far superior to that of other computer hardware / electronic retailers. If you want to prove me wrong than provide examples. Newegg's website succeeds in several areas (contrast, white space, focus, navigation, search, filters, categories, and so on - most of which should be obvious to designers) where other similar retailers fail miserbly (eg. Amazon, NCIX, Tigerdirect). Ads can't be helped with a retailer whose selling hundreds if not thousands of brands. You can't expect these retailers to have the sophistication of Apple or any other high-end retailer.
overclocking llano at all doesnt work very well, at least from what I've read. I just figured that combo deal was cheaper than buying separate parts, even if the processor isnt unlocked? Or am I wrong? I don't think he needs to overclock the llano to play sc2, it's perfectly playable at medium/low, and there should be some headroom for streaming (at least less cpu intensive games).
And I disagreed about the whole newegg design because of previously mentioned reasons. To specify a little bit, I think it's extremely stupid to have to reload a page every time you toggle through categories. And even more, first you have to filter away the 'featured' items pictures into a list every time you open a category. And because of all the misc ads, it isn't the most responsive website to load. I generally have no problems with ads being on websites, but when they are nastily integrated into the design, it's messy to filter it away with your eyes. It's just not clean enough, there are too many links and pictures and ads everywhere. Not to say Amazon or ncix are better though.
Both AMD and Intel uses K suffix to indicate that the processor has an unlocked multiplier.
And no you don't have to reload the page everytime you filter something, you can do advanced or power filtering.
Ads aren't integrated into the design. You can block all the so called ads with an adblocker without distorting the design.
I'm not sure what you mean by filtering away featured items... Everything by default is sorted by featured items since it makes the most sense as it helps you move inventory and helps the newbs purchase something. Sorting by price or reviews would be disastrous...