On June 21 2011 08:59 Gumbos wrote: haha.. listen to the zergs complain about lack of third base maps! :D Maps look decent... will have to play to them to get a feel.
What are you even talking about? Every race is complaining about third bases on 3/4 of these maps. Did you even bother to read the thread? The third base on 3/4 of these maps are very far away from the main and nat. This makes it difficult for terran and protoss to take their third. Please refrain from posting here if you do not know what is going on.
On June 21 2011 09:00 Belial88 wrote: Yea but I don't think anyone double fast expands legitimately. T and P can already punish FE builds very easily, and Zerg... well personally I think Zerg has a few issues regarding not being able to punish fast tech or expanding, but they themselves can expand much 'easier' than other races so they at least have that going on.
Since zerg have a hard time punishing a player that is fast expanding or teching, their only other option is to get ahead economically. So when a protoss or a terran wall in and fe (like on shakuras or tal darim) a zerg needs to take a third in response. If rocks prevent that third, then zerg's options are very limited. Imagine if the 3rd on Metalopolis had rocks on it. Would you consider that a good and balanced map still?
Is it just me or do a lot of these maps have a resemblance to backwater gulch... Meh not liking it.
Disappointed with all the 4p maps, I want to see more 2p maps.
Not too happy with these maps... I wish they'd make maps that players can choose whether to rush or macro on, instead of putting all the maps into these extreme categories.
I think they're improving, though, it will just take some time.
I <3 these maps, i love 4player maps!!!!! i hope they finally get rid of stupid delta quadrant from the pool...
Considering this is for season 3, when will season 2 finish? I just saw that the WoW PvP season 9 finishes on June28th (or around then)
Do we have an E.T.A.?
United Kingdom12022 Posts
I like the look of the third and fourth maps.
future of sc2 is three player maps like testbug and xel naga fortress
So basically replace delta,slag, and typhon peaks and we are back in business!
I have a bad feeling they are going to replace the older maps, the Xel'nagas and Metals.
i hope metal gets taken out, i'm tired of that map.
On June 21 2011 09:10 DeltruS wrote: I'm not going to be continuing ladder. As a semi-casual it is only resulting in RSI and useless skill. The community wants maps that are good for all styles of play and these aren't them. Blizzard seems to think the game needs to be toned down for lesser skilled players but I have news for them: lower league players do the same things as pro players, just less quickly and less coordinated. The game is the same at all levels and players have the same frustrations as pros.
decided not to care 1v1 anymore since the last few weeks of the first season :D
i simply dont enjoy the game anymore - everytime i play 1v1 with zerg i feel like i am slapping my d*ck lol maybe the slapping is actually more enjoyable than playing 1v1 >_> while of course i still like to watch pro games.
OT: the logic of Blizzard in designing these 'rush map' is fascinating. they seem to encourage more 1 or 2 bases all-in (which is what i think the design is intended, try to load up an Insane AI game and watch). well, all i can say is that i sincerely hope that they bring some fix in HotS.
Is it me or do all maps look the same? A 4p map with expos on the edges and a middle with nothing in it.
o.O most of them look great designwise. but im not so sure if these (1v1) maps will provide good games :/ 4th looks good though
Since map #4 is "the" macro map for season 3 does that mean no more tal'darim? A sad day for aspiring Zergs...
On June 21 2011 09:26 Turbo.Tactics wrote: Since map #4 is "the" macro map for season 3 does that mean no more tal'darim? A sad day for aspiring Zergs... }Well IIRC they wanted to have an even ration of rush-normal-macro maps. So no I don´t think they will remove TA.
To people wondering about 3rd season, I hope it's within 10 or so days, if I'm correct 2nd season started around end of March or beginning of April, so it should be 3 months already, and they said they want to have about 4 seasons per year :D
Any idea of which maps will be removed from the pool?
I hope blizz get rid of slag pits and CRAP station.
On June 21 2011 08:12 maybelunarox wrote:Show nested quote +On June 21 2011 08:04 coolcor wrote: Blizzard is never going to add maps designed for tournaments to the ladder, but I think the best solution is to ask them to have a second ladder that GSL and ICCup can add whatever maps they want to. And let anybody select to play in either one.
Then people can chose between the "variety" and rushing of the blizzard maps or the tournament maps for balance or if they wanna play like and copy the pros or train for a tournament. It would also let the tournaments do what they want with maps without worrying about keeping a few ladder maps in because anyone can practice them now without being on a pro team. Out of the two that you mentioned I'd actually swapped em and said they'd never make a second ladder inside the bnet 2.0. Seems like a pretty silly idea. The only way for another ladder, different than the official one, is I believe independent ladder, prepared and ranked on some site. Other then that, they already added Tal Darim. I wonder why the hesitate to add few others.
They'll probably never have more then 1 or 2 tournament maps in the pool at one time so people can downvote them if they don't like that style. They edited TD a lot and won't add any that break from ladder map standards (witch might discourage mapmakers and tournaments to experiment with many non standard elements or maps)
By second ladder I mean just have a 1v1 (tournament) button between 1v1 (blizzard) and 2v2 on the main page. It would just be another score you have just like it tracks, you already have 4 for 1v1 to 4v4 and it tracks every team you play with separately at all whats wrong with 2 separate 1v1 scores? Maybe move grandmaster to the tournament maps since that is where the pros will play and everyone will be happy no more large threads complaining to blizzard about their maps ever again.
Looks like all of these maps are easy to forge FE on, which is great.
The maps look good, but I don't like how some of the maps won't let us to take our 3rd base and higher easily. I may be corrected after playing these maps in the new Season, however. I hope they will also add more KR maps in the future like they did with Tal'Darim Altar LE. Some of the maps look like they've just got a new feel to them (like the rush map and backwatergulch). I'd also like to see more amazing 2P maps like XNC. Oh well, I hope Season 3 comes out soon!
I like the concept of different spawns for team play, it will definitely vary things up. Is it just me or is the orientation of the rocks in the top right spawn in the first 2v2 map different than the others? That's really weird.
These maps, from looking at them, definitely seem better for us zergs than slag pits, so I'm happy about that.