Chae Jung Won, the head of GomTV manage team "Can't understand foreigner's rejection"
GSL Super Tournament begins in coming May 23rd with top 64 GSL point rankers.
Super tournament has made issues by making competition of both code A and code S players, but unfortunately many foreigners, except Chris 'Huk' Loranger and Jonathan 'Jinro' Walsh, has rejected invitations.
Lots of foreign fans complain and criticize about such news, and says 'this happens because it is so hard to beat Koreans.' Also the manager of team Fnatic complained that "the invitaion of Super Tournament from GomTV came out in rush."
PlayXP was able to hear opinion of Chae Jung Won, the head of Manage team in GomTV (also main caster of GSL), during presentation of new format change of GSL in May 19th. Mr. Chae said, "We gave the same amount of warning time as we did with World Championship. I do not understand the reason of rejection since they were able to participate in World Championship."
The prize of participating World Championship was about 3,000,000 Won. (about 2700 USD) But in Super Tournament, if you qualify RO32 you will be guaranteed to have 1,000,000 Won. (about 900 USD) Of course you can't be sure until you hear from players, the prize pool , the chance of winning the tournament, and the travel cost are the most probable reason to reject invitation.
In fact, Dmytro 'Dimaga' Filipchuk spoke during the interview after World Championship that "It is very difficult to stay in Korea for long term since I have a girl friend and family. There are many online tournaments in Europe. That is why playing in Europe is much better choice for me."
Mr. Chae also spoke about his opinion on providing code S spot for foreign players. "I don't think GSL is same level as MLG. I believe foreign fans also think same as me. There is notable difference between the seed for Koreans to MLG Championship and the seed for foreigners to GSL code S."
About question of making barrier for players in code A to promote in code S through Up and Down match, he said "The ability of player is what they can make win in Up and Down match. If you lose your Up and Down match, then you can't advance to code S. But we made change so winner of code A can advance without Up and Down match."
Written by: Lee Si Woo (
(C) PlayXP
This is personal statement of Caster Chae Jung Won, not the official statement of GomTV, of answering suggestion of giving code S seed directly to foriegners from foriegn community.
(I think it was refering to
Response on the playxp thread by TT1 himself:
"hello mr. chae and to all the korean community at playxp ^_^, i hope someone can translate this message in korean
hi my name is Payam Toghyan and i go by the aka of TT1 in starcraft 2, the main purpose of this message is to talk about why the foreigners rejected the gsl super tournament invitation, first and foremost i want to apologize to anyone who felt offended by our decision, as mr. chae pointed out the main reason the foreigners refused to attend the tournament was because of the decreased prizepool(in the earlier rounds). higher competition level and the travel costs not being covered by gsl this time around(they were covered during the world championship tournament), i am currently on team fnatic and xeris(our team manager) is a good friend of mine but i must agree that the short period of notice that gsl sent out before their invite was not the main issue, i wont say it isnt a problem organization-wise, because it is, however its not something that creates a huge barrier for us, the korean players are obviously alot better than the foreigner players at the moment so our teams and the sponsors most likely felt that it wouldnt have been in their best interest to invest so much money(because travelling to korea is extremely expensive and all the teams have a set budget that they can use annulay), with the risk of getting so little in return, i can only speculate but i know enought about the foreign proscene to say that the risk/reward was most likely not favorable enought for them to make that type of commitment in order to send us to korea, unfortunatly esports is a business and teams have to look at every situation from a economic perspective aswell
another problem was that the GSL Super Tournament would have conflicted with MLG and Dreamhack, a huge chunk of our sponsors market is located in north america and europe so having GSL conflict with other tournaments causes a huge problem because we need to make appearances in those markets aswell, i personally loved my time in korea and i hope i can come back sometime in the future, its very frustrating because as a player i look at every situation from a players perspective, my wish is to compete on the biggest stage with the best players in world however there are many factors beyond my power which block me from achieving that goal, hopefully everything can be resolved in the future so koreans and foreigners would be able to compete(and maybe even practice?) on the same stage more frequently, my personal dream would be to have a foreigner team compete in the gstl alongside all the top korean teams(aswell as have foreigner and koreans compete in individual tournaments more frequently), until that day i will practice even harder in order to reach the same level as the top korean players because as it is the top koreans players are much much better than the top foreign players,
also i never had the opportunity to thank mr park for his hospitality in korea, so thank you very much<3, i especially want to thank gisado(hihi gisado ^_^) for the kindness that he showed us in korea, he made us feel as if we were at home, when i was sick gisado even took time out of his day to take me to the hospital in order to translate everything for me, he even payed for my medication which i felt extremely shy about-_-, the next time we meet i must pay you back by buying you dinner ^_^, also i want to say hi to SIN who i got to know very well aswell in korea, i hope your doing well and thank you for everything, listening to qoo)max and sin cast together is one of the memorys that ill always remember from my time in korea because they were so good : D, how does max have so much energy O_O? you know someones doing a good job when you have no idea what their saying but your still entertained nonetheless, i hope to see you guys cast the gsl together someday
i also want to congratulate nestea on his win in the code s finals and nada on another strong performance(wow nada will remain a gosu for life, what a strong/consistent player, he just keeps getting better and better) and i hope the korean community isnt being too harsh on inca because all the foreign progamers could tell that he wasnt on his A-game and that he has alot more potential than what we saw in the finals, also congratulations to bomber and mvp for their performances in code a, bomber thank you for taking time and helping me practice for my match vs marineking in the world championship, my only regret was that i felt i wasted your time because of my weak performance vs marineking and im sorry for that
last but not least thank you to slayers and mvp for that insane team match in the gstl finals... wow! that was one of the best team matchs that ive ever seen, congratulation to my good friend cella for coaching his team to another championship and congratulations to team mvp for showing all the doubters what they were made off, i love team MVP because of their hilarious introduction video(zzzzzz dongraegu and genius had the best intros ever) and you can tell that their team atmosphere is extremely good because they all have a good time when they're playing, im sure thats one of the reasons why they performed so well(aswell as being extremely talented players), it looked like they pushed each other and didnt want to dissapoint one another, it saddens me to not see DRG in code s because hes one of the top korean zergs in the world, but im sure hell be up there soon enough ^^ the foreign community came up with several nicknames for drg, one of the first ones was "the dong" but alot of fans got angry because thats jaedong's nickname so they then came up with " Don Raegu" which is a playoff on his name which basically means something like the mafia boss of spaghetti LOL
hope to see you guys soon ^_^~~, and i hope someone traslates this message : D "