On August 21 2011 21:51 Elefanto wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2011 21:46 ICA wrote: I do not think there will be a patch coming out. Couldn't think of anything that Blizz would be willing to change. Sure everyone has his/ her own opinion about balance but the game is actually not that horrible right now. We also know that Blizzard takes their time with patches and changes only "terrible" stuff, which leads me to the conclusion that in the near future no patch will be coming out. According to the Race Win Percentage thread, and said graphs, the game currently sure as hell isn't balanced. Everything points towards a good nerf for Terran. Blizzard uses different numbers than the TLPD. Besides, even the recent big TLPD winrate imbalances started occuring more than one month *after* the last big patch (1.3.3) hit.
i hope nerf infestor energy upgread....
whay bilizzard whont 1 unite to do plenty of jobs i dont get it....
look at game like this now infestors do great agenst almoust everything....air ground armored light...
mariness also do great agenst almoust everything (only real conter to them is AOE spells and some t3 unites like colloss).....
on other hend stalkers (u need senturis alweys as toss in early game) zealots....(that is like one unite 3 unites combined in to one)
i propose in next to expansions to more unites do job not like one ( insted of infestors killing air) i hope some hidralisc or something...in the mix...
also insted of marines do bouth graund and air great job (nerf em in next expansions) to for exemple some unites like galioths do job in mix with other army....
so conclusion more unites to be efective not yust one for every situations...sry for my eng thx for reading
On August 21 2011 21:55 darkness wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2011 21:51 Elefanto wrote:On August 21 2011 21:46 ICA wrote: I do not think there will be a patch coming out. Couldn't think of anything that Blizz would be willing to change. Sure everyone has his/ her own opinion about balance but the game is actually not that horrible right now. We also know that Blizzard takes their time with patches and changes only "terrible" stuff, which leads me to the conclusion that in the near future no patch will be coming out. According to the Race Win Percentage thread, and said graphs, the game currently sure as hell isn't balanced. Everything points towards a good nerf for Terran. That's what I hope, too. ^^
Wasn't the Race Win Percentage thread pulled apart? I thought that the stats weren't as robust as first appeared?
Or are you referring to another thread?
OT - hell, it's about time.
On August 21 2011 21:37 Andreas wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2011 20:54 GGTesomas wrote:On August 21 2011 01:21 Mercury- wrote:On August 20 2011 20:21 Garnet wrote: What needs to be changed though, Blue Flame Helions?. If anything it's infestors but the Zerg lobby is too strong for that so it'll never happen. Are you kidding me? I am sooo sick of hearing about how Zergs got buffs just because of complaining. Zerg got buffs because the game was imbalanced, not for any other reason. This idiotic argument about how the "zerg lobby" whined it's way into all kind of buffs needs to stop. Blizzard hands out buffs and nerfs based on game results, not the biased whining of the community. Remember the PTR that was up before the infestor buff? Fungal was changed to a projectile that didn't hit air but still did more damage (like it does now). I don't think that change lasted for more than a day or two because the community outrage was so strong, so they changed it to what it is now instead. I commend Blizzard for actually having a PTR, but they definitely don't spend too much time cheking the results of the changes they make. That being said, the players who actually play on the PTR are rarely the kind of people who actually should be testing the new changes (e.g. top-level players), and are more likely a small group of players spread out among different leagues, so I don't think they can get accurate results from the PTR anyway.
I dare to say the outrage might be also caused by the fact that you use fungal to hinder unit movement. And blink stalkers could dodge the fungal when it was projectile. Also you want to stop harassing air units that you can't really catch with hydras (that also die quickly), like mutas, or medivacs. Zerg has so little anti-air as it is. I don't want to argue about any balance here, tho.
On topic-
I don't know if this PTR will be for patch or betatesting, but I kinda don't really expect another patch coming out before the HotS beta. Considering that servers used for testing of WoL possibly became stable release servers, then they might need some new realm for testing of other stuff. Or they just want more feedback also from EU, considering the metagame might be slightly different here.
Hell, Its about time
Hopefully this is HotS and not just another patch. I cant see them messing with balance too much until after the expac hits.
On August 21 2011 21:55 Andreas wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2011 21:51 Elefanto wrote:On August 21 2011 21:46 ICA wrote: I do not think there will be a patch coming out. Couldn't think of anything that Blizz would be willing to change. Sure everyone has his/ her own opinion about balance but the game is actually not that horrible right now. We also know that Blizzard takes their time with patches and changes only "terrible" stuff, which leads me to the conclusion that in the near future no patch will be coming out. According to the Race Win Percentage thread, and said graphs, the game currently sure as hell isn't balanced. Everything points towards a good nerf for Terran. Blizzard uses different numbers than the TLPD. Besides, even the recent big TLPD winrate imbalances started occuring more than one month *after* the last big patch (1.3.3) hit.
I didn't really care about the swings in balance, i cared about the overall scheme of things. And it was more than clear that terran was since start of the year in the 50-60 overall win % range and never low or even below 50%. Also Browder personally said in a recent interview that terrans are doing to well at the highest level (Korean GM) and that they are looking into it.
So if there is a sign of PTR it can only be related to a balance change (map pool has been updated recently). And given the facts we know, they sure will test a Terran nerf and maybe they're gonna experiment with Infestor / Broodlords (as David Kim stated they are looking at it), maybe some Protoss buff.
I really don't think they will change balance before HotS (which we should see more of in october in Blizzcon presumably?), and even if they would they won't nerf the infestor which is needed in ZvP. Nerfing blue flame now would be silly too, so early after people have started to learn how to abuse it.
Russian Federation4295 Posts
On August 20 2011 21:49 mburke05 wrote: I dont know how people can just randomly say nerf blue flame helions because of their dramatic rise in popularity, the skill hasnt changed in large part for months, and people havent complained about it all. Meanwhile, fungal gets buffed dramatically, and zerg results dramatically increase, and people conveniently look away? Just because terrans are learning to use their assets (one that has been there for 8 months unchanged mind you) doesn't mean others who can't deal with them should be rewarded. Something is overpowered or it isn't, what you're saying has nothing to do with it and makes no sense.
Love the potential EU PTR tho, about time =))
I dont understand why so many people seem to think that there wont be any balance patches before HotS. Has Blizzard said there wont be any or what?
To me it seems obvious that if Blizzard think something is imbalanced they will fix it.
after changing the bunker build time every patch I think its time to start looking at the salvage time 
On August 21 2011 22:35 Existor wrote:No PTR for EU, only read forum and post topics/comments http://eu.battle.net/sc2/ru/forum/On russian forums it's already availabled and marked "Read only"
I think they only allow you to post there once the ptr is live
Russian Federation4295 Posts
On August 21 2011 23:18 makk wrote:after changing the bunker build time every patch I think its time to start looking at the salvage time  I think they only allow you to post there once the ptr is live No, it's same, as BlizzCon forum on Eu & RU sites, where marked with bolder font "Read only"
all the things you guys list as op are things that deal splash or AoE damage, maybe you should concentrate on splitting your units on the real ladder instead of playing EZ starcraft on some possible PTR.
On August 21 2011 18:32 Binabik wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2011 18:29 r3SpaVVn wrote: lol, guys. this is a thread about a rumored ptr for eu, not some patch. i don't get why everyone is talking about possible balance changes now? what would you test in a ptr? new icons? :x
New maps
I think we need some patching, so I hope it's true! But I hope Blizzard doesn't do a stupid patch =/
I would assume every server has there own PTR it is just that the one in NA is open to public. Blizzard doesn't just blindly release their patches and updates, before anything is released they are tested in their private PTR.
Still waiting for hydras and corruptors te become more versatile... though I don't think anything will happen to those.. My guess is that only the infestor will get nerfed.
Russian Federation4295 Posts
On August 22 2011 01:26 Morphs wrote: Still waiting for hydras and corruptors te become more versatile... though I don't think anything will happen to those.. My guess is that only the infestor will get nerfed. Use corruption for more damage vs immortals, archons and colosus.
Too radical changes will be ONLY in Hots. And I hope, they will make hydralisk with 1 food limit with current tier2 requirement.
With infestor nerf there must be some other buffs. Fungal now is a main answer of zergs to many OP-things from other races.
On August 21 2011 22:35 Existor wrote:No PTR for EU, only read forum and post topics/comments http://eu.battle.net/sc2/ru/forum/On russian forums it's already availabled and marked "Read only"
Same thing appeared in the Italian boards.
Bunch o' people asked about it and their threads were promptly locked, with a blue saying things like "we don't have anything to share about that yet".
So, no PTR for EU as it seems? Damn, I resent Blizz so much for having this region-lock even for PTR....