Ok I know what they are going to do:
The Shattered Metalopolis: Changes: - Rocks at the Thirds - Rocks at the Gold - Giant bridges between close air spawns so that the map becomes more interesting for rush fans!
jk, I'm actually happy about the changes.. I wished they removed Shattered or Backwater though, but otherwise it's at least 1 close spawn less. Happy to see Xel'Naga staying there!
Metalopolis was kind of old already. Probably they don't want a map to be on the rotation more than 2 seasons. In my opinion it makes sense.
Lets try the new maps to see how do they feel. ^^
metal didn't have any rocks so they needed to take it out
So are all the new maps just the test maps from PTR?
At least they finally got rid of Delta and that god-awful Slag Pits..
I think all we can do is hope the new maps aren't as flawed as they look. Goodbye a quick, safe, reasonable and non-blocked 3rd though. As long as tournaments still use it blizzard might see why people don't want it gone
I hope this is the last season with xel naga caverns, its a good map but its too overused.
Great changes. Many people are whining about taking out Metalopolis but come on, give Blizzard a break. They are finally removing Scrap Station AND Delta Quadrant, excellent. If statistics indeed say it's imbalanced, let's believe them on this one. Besides, it's refreshing to see new maps. I am afraid I do have to thump down at Tal'Darim because PvP is just horrible (you have to 4 gate), even though I like the other 2 matchups a lot on it. All other maps now seem to have a ramp you can block with 1 FF (unlike Scrap, which was the main reason I thumped it down in S2).
why the FUCK did they take out Metal.
Oh well, I read Blizz's reasons for changing Metalopolis and they seemed like good reasons.
LOL @ Removing Metalopolis but keeping Backwater..
On July 26 2011 06:30 vega12 wrote: Even if a map is awesome like Metalopolis, you can't keep it in the rotation for too long. It was the same in BW were many of the awesome maps still only had a lifetime of a few seasons before being replaced by something new. Partly to keep things fresh and partly to make it so the maps don't get completely figured out by the players. Don't worry; in the future players of SC2 will be able to play games on Metalopolis and have the same kind of nostalgia many BW players have for maps like Python, Destination, Medusa, Andromeda, and Fighting Spirit to name a few.
Well said!
And lol @ Zerg having 60+% win rate. I think back in the days when terran was OP they had like 55-57% and that mostly due to close posi.
Removing Metalopolis and keeping Shattered Temple/Blackwater Gultch is just dumb, in my opinion. But I guess we should all hold final judgement until we are all able to fully test out the new maps.
I don't understand the metalopolis decision at all, especially when they leave maps like typhon peaks, backwater gulch and the awful new maps they put in (yes I've played on them, not just looking, and no they are not better or more balanced than meta).
I think the "reason why metalopolis was removed" blue thread in bnet essentially proves that blizzard doesn't know what the f*** they're talking about when it comes to balance and can't actually analyze games...... they just look at numbers and make essentially uneducated decisions while staring at an excel spreadsheet with "weighted percentages at high levels"
I'm sure when metalopolis comes back, it will have at least 12 sets of destructible rocks
edit: so frustrated right now by this new map pool Where are the excellent GSL maps? Why so many rocks!!!!
I'm glad metalopolis is gone. I won't miss it one bit. That map is so hard for protoss with the wide open chokes. Close positions also sucks because you HAVE to 1 base or you insta lose against zerg and will probably lose against terran. Scrap and Slag obviously both sucked and I had them both thumbed down. I didn't mind DQ all that much, it was bad but at least a 3rd base wasn't so inaccessible. I kinda don't mind the design of having close rush distances but accessible thirds, makes it so that aggressive and macro styles can be used.
REALLY glad Shakuras is still in. IMO it's the best map in starcraft 2 right now, and it was made by Blizz lol.
On July 26 2011 06:34 Ruyguy wrote: I just can't understand why blizzard thought metalopolis was imbalanced when the positions WERE NOT close.
I'm going to hazard a guess that they have actual statistical data.
Wait... So ALL of the new maps made it in? I hope the fixed some of those bunker/siege tank positions... Those made me sad.
I'm so glad they removed the 3/4 of my down voted 1v1 maps. Can't wait for the new maps, I guess Metal just got old.
On July 26 2011 06:41 dani` wrote: Great changes. Many people are whining about taking out Metalopolis but come on, give Blizzard a break. They are finally removing Scrap Station AND Delta Quadrant, excellent. If statistics indeed say it's imbalanced, let's believe them on this one. Besides, it's refreshing to see new maps. I am afraid I do have to thump down at Tal'Darim because PvP is just horrible (you have to 4 gate), even though I like the other 2 matchups a lot on it. All other maps now seem to have a ramp you can block with 1 FF (unlike Scrap, which was the main reason I thumped it down in S2).
How the FUCK can you give someone a break when they remove a map for a reason, but keep another map (shattered temple) in the pool when it has the EXACT same problem. It just goes to show their fucking incompetence.
So taking out Meta instead of Backwater ? -_- That's ridiculous.
remove the best balanced map blizzard ever made -> procede to leave the shit ones and add 4 more shit maps.
Good Job blizzard.
edit: ah and their not removing close pos? Seems like another ' awesome ' season ahead.