Those are the top 4 casters on game knowledge imo, with artosis and day9 a bit above inc and gretorp if for nothing else because they've played all 3 races whereas inc and gretorp are much more focused on a single race.
The fact that day9 has always played random and is as good as he is says a lot about the vast knowledge he has on all three races.
On March 25 2011 13:49 -orb- wrote: Artosis, Day9, Incontrol, Gretorp
Those are the top 4 casters on game knowledge imo, with artosis and day9 a bit above inc and gretorp if for nothing else because they've played all 3 races whereas inc and gretorp are much more focused on a single race.
The fact that day9 has always played random and is as good as he is says a lot about the vast knowledge he has on all three races.
does day9 actually even play? like, has he in the past months? is he active at all? i know he makes it seem like he likes his privacy, but... i realllllly get the feeling he hasn't played sc2 that much post-beta.
On March 25 2011 00:47 Silmakuoppaanikinko wrote: Define 'commentator'? a lot of pros have commentated on the side, TLO, IdrA, PainUser...
And skill is not monodimensional, for instance, Day9 is not the best in a straight up match but his understanding of the game is very good, same for PsY, he really understands a lot of this game, more than most full time pros who just play by feeling it seems. Artosis and Tasteless on the other hand, though probably both better players than PsY have downright terrible understanding of the game ("No way he can save this nexus" -> saves nexus, "This is gg in any minute now." -> games goes on for 30 more minutes, "vikings are terrible on the ground" -> vikings land and obliterate everything) I always found it humorous when people diss Kelly for her lack of understanding, but Tastosis make so many bad calls each match.
The guy I'd personally recomment for learning from is PsY though, just slightly better than Day[9] who often tries to sugar-coat and fills his hour up with trivial nonsense from time to time.
They obviously try to make it exciting for the casual viewer lol
Exciting by saying that it's over?
They're all the time 'Yeah, we could pretend that it's not over to make it more exciting, but he actually has 0% chance of coming back'. -> comes back.
By claiming that something is 100% ensured it causes excitement when it doesn't happen. i.e if everybody said someone was 100% guarenteed to fail in a major tournament it sure as hell would be exciting to watch them climb their way to the top.
When MC holds after such a comment the viewer is excited because what happened seems more miraculous that it actually was.
By claiming that in an excited voice maybe, not by calmly stating 'Yap, this match is over, now, some of you noobs at home might actually think that it's not, but trust me, there is no way he can ever come back.'
You honestly think they publicly make a fool out of themselves and put their knowledge in dispute because their contract says them to make such bad calls as it makes the game 'more exciting', don't be such a fanboy trying to rationalize the fact that your heroes make mistakes.
Artosis gets things right 99% of the time, how many times has a game been 2 minutes in and he says "I bet x goes for this and his opponent does this" and then is proven exactly right 30 secs later.
It's not hard to get that right 99% of the time and he'smore like 95%.
Recognising when a game is totally over is quite easy actually, people do it all the time on ladder, without third person view even, it's when they gg.
Actually predicting builds due to the nature of the opponent / map / previous games is not as easy as you make it out to be, think about the GSTL where even more factors come into play, ie are they just throwing this guy out there to put the opponent on tilt for the next person, will it be some kind of funky timing push/greedy fast expands/standard macro/cheese for X reasons. If you think about the number of builds for each race + each different matchup / map etc there is a lot more to take into consideration than just oh its a PvZ i think we'll see 3gate expand.[/quote]Where did I talk about predicting builds? I'm talking about 'x goes attack y, Artosis says 'There is 0% chance y can hold this without sacrificing this expansion. and y holds it with the expansion easily in tact without effort.'
As for recognising when a game is over, we can read gg ourselves, having the casters repeat that serves no purpose i don't even get what you're getting at here.
Quite evidently, for that's not what I meant.
The 'they' referred to the players at home themselves. What I meant is that anyone can recognise when a game is completely over, as people do it at home on the ladder all the time, they realize when they have no chance any more and don't even need a third person view to determine that, at that point they gg.
You have to agree that it's pretty easy to see when a game is totally over, right? Especially in third person.
When they actually engaged you might of been able to see the nexus was going to survive, however unless you made that call at the same time he did theres no use comparing. (and if you did how could you take into account mc's stalkers and how mma would react to the stalling) Artosis simply commentated on what he thought was going to happen at the current pace of the game.
And he was wrong, very wrong. The nexus survived with no trouble and minimal losses.
And I was sceptical the moment he said that.
I'm not even going to touch the viking debate cause tbh i have no idea how it all matches up.
It matches up quite reasonably and you should give it a try, that vikings are bad on the ground is a big myth that you cannot back up by either unit stats nor just testing it out. This is something people keep repeating through the parrot effect, probably because their attack animation looks weak as I hypothesized in one thread. (Same with phoenices being paper airplanes while they have some of the highest hp of any air unit)
How does talking analytically mean he doesn't know a lot? (it doesn't necessarily mean he does, but it in no way means he doesn't either) the way i see it is hes breaking down the decision making and the play as its going on to get a better understanding which he shares with the viewers.
It doesn't per se mean that, but his analytics are often just really trying to find an explanation on the spot. Most evidenced in the case of the armour upgrade that San took first (seriously, this guy has been preaching to not use 2base colossus but he doesn't know that if you go with high templar you've GOT TO get armour first as you will be zealot heavy and storm doesn't improve with attack), he sees it, doesn't understand it, and comes up with a very convoluted explanation to why San might do this instead of the basic reasoning 'He's going ht, he's zealot heavy, +1 armour turns 5 damage from the marine into 4, and 9 from the marauder into 8, this scales a lot harder than +1 attack, also, his main dps is coming from storm which isn't improved by +1 attack.
The explanation is simple as can be...
This so called 'hipster reasoning' that you've dubbed is what starcraft 2 is all about, finding new ways to defeat your opponent. Of course Artosis loves this, who doesn't enjoy seeing something brand new? Its exciting to watch, you can only watch so many 4 gates before it gets stale.
No, this isn't what I call hipster reasoning. What I mean is that the guy is a fan of strategies that may not be powerful but not everyone does it. Like he hates 2base colossus simply because everyone does it. And then he tries to rationalize why it's not good, (while at the same time saying it's overpowered in his imbalanced talkshow) with all kinds of mumbo-jumbo about cost and being hard to support of 2base. He could just admit he hates it because it's done before and trite.
Not even sure where you got that hes 'desperately trying to find a justification' for why 2 base colosi is bad, sure he doesn't like it but i haven't seen him clutching at straws at any point trying to defend his dislike of two base colosi (i may of missed some of the GSL where he did this, feel free to direct me to it).
He has a lot of times tried to present a rationalisation why 2base colossus is bad.
In my eyes you seem to have an unreasonable expectation of the casters, they are there to make the game fun to watch for the masses not to act as robots simply spouting facts, which would be quite boring to watch for any length of time and isn't really feasible anyway. feel free to let me know if i totally got the wrong idea.
Well, I'm just saying that he does these things while others don't or do less so.
Like, I'm not claiming he's the worst in this (Husky is faaar worse in coming up with retarded explanations), but his knowledge of the game is certainly not as high as many people make it out to be, he just 'talks knowledgeable' all the time while often what he says is just wrong. (The +1 armour part was especially embarrassing for someone who preaches going ht, getting armour before attack is an essential part of going twilight tech.)
On March 25 2011 08:41 grumpyone wrote: Day9 - though Artosis is quite good as well.
We've seen him beat Artosis in SC1. He beat Tasteless in the SC2 showmatch. Plus he crushed quite a few of the other casters mentioned in SC2 as well, despite not playing seriously.
Day9 vs PsyStarcraft
Day9 vs HDStarcraft
Day9 vs HuskyStarcraft
how do you know that those are day9's smurfs?
You can literally SEE Day9 playing in the videos! He even speaks to the opponents at the end!
Yeah, but they were not playing seriously and told they were playing a total noob and holding back, come on...
I think PsY is one of the best around Of course, there are all the pro-level commentators (Tastosis[9]) who, while I havent seen them play, I am sure are decent players
From what I've heard from his colleagues, Day9 isn't as good at SC2 as people seem to think. He was a monster at BW, but he's nothing special at SC2. Game knowledge is great, but playing requires putting it into action and I'm pretty sure Day9 doesn't have that kind of practice.
Regarding the OP, most likely a pro who commentates on the side or a full-time commentator like Artosis.
Artosis is pretty dam god i believe. Day9 isn't playing "hardcore" anymore, as far as i know Day9 was owning Artosis in BW days. So i believe Day9 is probably the best atm, just doesn't have that much time due to collage while Artosis JOB is to watch/play starcraft2 .
Hrm, has? That implies right now, who has the most skill. Therefore, that is pretty clearly Artosis, inc being second.
Edit: Day9 probably isn't that high up on the list, as he unfortunately has a life that causes him to not have the time to hardcore train that other casters may have.
On March 25 2011 03:43 OldBamboo wrote: Day is getting his M.S. in Math, right? That takes one heck of a self-disciplined mind.
I think the question is: Does Day9 have the talent to use with his genius brain and become a dominant sc2 gamer. If he can't execute all of the brilliant ideas/strategies he comes up with, then he'll be limited in how far he can go.
He's getting his M.S in a design field. I don't remember exactly what his degree is but his math degree is from Harvey Mudd.
SC2 takes all the intelligence of a prepubscent korean boy (leenock).
I suppose Day9 could formalize the strategies:
Day9's lemma: Just go fucking kill him.
Under those auspices, Broodwar takes the intelligence of a 13 year old *BaBy*, get that trash out of here and please come back w/ a better attitude.
On March 25 2011 07:29 Patton3D wrote: Totalbiscuit!
Joking aside, Day9 has listed himself as a top masters and random on his profile so he is higher than I think most people assume. I also remember hearing that Psy broke top 200 ladder in the US a while ago but has not quite made it back.
Edit: exact quote
High level commentary on competitive Starcraft matches from a 12-year veteran and top player. Day[9] has been rated A+/A on ICCUP/PGT on multiple accounts over multiple seasons, has qualified for the WCG USA finals 7 times, has qualified for the WCG Grand Finals 3 times, and won the Pan American Championship in 2007. In Starcraft 2 Day[9] is a top rated Master League player as random.
To be honest I don't think Day9 ever was A+/A on iccup... I might be mistaken and I love day9, but that can only be PGTOur (at best)
His repeated ability to beat A+ players left and right and sponsorship by the best players hands down in the north american scene say that your statement just doesn't matter.
It's hard to believe how many people list Day9. He says a lot of fancy things and is very emphatic most of the time, but at the end of the day this doesn't make him a good player. There is a lot of sycophancy on the TL forums. I even think that his analysis isn't as impressive as so many like to think. It's all hindsight and so convoluted... it's like charlatan fortune tellers.
That said, I like Day 9, but Artosis is likely the best caster.
On March 25 2011 10:53 AceDauntless wrote: Anyone else wanna see a tourney between all the famouse casters?
Day9, artosis, tasteless, husky, hd, totalbiscuit, psy, and a bunch of others.
Would be awesome.
I would after you give Artosis and Day9 legitimate time to prepare. Put them on oppisite sides of the bracket too. Also throw Totalbiscuit out, hes like in the silver league. (pretty sure its close to a fact, and not an opinion)
Yeah, he plays Terran and said he could not remember the hotkey for an SCV when he was commentating once. It could have been sarcasm, but I think he was admitting his low level of play also.
Watch his I Suck at Starcraft series on youtube.. he's silver and fully admits he's not good.
You have to define who a "caster" is. Personally I feel like a decent starting point would be to say something like "a caster is someone who spends more time casting than playing". However, that guideline specifically wouldn't work because the two aren't really directly comparable, as you can ladder grind for 8 hours a day, but casting that amount of time is insane, not to mention all the editing, rendering and uploading time.