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On August 30 2011 02:47 BeMannerDuPenner wrote:Show nested quote +On August 30 2011 02:44 00Zarathustra wrote: Thx CharlieBrownsc.
I don't want to SLI. It's just that Bolivian sellers will tell you anything just to charge you more money. So I want to know the facts.
So If I'm using just one GPU I'm looking for GTX 465 and up right? dont get a 465 ever. its the half retarded brother of the 460.
That's putting it nicely, IMO. A 465 is about as useful as an umbrella in a hurricane, with worse price/performance.
What is your budget? Around 1000$ could go a bit higher if necessary (or lower if possible)
What is your resolution? 1920x1080 (+ 1920x1080 secondary screen)
What are you using it for? Sc2 is the only game I'm using it for. I would like to stream in atleast 720p on high graphic settings.
What is your upgrade cycle? Upgrade when my parts don't do what I want them to any longer, tend to be not very often.
Do you plan on overclocking? No, haven't really tried it and don't feel comfortable doing it.
Do you need an Operating System? I already have OS.
My current setup is: Decent chassi, some random am3 motherboard, AMD Phenom II X4 965 3,4GHz, some random 6gb memory, nvidia 280gtx, corsair 850W psu.
As it is right now, the processor just cant handle playing sc2 and streaming at the same time with decent fps. So the processor definitely needs to be replaced. I have no clue wether the graphic card and psu Is sufficient for what I want to do. All I know is that I can play on settings I want in sc2 without lag as long as I don't stream at the moment.
Also, I would really like to have a SSD disc. (No need for entire system as I'm going to use the parts that I can from my current setup)
On August 30 2011 03:19 ilimor wrote: What is your budget? Around 1000$ could go a bit higher if necessary (or lower if possible)
What is your resolution? 1920x1080 (+ 1920x1080 secondary screen)
What are you using it for? Sc2 is the only game I'm using it for. I would like to stream in atleast 720p on high graphic settings.
What is your upgrade cycle? Upgrade when my parts don't do what I want them to any longer, tend to be not very often.
Do you plan on overclocking? No, haven't really tried it and don't feel comfortable doing it.
Do you need an Operating System? I already have OS.
My current setup is: Decent chassi, some random am3 motherboard, AMD Phenom II X4 965 3,4GHz, some random 6gb memory, nvidia 280gtx, corsair 850W psu.
As it is right now, the processor just cant handle playing sc2 and streaming at the same time with decent fps. So the processor definitely needs to be replaced. I have no clue wether the graphic card and psu Is sufficient for what I want to do. All I know is that I can play on settings I want in sc2 without lag as long as I don't stream at the moment.
Also, I would really like to have a SSD disc. (No need for entire system as I'm going to use the parts that I can from my current setup)
If you want to stream in 1080p (with decent framerate) you'll want to overclock, but an i7-2600 (non-overclocked) should be able to handle sc2 and 720p streaming very well. An i5-2500 can handle it aswell (lower quality, but still watchable)
If you want an SSD, and not overclock, you'll want to use an H67 motherboard
As for video cards, streaming and sc2 framerate is almost completly dependant on your CPU. Being said, if you're planning on streaming in 720p, you probably want eye-candy graphics, so i'd reccommend something like a 560ti, or a 6950/6970 (pretty sure you can flash a 6950 to run like a 6970)
I can't recommend specific parts until I know where you want to order from
On August 30 2011 03:19 ilimor wrote: What is your budget? Around 1000$ could go a bit higher if necessary (or lower if possible)
What is your resolution? 1920x1080 (+ 1920x1080 secondary screen)
What are you using it for? Sc2 is the only game I'm using it for. I would like to stream in atleast 720p on high graphic settings.
What is your upgrade cycle? Upgrade when my parts don't do what I want them to any longer, tend to be not very often.
Do you plan on overclocking? No, haven't really tried it and don't feel comfortable doing it.
Do you need an Operating System? I already have OS.
My current setup is: Decent chassi, some random am3 motherboard, AMD Phenom II X4 965 3,4GHz, some random 6gb memory, nvidia 280gtx, corsair 850W psu.
As it is right now, the processor just cant handle playing sc2 and streaming at the same time with decent fps. So the processor definitely needs to be replaced. I have no clue wether the graphic card and psu Is sufficient for what I want to do. All I know is that I can play on settings I want in sc2 without lag as long as I don't stream at the moment.
Also, I would really like to have a SSD disc. (No need for entire system as I'm going to use the parts that I can from my current setup)
Overclock your GPU and you should be able to get by without buying a new one if you just want high settings for only SC2, maybe throw a few down to medium. You should be fine with just upgrading your CPU/Mobo if you want to stay on a budget, but it couldn't hurt to get a better graphics card. Why in the world do you have an 850W PSU though...!
Overclocking is super easy on the newer intel boards and greatly increases performance but is also like ~$75 more expensive. If you don't want to go that route I'd suggest either an i5 2400 or i5 2500, I believe you should be able to stream 720p with it, but I wouldn't go higher. If you want to be safe you'll need to overclock.
In retrospect, looking at your specs again you might want to get a new GPU as well.
On August 28 2011 21:51 spybreak wrote: Since I know there is a good amount of us that followed Skyr's setup: i5200k, asrockpro p67, CM Hyper plus 212, 8 gigs at 1333 speed. I am curious as to what is your highest Overclock that is stable and what the settings did you guys used. I think I got it stabled at 4.4 after 2 hours of prime95 but I'll just leave that running for 4 hours or so.
Replace the P8P67 with a Gigabyte P67 UD4, and...
4.5 Ghz at just under 1.3V (fluctuates from 1.284 to 1.296 according to CPU-Z). Been running basically 24/7 since February.
What is your budget? My budged is 1000-1200+ without counting the monitor, but I'll need one also, just not sure how much I want to spend on it. I need a decent one.
What is your resolution? Dunno I need 21+ inches one.
What are you using it for? I use for gaming and making music.
What is your upgrade cycle? I'm switching back to Windows from Mac, so don't really know. Depends how much money I'll have in future.
Do you plan on overclocking? Honestly I have no clue what overclocking is. Need to run google for this one.
Do you need an Operating System? I do. But don't count it.
My current setup is: I'm computer-less right now, so there is no setup for me. How tragic.
I also need Firewire port. I was looking for build from scratch PC and all in one also. I just really have no idea what's good right now.
Dumb question but, when I request an online pricematch, do I request it using the price after the mail in rebate, or before?
On August 30 2011 06:38 Pharax wrote: Dumb question but, when I request an online pricematch, do I request it using the price after the mail in rebate, or before?
Before. Mail in rebates are not included in the total. Mail in rebates is something you mail in to get a cheque or prepaid credit card sent to you months later in the mail.
Also, it gave me this :
Competitor's price: $109.69, source url: http://www.directcanada.com/products/?sku=11230DR4284 The Price Match you submitted has a difference of 20% or more. This may be because the price you are trying to match is in US dollars. We will review the Price Match and let you know if it's valid. Please read our Price Match terms & conditions for details
will they send an email? how do I see if it is accepted or not, in the cart itself.
Direct Canada is a sister company of theirs so it's not likely they will reject a pricematch from them. They'll send you an email or you can just check the status of the order on the website itself. They will either accept it and continue with processing your order or reject it and give you a reason / their best offer.
Good thank you. Lastly, do you think it is worth it to spend 16 bucks on their so called very recommanded full coverage shipping insurance. or is it just to scare us and make more money?
Full insurance is 3% of total. This includes advance RMA. Shipping isurance is 1.5% of total.
I am just building my computer, dual ASUS 560 Ti and a Thermaltake 850W power supply. My question is how do I power the cards. there is two 6-pin connectors on each one. Can i use only one 6-pin on each? If I do that I will use the built in 6-pin+2 cable from the PSU and then use the 6-pin connector supplied by thermaltake. Anyone have some insight?
Cards must have all PCIe connectors plugged in for them to function so if you have two GTX 560 Ti which requires two 6pin PCIe connectors. You need all four 6pin connectors plugged in. A 850w power supply should provide four 6+2pin connectors though so there shouldn't be a need for adapters.
Weird. Built in it has 1 6-pin and 1 6-pin+2. Supplied with the PSU is 1 more 6-pin+2 that I have plugged in the back. So guess i have to go buy one more...
If your 850w PSU doesn't have 4 PCIe connectors, I'd be paranoid about using it for an SLI setup, anything above 650w should, and even the newer ones of those really ought to. That being said, adapters work fine with a decent PSU.
On August 30 2011 09:45 JingleHell wrote: If your 850w PSU doesn't have 4 PCIe connectors, I'd be paranoid about using it for an SLI setup, anything above 650w should, and even the newer ones of those really ought to. That being said, adapters work fine with a decent PSU.
Here it is, I am assuming they just forgot one cable.
Your power supply is modular so just call them and ask for one.
What is your budget? My budget is around $1000 for the tower. Peripherals are not needed.
What is your resolution? 1920x1080 x2 screens (No crossfire or SLI or any of that jazz, just a second monitor for more real estate)
What are you using it for? I hope to play sc2 and stream at a decent quality (480p at least) as well as play any new games that come out in the future on decent settings. Ultra quality isn't my thing; medium to high is.
What is your upgrade cycle? I tend to upgrade in bulk, like now. Neccessities like dead ram or things like that are usually right away but upgrades on big parts (cpu, gpu) are usually 3-4 years.
Do you plan on overclocking? No.
Do you need an Operating System? No.
My current setup is: Dual Core E8500 3.16ghz, Nvidia 9600 GT.
I've been fooling around trying to optimize my build with my budget.
http://imgur.com/25W6M (This is all Australian dollars and off an Australian site :D)
What I'm unsure of is a nice graphics card to finish it all without bottlenecking the CPU and I'm a little unsure if the P8P67 motherboard is the best. Im also at a loss for a nice case to house everything without forking out a huge amount of money.
http://www.pccasegear.com/ is the site I used to create the list above.