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On March 03 2012 11:06 Shauni wrote:
Even at 1680x1050, 6770 doesn't really cut it for newer games. Even if you have a budget problem, I'd still consider waiting until you can add around 20£ extra for a gtx 460 or 6850 as it's going to make a significant difference.
I have to strongly agree with you here, I should have also mentioned that instead of just showing what 300 can accomplish.
On a modern computer with an HD 6770 or so, you can play newer games just fine, just on reduced graphics details compared to...some reference level that some other people are playing at (arguably not an important distinction). It's not like the mechanics and overall design of the game are altered on lower graphics settings. This sure beats not being able to play the games at all IMHO.
On March 03 2012 12:22 Myrmidon wrote: On a modern computer with an HD 6770 or so, you can play newer games just fine, just on reduced graphics details compared to...some reference level that some other people are playing at (arguably not an important distinction). It's not like the mechanics and overall design of the game are altered on lower graphics settings. This sure beats not being able to play the games at all IMHO.
This. My wife is using a GTS 450, which is around the same level, give or take a spastic amount of performance for drivers and engine. She can play any game with tolerable FPS at 1680x1050. She can't max everything, but no game is a slideshow.
If you consider that 99% of games these days also get released on consoles, and that means basically high but not top end hardware from '06 should run them on SOME settings.
Mind you, I'm a nutjob enthusiast, and it drives me nuts, but I still consider the performance on her PC tolerable. (It has to be so she doesn't steal mine. She cares less about top notch graphics, but if things ran badly, I'd never get to use my PC.)
Xbox 360 uses a Xenos GPU which is about the same as a X1900/X1950 XT so any card about that era should be able to play console ports moderately well.
This is around a 7900GTX.
Developers spend a lot of time programming for them. Imagine what games would look like on PC if they took the same level of care. But no we are stuck here trying to brute force everything.
Hey, I was wondering if people could help me out with a PC build (I mean this is the place right)
What is your budget? I'd like to keep the build under $700 ideally. If it goes a bit over that isn't the biggest deal, but it shouldn't considering I already have a number of parts.
What is your resolution? Honestly as long as I can get 720p I'm happy. Though I already have a Video Card recommendation and am more considering the GeForce GTX 550.
What are you using it for? I will be using this to play PC games and stream console games (though if I can get enough power to stream PC games that would be nice). I already have a capture card for video in, so that does not need to be factored in the overall cost.
What is your upgrade cycle? Honestly this is my first build. How much power I have years from now isn't that important to me, I just want to make sure that I'll be able to play 4v4s on the SC2 expansions when they come out.
When do you plan on building it? As soon as possible. The less time I have to wait the better.
Do you plan on overclocking? Not unless I absolutely have to. And I mean ABSOLUTELY have to
Do you need an Operating System? No, I already have windows 7. Also of note I have a hard drive and a disc drive as well, so I'm looking for more individual parts that I can put together rather than a whole computer (I'm not bad with my hands and have plenty of help for building it)
Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? Ummm.... maybe? Sorry I don't know. Honestly if some one recommends it for streaming and the like then I'll consider it, but for now I'll say no.
Where are you buying your parts from? Honestly if it would make less of a dent in my pocket I'd buy them from east bangledesh. To answer the question though, probably online from the US.
Any help at all would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I have an AMD Phenom 9500 with a OEM motherboard. My cousin told me that if I get a good motherboard that I will see a big increase in peformamce. Right now I get small lag spikes at beginning of games and start to lag more and more as the game goes on. So i'm asking you guys if it would be worth it and how much of a increase could I be seeing?
Other specs: 4GB RAM EVGA GTS250 512MB Corsair CX600
can someone give me a rough estimate on this:
i52500k gigabyte z68p-ds3 mobo 8gb ram amd radeon hd 6700 windows 7 64bit cheap case cheap hard drive & disc drive few months old
how much should one consider spending on this
5930 Posts
On March 03 2012 14:45 Medrea wrote: Xbox 360 uses a Xenos GPU which is about the same as a X1900/X1950 XT so any card about that era should be able to play console ports moderately well.
This is around a 7900GTX.
Developers spend a lot of time programming for them. Imagine what games would look like on PC if they took the same level of care. But no we are stuck here trying to brute force everything.
Being old is the reason why they can get so much out of the technology. With nVidia and AMD changing architectures like every year or two, how do you expect them to get any form of optimization from it? Only now are they seriously struggling with the current technology and that's mostly due to insignificant RAM than anything technological.
Its the same old baaaaaawwww from PC gamers as usual I see.
A change in architecture doesn't mean a completely different instruction set more often than not. Nor does the change from DirectX version really make a whole big a difference. in fact its usually all of the old, plus new.
The only thing that sets the consoles apart from PC is the CPU, not even the GPU. PS3 uses an octocore processor but not in the classical way. It has 1 real core and 7 severely downlocked cores and the 360 uses a tri-core.
Of course its the same old baw from PC gamers. PC games have been awful designed console ports from a baseline design standpoint since before Oblivion was the cool kids game.
5930 Posts
Except for the fact that PC developers have to deal with two different manufacturers, deal with a stupid number of esoteric graphics options (like DirectX 11 support, which Rocksteady seemed to struggle with this generation), and a whole lot of driver bullshit. Consoles eliminate the driver vendor issue, the esoteric graphic options, and somewhat eliminate the hardware/software fragmentation issues. Only idiots who don't want to make money love open development systems.
Just right now, AMD's support for their GCN-based flagship HD7000 series has been absolutely pathetic so far; there are literally four different beta/official drivers being released at any given time. nVidia still has their bunch of graphical bugs like the multi-monitor issue amongst others. These sort of things make development a pain so can you blame developers (and consumers) for preferring consoles? People like things that make their lives easier. No one likes hardware AND software moving targets and that's what high profile PC development basically is.
In the same vein, a lot of developers are seriously checking out smartphone/portable gaming because, unlike consoles, the monetary risks are far shorter and development cycles are extremely quick comparatively. For smaller developers, like a lot of Japanese or indie groups, they no longer have do-or-die projects that can sink entire companies if the reception is less than stellar.
Its the same story of why games are just so much better on iOS than on Android (yes, games are better on iOS, deal with it, you are wrong if you disagree) - instead of dealing with a billion screen sizes, hardware configurations, and OS versions, you've got a unified system with good developer tools and hardware that doesn't constantly change in the development phase. No need anymore to throw all of your eggs into the AMD/nVidia basket and pray your game doesn't break on the day of release because AMD is dumb enough to release incorrect drivers.
I dunno I look at Crysis 2 and BF3 and I see games that seem to have made it onto the platform just fine.
The talent for developing on evolving hardware is obviously out there. It just seems like there really isnt a whole lot of it.
And yeah I am aware of Crysis 2 tesselation + nVidia debacle. But thats different, thats intentional. And I am sure there is a lot of it it to boot.
5930 Posts
Crysis 2 got released without the much expected DirectX 11. Battlefield 3 had tons of problems with black screening and triangular artifacting with a bunch of nVidia cards including the GTX560 Ti. Arkham City's DirectX 11 performance is dog shit. Witcher 2 had (still?) huge problems with just about every single configuration, especially if you had a Crossfire/SLI system actually capable of running the game at good quality settings. RAGE literally didn't work because AMD released the wrong drivers...and basically sunk their game on the PC.
Battlefield 3 and Witcher 2 had no reason to be released with these problems since they were like the PC games of the year. Witcher 2 in particular was a PC only game so you can't even blame consoles here; strangely enough the Xbox 360 console version looks very, very good for a console game.
Edit: The fact that guys like Naughty Dog can do crazy shit with literally ancient hardware should speak enough about how good developers can get with software + hardware targets that don't constantly move. The Last of Us looks, to put it simply, amazing and the Uncharted games had some of the best art direction of this generation.
Well DX11 for Crysis 2 came shortly later.
Im trying to not put too much weight on DX11. Nor a multi GPU system.
RAGE.... I got nothing for Rage. That shit is still broken for me.
Edit: The fact that guys like Naughty Dog can do crazy shit with literally ancient hardware should speak enough about how good developers can get with software + hardware targets that don't constantly move. The Last of Us looks, to put it simply, amazing and the Uncharted games had some of the best art direction of this generation.
Well fine. Thats good. Can we have a new console generation then >.>
Those platforms are running out of tricks.
On March 02 2012 07:49 Anomek wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Hi, i guess if you guys can help me with build a PC. I've made a pre-build but i'm afraid i may overprice too much. What is your budget? It's around 1000-1200$ but i'm quite flexible in this matter. Note that prices in Poland can be different (but you probably know that already  ) and i'm looking rather for best performance/price ratio (with emphasis on performance) What is your resolution? 1980x1080 What are you using it for? Mosty gaming but i also want to be able to run many applications in background (like application server, database, etc.) and still have good performance. No photoshop, no streaming. What is your upgrade cycle? around 2 years, but i'm willing to buy something cheaper to replace it in few months (and fit with budget today) When do you plan on building it? In 1-2 weeks. Do you plan on overclocking? No plans for overclocking. Do you need an Operating System? No Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? Until it's cost-effecting and in my budget - no. Where are you buying your parts from? As I mentioned I'm from Poland and I'm going to buy parts in local stores. So my pre build is Intel Core i7 2600 3,40 GHz BOX (i've read here that i must be rich to buy it, it costs ~400$ here, i would buy something cheaper if it had similar performance, i don't want to save on this one) Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3-B3 G.SKILL DDR3 2x 2GB 1866MHz CL9 Ripjaws I have no idea how cost-effective these two are  I also want 2x HDD in RAID 0 Any help will be appreciated. Cheers
So after taking into consideration your advices, I've build following setup. I also wanted to keep overclocking possible (but nothing hardcore). There are two choices somewhere, because I've not decided yet where I will buy PC, and not everything is in stock (and I must buy everything in one place)..
i5 2500K or 2550K (depending which one is in stock) Asrock P67 Pro3 (B3) Radeon 6870 HIS 1GB 2xDVI&HDMI&2xMiniDP (PCI-E) or other 6870 in case there is no HIS in stock (I want it to be as silent and cool as possible, no oc intended) Kingston HyperX DDR3 2X 2GB 1600MHz XMP CL7 Low Latency Limited Edition / G.Skill 4GB (2x2GB) 1600MHz CL6 RipjawsX OCZ Agility 3 SSD 2,5" 60GB 525 MB/s 475 MB/s 80k IOPs / Corsair SSD Force Series GT 60GB (555/495MB/s) I already got second HHD 1T SATA II case SilentiumPC Brutus BT-410 Pure Black / Zalman Z9 (b/z) PSU Thermaltake Smart 530W 80+ 120mm APFC HSF Thermaltake Contac 29 BP
Is it ok?
Papua New Guinea1058 Posts
On February 18 2012 23:32 skyR wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On February 18 2012 23:15 HornyHerring wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I'm trying to setup a new pc for my needs and I'd love a little help/feedback. So, here it goes. What is your budget?About 1000$. Although I'm not sure if I need a pc that's gonna need money like that.What is your resolution?I play on 1680x1050, desktop on 1920x1200 right now. Not planning on changing it.What are you using it for?Gaming, want to play SC2 at highest settings, Lineage2(a lot of players in one place, think it's processor-heavy), wanna start Diablo3 and maybe some new games like Skyrim or whatever. I'd like to fraps as well and maybe stream(not in HD) if I get a better connection in the future. I also use some mapping programs for games. And I generally like to run shitton of tabs at Chrome with 28373287492 programs running at once.What is your upgrade cycle?Well, my current PC has been built in 2005 or 2006, except for gpu which was bought in like 2008 or 2009. So I dont plan on updating it anytime soon(except for minor changes I guess). But I don't think my needs will grow in time.When do you plan on building it?Within the next 2-3 months.Do you plan on overclocking?I have not OCd my current PC, dunno if I even need it.Do you need an Operating System?Nope. Got access to Win7 32 and Win7 64.Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire?Nope.Where are you buying your parts from?Most likely polish(since it's where I reside right now) internet shop - gral.pl. unfortunately there's no ENG version of this site.I already have a 24" 16:10 screen and might buy a new monitor to get a dual screen setup(suggestions for the second one - around 21" can be 16  HD - would be much welcome). Already have a mouse and a keyboard. Got a 1TB HDD for data. Regarding building a pc in general: Do I need an extra cooling for the cpu? Do I need some kind of thermal paste for the processor? Do I need cables? Generally, what else would I need to buy in order to have the PC running? Here's what I've put up together(site is in polish, but I guess the numbers and names speak for themselves): CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K 4x3.30 GHz BOX (LGA1155, 6MB, HD3000, 95W) MOBO: Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3, P67, DDR3, SATA3, USB 3.0, RAID, GBLAN, ATX, LGA1155 RAM: DDR3 4GB 2000MHz Corsair Vengeance XMP (2x2GB, DualDDR, CL10) SSD: Corsair Force Series 90GB, 2.5", SATA3 550MB/s, 500MB/s DVD: LG GH22NS70 DVD±R 22x, DVD+RW 8x, CD-RW 32x, DVD+R DL 12x, DVD-RAM 12x, OEM, SATA, Black GPU: GeForce GTX550Ti Gigabyte 1024MB, DDR5, HDMI, DVI, PCI-E CASE: Antec Three Hundred (bez zasilacza) PSU: ATX 600W Corsair CMPSU-600CXV2EU (Fan 140mm) Feedback would be much appreciated. Cheers. An aftermarket heatsink is recommended (required) for overclocking a 2500k. Thermal paste is included with the heatsink but you can buy something better if you wish. All cables are included with the retail components and you should have left over SATA cables from your previous computer. There is nothing extra to buy, everything is included with retail packaging. Paying a lot of money for better memory when you can't afford flagship components is one of the stupidest things you can do since memory frequency and timing have a negligible impact on performance. 1333MHz cas9 memory is going to cost significantly less and give you maybe 2 less FPS. If you do a lot of multi-tasking, which I'm starting to doubt you do since most multi-taskers wouldn't settle for anything less than 2x4gb in 2012. Not sure of pricing in Poland or how much you're even paying... GTX 550 Ti is generally shit since you can get the same performance (6770, 7750) for less or better performance (6850, GTX 460) for slightly more. A 600w unit is not necessary. Get a ~500w unit that's of better quality than the CXv2 for the same price or get the 500w variant of the CXv2 for less.
On February 18 2012 23:33 Shikyo wrote:+ Show Spoiler + I don't get why you go for that kind of RAM but you totally won't need it, you'd be much better off with 1333-1600 mhz 8gb ram with 1.5v voltage
Is that a Corsair Force GT or 3?
Your graphics card is way weaker than what I'd get
That case is outdated and generally I'd recommend bitfenix shinobi instead
That PSU has more wattage than necessary for you even if you go with a decent processor
The mobo is ok but asrock p67 pro3 for instance should be better if it's around the same price
I'm not sure why you didn't include links or prices but I'm way too lazy to manually check those so I can't really comment on that.
For graphics card I would suggest something like 6950 or GTX 560 Ti and for RAM just get something like corsair 1600mhz 8gb 1.5v, the cheapest one. You also want a heatsink and I'd suggest hyper 212+, thermalright true spirit, or freezer 13 pro
Thanks for your input, guys, and sorry that I'm replying that late. I finally got to review the build according to your suggestions. The site I use is in polish, but the specs can be readable in any language I guess, I'll try to estimate the prices as well.
Procesor: Intel Core i5 2500K 4x3.30 GHz BOX (LGA1155, 6MB, HD3000, 95W) Heatsink: Arctic Cooling Freezer 13 Pro (LGA775/LGA1155/LGA1156/LGA1366/AM3/AM2/939) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3, P67, DDR3, SATA3, USB 3.0, RAID, GBLAN, ATX, LGA1155 Ram: DDR3 8GB 1600MHz Corsair Vengeance XMP Blue (2x4GB, DualDDR, CL9) SSD: Corsair Force Series 90GB, 2.5", SATA3 550MB/s, 500MB/s DVD: LG GH22NS70 DVD±R 22x, DVD+RW 8x, CD-RW 32x, DVD+R DL 12x, DVD-RAM 12x, OEM, SATA, Black GPU: Radeon HD6850 MSI 1024MB GDDR5, DP, HDMI, 2xDVI, PCI-E OC 820/4400 Case: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus Black PSU: ATX 500W Corsair CMPSU-500CXV2 According to the current currency exchange rate the price is about 1002,16 USD, shipping free. Yea, I know it's kinda expensive for such build,
Feedback on the updated build would be much appreciated.
You can still save a bit on memory by going for 1333 MHz modules, which is the default memory speed for your processor. The benefits of 1600 MHz over 1333 MHz are extremely small.
On March 03 2012 19:16 Womwomwom wrote: Crysis 2 got released without the much expected DirectX 11. Battlefield 3 had tons of problems with black screening and triangular artifacting with a bunch of nVidia cards including the GTX560 Ti. Arkham City's DirectX 11 performance is dog shit. Witcher 2 had (still?) huge problems with just about every single configuration, especially if you had a Crossfire/SLI system actually capable of running the game at good quality settings. RAGE literally didn't work because AMD released the wrong drivers...and basically sunk their game on the PC.
Battlefield 3 and Witcher 2 had no reason to be released with these problems since they were like the PC games of the year. Witcher 2 in particular was a PC only game so you can't even blame consoles here; strangely enough the Xbox 360 console version looks very, very good for a console game.
Edit: The fact that guys like Naughty Dog can do crazy shit with literally ancient hardware should speak enough about how good developers can get with software + hardware targets that don't constantly move. The Last of Us looks, to put it simply, amazing and the Uncharted games had some of the best art direction of this generation.
Don't forget DA2 getting like 25-30% of the performance it should have on Nvidia at launch, BF3 still not working with some systems with Realtek onboard, SW:TOR... well, I don't feel like writing yet another book about how hard SW:TOR fails technically right now, suffice it to say it's a piece of shit.
Yeah, there's good reasons for the current level of porting, I don't argue that. I was just referencing it to point out that there's currently no worries with a 450/6770 for performance, at SOME level of settings.
On March 03 2012 10:37 Wabbit wrote:Show nested quote +On March 03 2012 08:16 Scorre wrote:+ Show Spoiler +First post after 2 years of lurking. So im trying to help a friend out, he is a student, hence the budget. What is your budget? £300 / $475 What is your resolution? 1680x1050 What are you using it for? Purely gaming, nothing added, nothing taken away What is your upgrade cycle? 3-4 years When do you plan on building it? April Do you plan on overclocking? Anything to squeeze the most out of it, so yes. Do you need an Operating System? Hellz no Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? At a £300 budget, if possible but probably not. Where are you buying your parts from? amazon/ebay Any reputable UK seller Additional Comments: Just need basic tower, not bothered with cosmetics at all. Just bare £300 POWER! (whatever power can come from £300) Good luck, I hope that this will be a challenge and he will be happy  )) Thanks! Building April = buying in April? Pricing will probably change a bit by then... As a challenge, here's what I managed to do with £300 + Show Spoiler +By the way, overclocking isn't what it used to be (squeezing out the most performance out of more inexpensive CPU's). Now only high-end chips (from Intel) are unlocked for overclocking, and AMD isn't worth it even if their low-end chips can be overclocked because they need to be OC'd just to be on par with similarly-priced Intel chips, and draw way more power as well.
Cool, will take this onboard, thats for the help!
On March 03 2012 21:04 HornyHerring wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On February 18 2012 23:32 skyR wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On February 18 2012 23:15 HornyHerring wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I'm trying to setup a new pc for my needs and I'd love a little help/feedback. So, here it goes. What is your budget?About 1000$. Although I'm not sure if I need a pc that's gonna need money like that.What is your resolution?I play on 1680x1050, desktop on 1920x1200 right now. Not planning on changing it.What are you using it for?Gaming, want to play SC2 at highest settings, Lineage2(a lot of players in one place, think it's processor-heavy), wanna start Diablo3 and maybe some new games like Skyrim or whatever. I'd like to fraps as well and maybe stream(not in HD) if I get a better connection in the future. I also use some mapping programs for games. And I generally like to run shitton of tabs at Chrome with 28373287492 programs running at once.What is your upgrade cycle?Well, my current PC has been built in 2005 or 2006, except for gpu which was bought in like 2008 or 2009. So I dont plan on updating it anytime soon(except for minor changes I guess). But I don't think my needs will grow in time.When do you plan on building it?Within the next 2-3 months.Do you plan on overclocking?I have not OCd my current PC, dunno if I even need it.Do you need an Operating System?Nope. Got access to Win7 32 and Win7 64.Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire?Nope.Where are you buying your parts from?Most likely polish(since it's where I reside right now) internet shop - gral.pl. unfortunately there's no ENG version of this site.I already have a 24" 16:10 screen and might buy a new monitor to get a dual screen setup(suggestions for the second one - around 21" can be 16  HD - would be much welcome). Already have a mouse and a keyboard. Got a 1TB HDD for data. Regarding building a pc in general: Do I need an extra cooling for the cpu? Do I need some kind of thermal paste for the processor? Do I need cables? Generally, what else would I need to buy in order to have the PC running? Here's what I've put up together(site is in polish, but I guess the numbers and names speak for themselves): CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K 4x3.30 GHz BOX (LGA1155, 6MB, HD3000, 95W) MOBO: Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3, P67, DDR3, SATA3, USB 3.0, RAID, GBLAN, ATX, LGA1155 RAM: DDR3 4GB 2000MHz Corsair Vengeance XMP (2x2GB, DualDDR, CL10) SSD: Corsair Force Series 90GB, 2.5", SATA3 550MB/s, 500MB/s DVD: LG GH22NS70 DVD±R 22x, DVD+RW 8x, CD-RW 32x, DVD+R DL 12x, DVD-RAM 12x, OEM, SATA, Black GPU: GeForce GTX550Ti Gigabyte 1024MB, DDR5, HDMI, DVI, PCI-E CASE: Antec Three Hundred (bez zasilacza) PSU: ATX 600W Corsair CMPSU-600CXV2EU (Fan 140mm) Feedback would be much appreciated. Cheers. An aftermarket heatsink is recommended (required) for overclocking a 2500k. Thermal paste is included with the heatsink but you can buy something better if you wish. All cables are included with the retail components and you should have left over SATA cables from your previous computer. There is nothing extra to buy, everything is included with retail packaging. Paying a lot of money for better memory when you can't afford flagship components is one of the stupidest things you can do since memory frequency and timing have a negligible impact on performance. 1333MHz cas9 memory is going to cost significantly less and give you maybe 2 less FPS. If you do a lot of multi-tasking, which I'm starting to doubt you do since most multi-taskers wouldn't settle for anything less than 2x4gb in 2012. Not sure of pricing in Poland or how much you're even paying... GTX 550 Ti is generally shit since you can get the same performance (6770, 7750) for less or better performance (6850, GTX 460) for slightly more. A 600w unit is not necessary. Get a ~500w unit that's of better quality than the CXv2 for the same price or get the 500w variant of the CXv2 for less. On February 18 2012 23:33 Shikyo wrote:+ Show Spoiler + I don't get why you go for that kind of RAM but you totally won't need it, you'd be much better off with 1333-1600 mhz 8gb ram with 1.5v voltage
Is that a Corsair Force GT or 3?
Your graphics card is way weaker than what I'd get
That case is outdated and generally I'd recommend bitfenix shinobi instead
That PSU has more wattage than necessary for you even if you go with a decent processor
The mobo is ok but asrock p67 pro3 for instance should be better if it's around the same price
I'm not sure why you didn't include links or prices but I'm way too lazy to manually check those so I can't really comment on that.
For graphics card I would suggest something like 6950 or GTX 560 Ti and for RAM just get something like corsair 1600mhz 8gb 1.5v, the cheapest one. You also want a heatsink and I'd suggest hyper 212+, thermalright true spirit, or freezer 13 pro
Thanks for your input, guys, and sorry that I'm replying that late. I finally got to review the build according to your suggestions. The site I use is in polish, but the specs can be readable in any language I guess, I'll try to estimate the prices as well. Procesor: Intel Core i5 2500K 4x3.30 GHz BOX (LGA1155, 6MB, HD3000, 95W)Heatsink: Arctic Cooling Freezer 13 Pro (LGA775/LGA1155/LGA1156/LGA1366/AM3/AM2/939)Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3, P67, DDR3, SATA3, USB 3.0, RAID, GBLAN, ATX, LGA1155Ram: DDR3 8GB 1600MHz Corsair Vengeance XMP Blue (2x4GB, DualDDR, CL9)SSD: Corsair Force Series 90GB, 2.5", SATA3 550MB/s, 500MB/sDVD: LG GH22NS70 DVD±R 22x, DVD+RW 8x, CD-RW 32x, DVD+R DL 12x, DVD-RAM 12x, OEM, SATA, BlackGPU: Radeon HD6850 MSI 1024MB GDDR5, DP, HDMI, 2xDVI, PCI-E OC 820/4400Case: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus BlackPSU: ATX 500W Corsair CMPSU-500CXV2According to the current currency exchange rate the price is about 1002,16 USD, shipping free. Yea, I know it's kinda expensive for such build, Feedback on the updated build would be much appreciated.
It's okay.
I'd get the OCZ ZS 550 instead of the Corsair CX500V2: http://www.gral.pl/OCZ Technology ZS 550W_957.html
I suggest spending a little more for a Crucial M4 128gb: http://www.gral.pl/Crucial M4 SSD 128GB SSD SATA3_700.html
You can get 1333MHz for significantly less (?): http://www.gral.pl/Kingston 2X 4GB DDR3-1333_634.html If you want to stick to Corasir than these low-profile ones would be better: http://www.gral.pl/Corsair 2X 4GB DDR3-1600_681.html
On March 03 2012 19:58 Anomek wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 02 2012 07:49 Anomek wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Hi, i guess if you guys can help me with build a PC. I've made a pre-build but i'm afraid i may overprice too much. What is your budget? It's around 1000-1200$ but i'm quite flexible in this matter. Note that prices in Poland can be different (but you probably know that already  ) and i'm looking rather for best performance/price ratio (with emphasis on performance) What is your resolution? 1980x1080 What are you using it for? Mosty gaming but i also want to be able to run many applications in background (like application server, database, etc.) and still have good performance. No photoshop, no streaming. What is your upgrade cycle? around 2 years, but i'm willing to buy something cheaper to replace it in few months (and fit with budget today) When do you plan on building it? In 1-2 weeks. Do you plan on overclocking? No plans for overclocking. Do you need an Operating System? No Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? Until it's cost-effecting and in my budget - no. Where are you buying your parts from? As I mentioned I'm from Poland and I'm going to buy parts in local stores. So my pre build is Intel Core i7 2600 3,40 GHz BOX (i've read here that i must be rich to buy it, it costs ~400$ here, i would buy something cheaper if it had similar performance, i don't want to save on this one) Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3-B3 G.SKILL DDR3 2x 2GB 1866MHz CL9 Ripjaws I have no idea how cost-effective these two are  I also want 2x HDD in RAID 0 Any help will be appreciated. Cheers So after taking into consideration your advices, I've build following setup. I also wanted to keep overclocking possible (but nothing hardcore). There are two choices somewhere, because I've not decided yet where I will buy PC, and not everything is in stock (and I must buy everything in one place).. i5 2500K or 2550K (depending which one is in stock) Asrock P67 Pro3 (B3) Radeon 6870 HIS 1GB 2xDVI&HDMI&2xMiniDP (PCI-E) or other 6870 in case there is no HIS in stock (I want it to be as silent and cool as possible, no oc intended) Kingston HyperX DDR3 2X 2GB 1600MHz XMP CL7 Low Latency Limited Edition / G.Skill 4GB (2x2GB) 1600MHz CL6 RipjawsX OCZ Agility 3 SSD 2,5" 60GB 525 MB/s 475 MB/s 80k IOPs / Corsair SSD Force Series GT 60GB (555/495MB/s) I already got second HHD 1T SATA II case SilentiumPC Brutus BT-410 Pure Black / Zalman Z9 (b/z) PSU Thermaltake Smart 530W 80+ 120mm APFC HSF Thermaltake Contac 29 BP Is it ok?
I'm not sure whose advice you took into consideration but unless cas7 and cas6 costs the same as cas9, whoever told you to waste money on the memory is an idiot since performance gains between cas6/7 and 9 is negligible. When you can't afford good components or even 2x4gb, why would you waste money for a less than 1 FPS gain in most cases?
On March 03 2012 23:09 skyR wrote:Show nested quote +On March 03 2012 21:04 HornyHerring wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On February 18 2012 23:32 skyR wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On February 18 2012 23:15 HornyHerring wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I'm trying to setup a new pc for my needs and I'd love a little help/feedback. So, here it goes. What is your budget?About 1000$. Although I'm not sure if I need a pc that's gonna need money like that.What is your resolution?I play on 1680x1050, desktop on 1920x1200 right now. Not planning on changing it.What are you using it for?Gaming, want to play SC2 at highest settings, Lineage2(a lot of players in one place, think it's processor-heavy), wanna start Diablo3 and maybe some new games like Skyrim or whatever. I'd like to fraps as well and maybe stream(not in HD) if I get a better connection in the future. I also use some mapping programs for games. And I generally like to run shitton of tabs at Chrome with 28373287492 programs running at once.What is your upgrade cycle?Well, my current PC has been built in 2005 or 2006, except for gpu which was bought in like 2008 or 2009. So I dont plan on updating it anytime soon(except for minor changes I guess). But I don't think my needs will grow in time.When do you plan on building it?Within the next 2-3 months.Do you plan on overclocking?I have not OCd my current PC, dunno if I even need it.Do you need an Operating System?Nope. Got access to Win7 32 and Win7 64.Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire?Nope.Where are you buying your parts from?Most likely polish(since it's where I reside right now) internet shop - gral.pl. unfortunately there's no ENG version of this site.I already have a 24" 16:10 screen and might buy a new monitor to get a dual screen setup(suggestions for the second one - around 21" can be 16  HD - would be much welcome). Already have a mouse and a keyboard. Got a 1TB HDD for data. Regarding building a pc in general: Do I need an extra cooling for the cpu? Do I need some kind of thermal paste for the processor? Do I need cables? Generally, what else would I need to buy in order to have the PC running? Here's what I've put up together(site is in polish, but I guess the numbers and names speak for themselves): CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K 4x3.30 GHz BOX (LGA1155, 6MB, HD3000, 95W) MOBO: Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3, P67, DDR3, SATA3, USB 3.0, RAID, GBLAN, ATX, LGA1155 RAM: DDR3 4GB 2000MHz Corsair Vengeance XMP (2x2GB, DualDDR, CL10) SSD: Corsair Force Series 90GB, 2.5", SATA3 550MB/s, 500MB/s DVD: LG GH22NS70 DVD±R 22x, DVD+RW 8x, CD-RW 32x, DVD+R DL 12x, DVD-RAM 12x, OEM, SATA, Black GPU: GeForce GTX550Ti Gigabyte 1024MB, DDR5, HDMI, DVI, PCI-E CASE: Antec Three Hundred (bez zasilacza) PSU: ATX 600W Corsair CMPSU-600CXV2EU (Fan 140mm) Feedback would be much appreciated. Cheers. An aftermarket heatsink is recommended (required) for overclocking a 2500k. Thermal paste is included with the heatsink but you can buy something better if you wish. All cables are included with the retail components and you should have left over SATA cables from your previous computer. There is nothing extra to buy, everything is included with retail packaging. Paying a lot of money for better memory when you can't afford flagship components is one of the stupidest things you can do since memory frequency and timing have a negligible impact on performance. 1333MHz cas9 memory is going to cost significantly less and give you maybe 2 less FPS. If you do a lot of multi-tasking, which I'm starting to doubt you do since most multi-taskers wouldn't settle for anything less than 2x4gb in 2012. Not sure of pricing in Poland or how much you're even paying... GTX 550 Ti is generally shit since you can get the same performance (6770, 7750) for less or better performance (6850, GTX 460) for slightly more. A 600w unit is not necessary. Get a ~500w unit that's of better quality than the CXv2 for the same price or get the 500w variant of the CXv2 for less. On February 18 2012 23:33 Shikyo wrote:+ Show Spoiler + I don't get why you go for that kind of RAM but you totally won't need it, you'd be much better off with 1333-1600 mhz 8gb ram with 1.5v voltage
Is that a Corsair Force GT or 3?
Your graphics card is way weaker than what I'd get
That case is outdated and generally I'd recommend bitfenix shinobi instead
That PSU has more wattage than necessary for you even if you go with a decent processor
The mobo is ok but asrock p67 pro3 for instance should be better if it's around the same price
I'm not sure why you didn't include links or prices but I'm way too lazy to manually check those so I can't really comment on that.
For graphics card I would suggest something like 6950 or GTX 560 Ti and for RAM just get something like corsair 1600mhz 8gb 1.5v, the cheapest one. You also want a heatsink and I'd suggest hyper 212+, thermalright true spirit, or freezer 13 pro
Thanks for your input, guys, and sorry that I'm replying that late. I finally got to review the build according to your suggestions. The site I use is in polish, but the specs can be readable in any language I guess, I'll try to estimate the prices as well. Procesor: Intel Core i5 2500K 4x3.30 GHz BOX (LGA1155, 6MB, HD3000, 95W)Heatsink: Arctic Cooling Freezer 13 Pro (LGA775/LGA1155/LGA1156/LGA1366/AM3/AM2/939)Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3, P67, DDR3, SATA3, USB 3.0, RAID, GBLAN, ATX, LGA1155Ram: DDR3 8GB 1600MHz Corsair Vengeance XMP Blue (2x4GB, DualDDR, CL9)SSD: Corsair Force Series 90GB, 2.5", SATA3 550MB/s, 500MB/sDVD: LG GH22NS70 DVD±R 22x, DVD+RW 8x, CD-RW 32x, DVD+R DL 12x, DVD-RAM 12x, OEM, SATA, BlackGPU: Radeon HD6850 MSI 1024MB GDDR5, DP, HDMI, 2xDVI, PCI-E OC 820/4400Case: CoolerMaster HAF 912 Plus BlackPSU: ATX 500W Corsair CMPSU-500CXV2According to the current currency exchange rate the price is about 1002,16 USD, shipping free. Yea, I know it's kinda expensive for such build, Feedback on the updated build would be much appreciated. It's okay. I'd get the OCZ ZS 550 instead of the Corsair CX500V2: http://www.gral.pl/OCZ Technology ZS 550W_957.htmlI suggest spending a little more for a Crucial M4 128gb: http://www.gral.pl/Crucial M4 SSD 128GB SSD SATA3_700.htmlYou can get 1333MHz for significantly less (?): http://www.gral.pl/Kingston 2X 4GB DDR3-1333_634.html If you want to stick to Corasir than these low-profile ones would be better: http://www.gral.pl/Corsair 2X 4GB DDR3-1600_681.htmlShow nested quote +On March 03 2012 19:58 Anomek wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On March 02 2012 07:49 Anomek wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Hi, i guess if you guys can help me with build a PC. I've made a pre-build but i'm afraid i may overprice too much. What is your budget? It's around 1000-1200$ but i'm quite flexible in this matter. Note that prices in Poland can be different (but you probably know that already  ) and i'm looking rather for best performance/price ratio (with emphasis on performance) What is your resolution? 1980x1080 What are you using it for? Mosty gaming but i also want to be able to run many applications in background (like application server, database, etc.) and still have good performance. No photoshop, no streaming. What is your upgrade cycle? around 2 years, but i'm willing to buy something cheaper to replace it in few months (and fit with budget today) When do you plan on building it? In 1-2 weeks. Do you plan on overclocking? No plans for overclocking. Do you need an Operating System? No Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? Until it's cost-effecting and in my budget - no. Where are you buying your parts from? As I mentioned I'm from Poland and I'm going to buy parts in local stores. So my pre build is Intel Core i7 2600 3,40 GHz BOX (i've read here that i must be rich to buy it, it costs ~400$ here, i would buy something cheaper if it had similar performance, i don't want to save on this one) Gigabyte GA-P67A-D3-B3 G.SKILL DDR3 2x 2GB 1866MHz CL9 Ripjaws I have no idea how cost-effective these two are  I also want 2x HDD in RAID 0 Any help will be appreciated. Cheers So after taking into consideration your advices, I've build following setup. I also wanted to keep overclocking possible (but nothing hardcore). There are two choices somewhere, because I've not decided yet where I will buy PC, and not everything is in stock (and I must buy everything in one place).. i5 2500K or 2550K (depending which one is in stock) Asrock P67 Pro3 (B3) Radeon 6870 HIS 1GB 2xDVI&HDMI&2xMiniDP (PCI-E) or other 6870 in case there is no HIS in stock (I want it to be as silent and cool as possible, no oc intended) Kingston HyperX DDR3 2X 2GB 1600MHz XMP CL7 Low Latency Limited Edition / G.Skill 4GB (2x2GB) 1600MHz CL6 RipjawsX OCZ Agility 3 SSD 2,5" 60GB 525 MB/s 475 MB/s 80k IOPs / Corsair SSD Force Series GT 60GB (555/495MB/s) I already got second HHD 1T SATA II case SilentiumPC Brutus BT-410 Pure Black / Zalman Z9 (b/z) PSU Thermaltake Smart 530W 80+ 120mm APFC HSF Thermaltake Contac 29 BP Is it ok? I'm not sure whose advice you took into consideration but unless cas7 and cas6 costs the same as cas9, whoever told you to waste money on the memory is an idiot since performance gains between cas6/7 and 9 is negligible. When you can't afford good components or even 2x4gb, why would you waste money for a less than 1 FPS gain in most cases?
So I should choose 1333 and cas9 memory instead? I thought that timings are kinda important and memory is cheap anyway, but if I gain nothing I can save some money instead. THx