BW Teams playing Starcraft 2 - Page 56
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Canada77 Posts
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10 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:13 jinorazi wrote: wats with the dragoon hate...dragoon's behavior never bothered me and to be honest, many of you guys are over exaggerating it. your signature... lol goons aint bad, its the reaver's scarab that gets me STEAMED | ||
Netherlands60 Posts
War is coming.... With all it's glory... and all it's horrors. So when will we hear an official statement on this? Will be pretty huge when they switch defintely. I'm very excited for this at least. | ||
Germany26 Posts
Dont ever, ever say that some bs like source is the same game as 1.6 :/, it hurts my feelings ![]() On topic: I think its sad, ive never ever seen a sc2 game where ive gotten as excited as i did watching some BW high level play... sc2 is good, and fun, but i dont think it will ever be as awesome as BW is. | ||
Turkey4968 Posts
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United States350 Posts
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10 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:18 Hyperionnn wrote: comparing mma to bisu is a insult for bisu imo saying such things when they haven't played against each other could be an insult to sc2/mma fans... just sayin... (Im a BW fan but it's nice to keep perspective) edit: Im not a BW fan, Im a BW FAN and SC2 HATER.. wanted to clarify lol | ||
Macedonia923 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:15 Canadium wrote: I love how all the SC2 kids are like "It IS sad to see BW die, but who cares we were never involved with it anyway!" Seriously just admit you have no idea what it's like to be a fan of BW and stop trying to kiss our asses because it is painful to hear all this news of possible transitions to SC2. IMO I don't think any top BW pros should switch: It would be almost insulting to see them play a game that's less skillful and less exciting. So please stop with your fake sensitivity. well for some old BW fans, sc2 gave a second chance to boxer, nada, july, dont you think that is a good thing for example? | ||
United States286 Posts
On October 29 2011 04:57 tyCe wrote: Pretty sure Chill knows his BW considering he was the BW strategy moderator for ages ^_^ Still, you can't compared July with Jaedong. I dunno if he's trolling or drunk. July, Nada, Boxer, etc destroy the argument. If it's true top players automatically are better than SC2 players because their micro/APM/etc is superior, we should be able to witness that in the very best BW players regardless of whether their career slowed down towards the end; is anyone going to argue Nada and July aren't BW legends? I'm tired of the argument. Jaedong and company will most likely be better than July/Nada/etc but there's no guarantee they'll magically dominate SC2. Jaedong will not be better than Nestea or Dimaga or Stephano a month after switching. Or two, three, etc. MVP is 21 years old, for instance. He's going to be great for awhile, regardless of who switches, as long as he continues to practice/not get complacent with his riches. And while we're at it, can we put this idiotic "they're throwing money into SC2!" argument to bed. It's an esport. No one threw money at BW? Players aren't payed salaries thanks to big sponsors? The hypocrisy is laughable. BW had an epic run, all things come to an end. Those same sponsors aren't going to stick around forever. And when the money moves, the players will move. I'm sure Jaedong and company love BW, but if someone offered them more money to switch to SC2 guess what: they would. Cash rules sports, and esports. | ||
Greece10806 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:17 Zergneedsfood wrote: The fact that MMA switched proves he's not as good as Bisu. ![]() That's lies, he wasn't practising like a madman in bw. Infact he's one of the very few top sc2 players that don't have that ''stigma'' of ''I was a bw failure so I switched to sc2''. | ||
United States2925 Posts
On October 29 2011 04:38 croupier wrote: sGs.Kal_rA , As someone who doesn't watch BW at all I'm not able to understand why that video is so epic. And guaranteed it's because I don't know much about BW the game, and I don't know the skill involved in what Bisu is actually doing in that clip. I'm not saying the video isn't awesome, I'm saying that I personally don't understand it. Showing that clip to people like me who watch SC2 doesn't make us say "Ohhhh, that's what makes BW awesome!". It just makes us confused. If you want to have the intended effect of sharing how awesome BW is, then unfortunately you'll have to also include some commentary on why the clip is awesome. What should i be looking for in order to be impressed? Outside of the video content itself, what is going on with the player that would make this harder than just the video shows? LOL are you serous? You sound so close minded... I feel like this is a lost cause, but here is what happens when spider mines DO make contact: And here is a really famous example of storm in bw: I'm sure your sc2 mind can understand that one.... Also, if you don't understand anything about BW, just scroll down on TL and browse through some of the BW threads... BW 'eliteists' don't hate on sc2 for no reason. They just want to see the game be as awesome as what they know and love.. And sc2 is just not there yet. Trust me when I say: everyone on TL (well nearly everyone) just wants to see some more awesome epic starcraft. BW just provides more of these kinds of moments in your average game... People don't watch or play the original starcraft anymore.. Why? Well, vanilla SC just wasn't as perfect as brood war. Its simply because BW is just more entertaining to watch. If you really want to understand BW, just go to Violtak's account on youtube and watch a couple english commentaries.. Even better: LOAD UP ICCUP (for free) and try playing protoss against any terran on "op teamliquid". Ask them to go 2 fact push before expand (mines first) and you mass goons and just be impressed by what Bisu pulled off in that vid.. Don't just sit there and complain that you don't understand a video and want everything spoon fed to you. | ||
Malaysia4123 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:18 LuMaLo wrote: Dude, off topic but... if u aint got NO CLUE about cs 1.6 and source, and the BIG ASS DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM (movement, spray, hitbox just to name the 3 most important ones) then dont talk about it because 1) u come off as a complete idiot to the people who know their shit in that game, and 2) you misinform people who dont know their shit in that game. Dont ever, ever say that some bs like source is the same game as 1.6 :/, it hurts my feelings ![]() On topic: I think its sad, ive never ever seen a sc2 game where ive gotten as excited as i did watching some BW high level play... sc2 is good, and fun, but i dont think it will ever be as awesome as BW is. Yea 1.6 will forever be the best competitive FPS. Source and 1.6 are completely different aside from a few of the same maps and some of the same guns (but the guns don't even play the same anyways). I actually switched to source when it came out but had to go back to 1.6 lol. | ||
281 Posts
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136 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:20 PhoenixDark wrote: A genius of high level, is a universal genius. Guys like Flash and Bisu could make it big whatever they put their minds to, it is incredible.July, Nada, Boxer, etc destroy the argument. If it's true top players automatically are better than SC2 players because their micro/APM/etc is superior, we should be able to witness that in the very best BW players regardless of whether their career slowed down towards the end; is anyone going to argue Nada and July aren't BW legends? I'm tired of the argument. Jaedong and company will most likely be better than July/Nada/etc but there's no guarantee they'll magically dominate SC2. Jaedong will not be better than Nestea or Dimaga or Stephano a month after switching. Or two, three, etc. MVP is 21 years old, for instance. He's going to be great for awhile, regardless of who switches, as long as he continues to practice/not get complacent with his riches. And while we're at it, can we put this idiotic "they're throwing money into SC2!" argument. It's an esport. No one threw money at BW? Players aren't payed salaries thanks to big sponsors? The hypocrisy is laughable. BW had an epic run, all things come to an end. Those same sponsors aren't going to stick around forever. And when the money moves, the players will move. I'm sure Jaedong and company love BW, but if someone offered them more money to switch to SC2 guess what: they would. Cash rules sports, and esports. | ||
31 Posts
One of the reason why he's doing poorly is because 1) Skill ceiling for SC2 is very very very low compared to BW 2) Easy interface, Binding, Unit control 3) Zerg's specialty does not shine in SC2 as much as it did in BW, which was speed and flank. aka, one sentry blocking the ramp. | ||
United States8017 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:13 kNyTTyM wrote: It's really difficult to explain if you aren't familiar with the brood war engine. Imagine you have stalkers stutter stepping. Now if you attack then move away too fast, there is a chance your stalker just stops moving. This stalker is frozen and cannot be issued a command until you highlight the unit and click stop. Imagine if you could blink 2 stalkers into the same location. They will "stack" and then push apart similar to how flyer units function in sc2. This stacking occurs in brood war as well except you have no control over your units while they stack and push apart. Example of this is at 23-24 seconds where the two dragoons closest to the top of the screen are bumping and bugging. Each of those little white burrowing things called mines do 125 damage and have splash. They are really small and difficult to target as well. It's like trying to target down a burrowed zergling. There is only a little hole and not a complete unit model to target. There is no dynamic pushing in brood war. If you've watched enough marine vs zergling in sc2, you probably have seen a terran stutter step his way out of a zergling surround. Doesn't happen in brood war. If dragoons get surrounded by vulture, your only choice is to shoot down the vultures. So to summarize, he is stuttering nearly perfectly with dumb units that may freeze up, avoiding clumping that can cause his units to bug, targeting down burrowed zergling size death bombs, and targeting down vultures to not get surrounded. And to top that all off, he is macroing! Actually, iirc he wasn't really macroing much during that and had some money banked. What probably happened is he macroed, but was so busy with the micro he couldn't go and add additional gates. Also, what is with the SC2 hate my fellow BW guys? Weren't we just complaining about how there was a bunch of BW hate over in the BW forums in the PL/Blizzcon threads? We'll this just so happens to be the sc2 section... Plus, hating on either game is silly. Both of these games can benefit from each other by drawing in fans and discussion from both audiences. | ||
Canada171 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:17 mrtomjones wrote: Or you could act less butthurt and accept that they truly do feel that way. If they truly felt that way they'd help keep the game alive instead of saying things like "It's sad to see BW die." Which is what a game as good as BW deserves. BW doesn't need to die. It's not broken. It doesn't need fixing. It's just disrespectful. | ||
United States373 Posts
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United States10671 Posts
On October 29 2011 05:20 Steveling wrote: That's lies, he wasn't practising like a madman in bw. Infact he's one of the very few top sc2 players that don't have that ''stigma'' of ''I was a bw failure so I switched to sc2''. What? MMA was a scrub B teamer who didn't even play that many games. On a relative scale he was a BW failure. -.- I'm just going to drop this MMA vs Bisu thing because it's ridiculous. On October 29 2011 05:20 PhoenixDark wrote: July, Nada, Boxer, etc destroy the argument. If it's true top players automatically are better than SC2 players because their micro/APM/etc is superior, we should be able to witness that in the very best BW players regardless of whether their career slowed down towards the end; is anyone going to argue Nada and July aren't BW legends? I'm tired of the argument. Jaedong and company will most likely be better than July/Nada/etc but there's no guarantee they'll magically dominate SC2. Jaedong will not be better than Nestea or Dimaga or Stephano a month after switching. Or two, three, etc. MVP is 21 years old, for instance. He's going to be great for awhile, regardless of who switches, as long as he continues to practice/not get complacent with his riches. And while we're at it, can we put this idiotic "they're throwing money into SC2!" argument to bed. It's an esport. No one threw money at BW? Players aren't payed salaries thanks to big sponsors? The hypocrisy is laughable. BW had an epic run, all things come to an end. Those same sponsors aren't going to stick around forever. And when the money moves, the players will move. I'm sure Jaedong and company love BW, but if someone offered them more money to switch to SC2 guess what: they would. Cash rules sports, and esports. No, July, Boxer, and Nada don't destroy the argument. They've been out of their prime for years and the fact that they're still doing consistently well shows how simple SC2 is to pick up. | ||
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