On October 29 2011 03:48 milikan wrote: While I agree with some changes in the BW, the "upgrade" in SC2 has resulted in some changes to the game that make it for the worse. One example was touched on by by Kennigit in his interview with Dustin Bowder: "A lot of people complain about 200/200 balls banging into each other in SC2". This is something that never happened in SC1, and I think most people can agree this made for more epic, map wide battles.
Completely agree. Getting rid of this would improve my SC2 viewing greatly. I am very critical of Blizzard and I don't think they've done the scenes any favors. While I am happy for the community if this ends up growing it, I can't help but feel like Blizzard continues to constantly hold it back. If I see lag in ProLeague...
I hate Bowder's attitude of "if you want Brood War play Brood War". I am not at all attached to any BW mechanics, as awesome as they were. Even as a fan that came in only after SC2's launch, I only cared about having the game be as awesome as it can. SC2 and Proleague leaves me with mixed feelings at this point. I don't need to see Brood War, but I want to see awesome games and longer battles, and SC2 simply produces fewer of them. My wish is actually for SC2 to be better than it is, and I hope it can be, for everyone's sake.
Finally mates. An epic era for e-sports is dawning on us. The prowess of bw aces along with the international success sc2 is getting will form a tremendous combination. I can't wait to see a multitasking battle between the Dong and MMA.
On October 29 2011 04:00 Megaliskuu wrote: Why not have proleague be a bo5 consisting of both sc2 and BW? game 1-2 BW, 3-4 SC2, and the ace match is randomly decided. I think that would be amazing for both games.
Haha no that would fucking suck. How fun would it be if there was this "official finals" in the winter Olympics where you played a bo5 with different sports and the winning country would get the gold medal. That would seriously blow.
On October 29 2011 04:16 Jochan wrote: I am so happy that we, me and my friend, can finally settle our bet. For those wondering it was about how will the pro BW players do in SC2 when they switch. I won't stir any shit storm here about our opinion. I am just happy that we will have an answer in the upcoming months.
The thing is that bet can only be settled if they mix with other sc2 pros. If they just stay in their bubble and play sc2 only in proleague against other bw pros, then the debate will rage on because you won't be able to judge them against current sc2 pros and will only be able to judge them against other bw pros.
On October 29 2011 03:58 Chill wrote: What about July? Golden mouse holder and he's not smashing SC2! I don't think it's as easy as flick a switch and BW pros now dominate SC2.
Well, to be fair he wasn't doing very well when he left bw... But what your saying is true.
I feel like only 70%-80% of bw skills transfer over... the rest is just luck and some weird perfect combination (as it is with all top players in any sport).
Mechanically, I'm sure JD and Hydra are about the same, but what makes Jaedong S-class while Hydra remains a very good player is exactly what makes Messi a genius with a soccer ball. It's just pure raw talent for that given game. Zergbong didn't have that sixth sense in bw to make it as a top-top gamer. He had the mechanics (and that shows as its transferred over to star2) but that he was lacking that edge. He has that in sc2. Which is what makes him so much better than LosirA or someone.
When Nada left BW he was not at the top. But he was god-dammed consistent with his play. He never "slumped". In sc2, we see the same consistency shine in his play.
What I'm trying to say is that there is no guarantee that the Sclass bw players will win GSLs left and right (duh!). Maybe what makes stork so good at BW just doesn't exist in sc2 (lol carriers).. Maybe what makes MVP such a beast at star2 was lacking in BW.. It's that extra 20% that makes someone brilliant at what they do, or we would ALL be the best in our own respective fields.. Its not so black and white.
Basically, it's just a graph to all you people under the false impression BW is actually balanced.
More difficult? Can't really dispute the truth of that. Relevance, possibly, but that is really the only plank one could go after. Even that'd be pretty tenuous.
Balanced? Not quite so much.
There are many things wrong with SC2. The Colossus is a "ruining esports" unit. The units are, on the whole, un-inspired and very 1a2a3a (or 1a (or a if you're Terran)), with the possible exception of the Hellion, Raven, and Queen. These last few are not points I intend to contend, just stating that there are things wrong with SC2 that are wholly not-sensationalist.
On October 29 2011 04:16 Jochan wrote: I am so happy that we, me and my friend, can finally settle our bet. For those wondering it was about how will the pro BW players do in SC2 when they switch. I won't stir any shit storm here about our opinion. I am just happy that we will have an answer in the upcoming months.
The chances are that top BW pros will revolutionize SC2 if possible. Too bad SC2 seems to be way to shallow to be able to be revolutionized.....
On October 29 2011 03:55 ComplexConf wrote: "BW is a more difficult and more balanced game..."
I hate when an individual says something that is actually not really fact...
Personally I don't agree!
It is a fact whether you agree with it or not.
The problem doesn't lie in expressing the point.
My problem with the statement is that it lacks support and evidence. It's just a thesis and so becomes flaming. Give us more to clarify your intentions.
We exist in an intellectual and analytic community since SC2 is such a deep and engaging game. We ask each other to analyze replays, we ask specific questions about in game scenarios and we strive to improve through practice and application of what we learn from others and through playing the game.
"BW is a more difficult and balanced game..." is an awesome way to start out an argument and takes a clear position, but you can't leave the readers hanging. Give us your ideas and thoughts on why you think this way. Then we can begin moving forward, together.
Basically, it's just a graph to all you people under the false impression BW is actually balanced.
More difficult? Can't really dispute the truth of that. Relevance, possibly, but that is really the only plank one could go after. Even that'd be pretty tenuous.
Balanced? Not quite so much.
There are many things wrong with SC2. The Colossus is a "ruining esports" unit. The units are, on the whole, un-inspired and very 1a2a3a (or 1a (or a if you're Terran)), with the possible exception of the Hellion, Raven, and Queen. These last few are not points I intend to contend, just stating that there are things wrong with SC2 that are wholly not-sensationalist.
I can't believe you linked that picture to try and back up your claims. It says nothing.