Personally, I don't think it's gonna change anytime soon. HT just began to be used more and more, and blizzard decided to nerf them. It's still very strong, but people will just go "meh" and go back with the colossi. Tho, the HTs made the game really high in hype because it requires skill in storm positionning, spreading the HTs, avoiding the EMPs, etc. I would still like to see them more in PvZ in the form of HTs + immortals, but I don't think people are gonna quit a winning formula.
Colossi are Anti-Hype: Here's Why - Page 5
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Canada1119 Posts
Personally, I don't think it's gonna change anytime soon. HT just began to be used more and more, and blizzard decided to nerf them. It's still very strong, but people will just go "meh" and go back with the colossi. Tho, the HTs made the game really high in hype because it requires skill in storm positionning, spreading the HTs, avoiding the EMPs, etc. I would still like to see them more in PvZ in the form of HTs + immortals, but I don't think people are gonna quit a winning formula. | ||
Canada450 Posts
1) make the collo move slower (as stated in OP)... Before the collusus does it's criss crossing lazor beams it first lights up the effected area for .5 or .75 seconds with a bright red Once this is started it cannot be stopped and the collusus cannot move, cool down is also increased Then after have the light up do their thing lighting up the area with their already standard damage but increase the laser brightness and intensity To comopensate for the increased attack cool down wherever the collosus hits the ground with the lasers the ground LIGHTS ON FIRE, dealing any unit that walks over it 2-6 damage a second over 3-10 seconds. (whatever would be balanced). This fire damage would deal damage to friendlies. You can make the collusus now attack nothing, just to light the ground on fire. Wouldn't this be awesome? | ||
Romania1369 Posts
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United States11133 Posts
IMO, if I was a fictional Protoss commander, I would prefer to use Colossi over the Reaver+Shuttle since they are just more efficient and powerful at front line combat compared to the Reaver. Colossi have the power of the Reaver with the mobility of a Shuttle, and as a fictional Protoss commander I would be hard pressed not to include them in my fictional Protoss arsenal. However, I do agree with the OP that Colossi, despite being powerful, are perhaps too efficient at their job and just simply do not create much tension and hype in the game. They are certainly a better front-line combat unit compared to the Reaver+Shuttle, though at the huge cost of excitement, or lack thereof. Nevertheless, though we'll most likely not see many changes with the Colossi stats, I'm sure Blizzard will address the lack of "hype" options in SC2 later in their future expansions. I'm sure it won't be difficult to include a powerful, hard-to-use unit in the Protoss arsenal that covers the hype role that the Reaver+Shuttle had. The Colossi may be a core unit, but Blizzard can still add stuff around it without stepping on its role too much. | ||
Germany1360 Posts
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United States755 Posts
Probably the biggest issue for SC2's long-term appeal is the fact that the most important units in SC2 are also the most boring. Colossi have very little micro-potential (except moving 1-2 back to avoid harrassment, yippee...), there's almost nothing you can do with them except 1a, yet they're so powerful you basically have to make them in every single P game. A major advantage BW had was that the most important units also were very exciting to watch. Zerg games were often decided by intelligent defiler/lurker/scourge use, and those units are still to this day seen as the most entertaining units in the game. Terrans had vultures, siege tanks, and science vessels the provide excitement. Protoss had reavers and BW storms. SC2 has a couple of exciting units like the baneling, but definitely nowhere near the excitement of most BW units. Now I'm not saying that Blizzard should just replace everything with BW units, but they should definitely add or rework units so that they have the excitement that will keep the game fun to watch. | ||
Canada202 Posts
1.Banelings 2.Dark templars 3.Ravens This list is very small considering all the units in the game and are usually very exciting units in themselves but i dont think the units are the problem themselves. If you look at say Marinekingprime you might say the marine is exciting and awesome to watch but, its just the micro of the player themselves and not the unit. In the hands of creative and talented players I think any unit can be exciting to watch from baneling traps to DT rushes even possibly collossus. Just give it some time and people will think of clever ways of using the collossus! | ||
50 Posts
Plus for me the Collossus always was one of the, if not the ugliest unit in the game that lacks coolness compared to other Protoss units. For the Zerg a giant scary beast(Ultralisk) and for the Terran a giant Mech, Transformers kind of thing(Thor) and for the Protoss a giant egghead with spiderlegs? I would be happy if they would replace it with the reaver or design a new unit even if this wouldnt fill the giant ground unit category for Protoss anymore. But I guess it wont happen anyway. | ||
Canada715 Posts
On March 15 2011 09:41 Wr3k wrote: I play toss and I hate the colossi as well. It's so lame. I hardly use it anymore (HT/immortal) is more fun. I miss reavers so much. lol reavers caused me equal rage and happiness in bw. The non-expoding scarabs, the scarabs that take retarded paths to the target, the explosions that do no damage -.- sigh. | ||
United States69 Posts
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3327 Posts
On March 15 2011 09:56 Blyadischa wrote: I'm sorry for sounding like this, but the protoss race is pretty "anti-hype" and makes any matchup with it incredibly boring to watch. Colossi mass up into a ball, then attack. Storms used to require skill to clone and blanket storm, now it's just spam t and win the game, or if you get emp'd just warp more templar in and spam t. I especially hate it when casters say "nice storms", because they weren't nice. It took the player 2 index fingers to destroy an army. Forcefields, same thing. A guy with larger army approaching you? forcefield it away or cut it in half to decimate it with a much smaller army. Spells are so abusive in SC2, they do way too much and are way too easily used. Protoss just happens to have the most of them. Oh man, don't even get me started on ForceField. Hey lets add a spell that removes micro ability and leads to mass rape. Same goes with Fungal growth. Lets make a freeze spell thats cool. The only spell that really gets me going on the excite factor is HSM. And thats gone because of its crap range and Slow Raven Speed that makes every spell suicidal. I under stand the 125 requirement, but at least make an upgrade that allows spell casters save up to 250 energy instead of the OP start with 25 more energy you seem to not be able to balance. | ||
South Africa3627 Posts
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United States1768 Posts
On March 15 2011 09:41 OverZero wrote: I agree with the idea that colossus make matchups boring in SC2. But my issue with a lot of the posts in this thread are the "well brood war had this and it was awesome". THIS ISN'T BROOD WAR. Browder and the whole design team has stated multiple times that they aren't trying to make just a remake of Brood War, they're trying to make a game based off Brood War. I'm tired of hearing all the crap about how cool stuff was in Brood War. YES. It was cool, but Starcraft 2 is a different game. I'm not trying to hate on Brood War, but some people need to move on and accept that you aren't going to see Reavers, Lurkers, and Spider Mines in Starcraft 2. Sorry for the rant. I'm in no way trying to say that SC2 is better than BW, in fact I think BW games for the most part are more entertaining than a lot of the SC2 games we have seen. On topic: The main reason we all find colossus play boring is because robo-builds are the safest builds protoss can do (for the most part). And because that is the tech path people tend to choose at first I think they tend to get stuck in it, where they are afraid to branch away due to how strong the colossus is. I'm not sure how we (or blizzard) could fix this, maybe if carriers could be made more viable somehow (again not sure how to do this). Protoss players would feel more inclined to move away from such colossus heavy play. This isnt Brood War is getting old... Its the concept of the units from bw that people are comparing to. We all know its not bw and we dont want it to be either. We may want it to be more like bw in some aspects but thats it. There are concepts from bw that are far superior to its successor sc2 and thats why people bring bw up, conceptual comparison. | ||
United States3427 Posts
I hate to think that would happen to SC1 if the current blizzard team was tasked with balancing it. :-( | ||
United States271 Posts
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United States166 Posts
Sadly, it would require a major reworking of the whole game, I think, if such a fundamental unit was altered meaningfully(the KA removal all but guarantees colossus builds as the staple Protoss style, at least for the time being). Chalk this up to another, 'wait until heart of the swarm' type of suggestions. The OP is right, but I don't think much will be done about it. | ||
Canada2869 Posts
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United States792 Posts
Also, if anyone has ever seen a colossus drop, those definitely take dexterity. | ||
Korea (South)2177 Posts
Colossi are just boring, plain and simple. I see them like workers. You need them, but you don't go OHHHH SHITTT watching Drones mine minerals. I mean, sure, maybe your Drone is mining the last 5 minerals needed to make an Extractor in a base race right before your last building is about to die to the opponent's SCVs, but.. how often does that kind of thing happen? On March 15 2011 09:44 Mentalizor wrote: Where's the hype in Terran then - honestly? I can think of nukes... which is used sooooo rarely it's hype just because of the rareness (<-- dunno if that's a real word) - and MAYBE blueflame drop/cloaked banshee. Tanks, Hellions and Marines with their crazy burst damage --> hype. Thors/BattleCruisers cost a lot and look badass --> hype. Banshees easily have the potential to end the game if not properly countered --> hype. Ghosts are hype incarnate, with the stealth/risk/planning involved in Nuking, the potential to deal huge damage or nullify other strategies with EMP/Snipe. Marauders are probably the most boring Terran unit, but they shoot grenades that slow, so --> hype Medivacs carry precious cargo --> hype Reapers are cliffwalking Banshees without cloak as far as worker harass is concerned --> hype Vikings are like highly mobile ATA Marauders w/o slow, so --> hype Zealots are beefy yet light standard melee units -> no hype, at least until Charge, but even then not really Sentries have FF and GS. GS is all number-play, FF is just expected and there really isn't too much you do with them besides the obvious --> no hype Dark Templar are compared to Banshees, but since they're so less mobile, they're going to just die in a scan in PvT - all that happens is that mining is interrupted for a few seconds, so it's just numbers --> little hype High Templar can shut down spellcasters and storm --> HYPE Immortals can do pretty decent damage to Armored pretty fast and counter Tanks, which are a hype unit, so.. --> some hype Motherships are fucking motherships --> HYPE Pheonix can lift shit, fly fast, are made out of balsa wood --> hype Void Rays can mess shit up if left alone to charge --> hype Warp Prisms, see Medivac, plus Warp In --> hype Carriers are rare and are pretty when they explode, but interceptors are boring as hell --> no real hype Archons aren't Massive, get slowed, do miniscule splash damage --> no hype Colossi are important, expensive, and big, boring damage --> some hype, but only if they're in danger Just my two cents. | ||
Australia8759 Posts
Perhaps if they're build time was closer to a Carrier's build time (i.e. 120 seconds), then they would be harder to get out en masse, and force more variety in order to get a max army. | ||
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