On March 17 2012 16:30 jmbthirteen wrote: Guys, Mike Morhaime just bought pizza for everyone at the GOM Studio. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
that is the worst way to break up with your girlfriend of two years ever.
I'm giving the ring to someone else now. You'll have to share it. Here's some pizza to make you fat feel better.
Cmon guys this isn't gonna hurt BW at all. If anything having them side by side is going to keep it alive.
And buying pizza for everybody makes Morhaime a hero.
I'm going to have to disagree, respectfully. I think KeSPA/OGN sees LoL and SC2 getting so popular worldwide and if they can manage to sell their product (why they got NaDa and YellOw to advertise LoL) that it will obviously grow in korea. Brood war is an old game. It is still popular, but it will not grow. There is just no way. OGN sees the 2 games growing massively internationally, something SC1 could not accomplish, and they see gold. They need something new.
No bias at all, i like watching brood war more than watching starcraft 2, but with HoTS coming out i hope it changes that. I really do. SC vanilla was absolute garbage compared to brood war, granted technology was much different. But, we will see. Just my opinion
Even if everyone is planning to switch from BW to SC2, I imagine that there'd be a time with both games, so as to not introduce SC2 to a new audience as "the game that killed BW"
On March 17 2012 16:16 RPR_Tempest wrote: Whatever KeSPA comes out with will never beat GSL. There's just no way.
You've lived a sheltered life. The only thing GSL is better at is english commentary.
That's a pretty big "only" in the SC2 scene. Keep in mind the OGN name means absolutely nothing to the vast majority of foreign SC2 viewers, who are actually a significant chunk of the viewership.
On March 17 2012 16:38 ArcLiTe wrote: Good. Im sick and tired of seeing MC, Nestea and MVP owning everyone. Time for the REAL pros now.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or....?
If you really think that BW pros are going to switch and like IMMEDIATELY start owning the top SC2 players then you need to rethink things IMO.
People in this thread are too quickly jumping to conclusions about the contents of the announcement. There is no solid info provided or available on the format of the league, the makeup of the league, the effect that this will have based on there being two versions of Starcraft, and how this relates with competition in the scene. It's fine to speculate, but think about this before jumping down each other's throats
going to be nice. gom's production so good, and they are actually giving a lot of consideration to foreign fans. i wonder what the proleague will give us.
They have gone so far to cater to the foreign audience and it's so cool the extras like Off The Record and such, to see all that disappear would be bad.
Anyone think that maybe it's a good thing that OGN wants to get involved? For BW, they had MBC and OGN, why not GOM and OGN representing SC2? Helping each other!!! Hopefully....
Hopefully both leagues can coexist and harmony and it doesn't end with one killing the other. Excited for the future of sc2 and hope everything goes as planned and well.