"If sc2 fails" is a phrase being bandied around far too often. Both games have/are succeeding hugely, and both see more high level competitions than any other esports currently in existence. (CS has died off alot in the last 1-2 years).
What Utinni said above is the most accurate, there is ALOT more time ahead for the game. I cannot put to words how much this game will change and evolve in the years to come through meta game changes and expansion packs etc.
"If X fails" is a terrible way to put things and it promotes nothing but nay-saying.
Oh and NaDa vs BoxeR 2 seasons ago attracted over 1.5m views as far as I remember? I don't see why everything is being exaggerated at the minute
On January 07 2011 15:21 iamho wrote: Bobby Kotick and the other actiblizzard heads (i.e the guys making all the decisions) are not going to kill bw out of vengeance. They're businessmen, not sc2 fanboys.
if sc2 fails, they will be even more interested in making money $$ off of bw sales
And also this, I wonder why people always think of companies as persons. IIRC BW still sells pretty well. ActiBlizzard would just be stupid to ragequit like a child.
Also I am pretty sure that for all they care SC2 has been a pretty huge success, it sold a lot and honestly while the e sports money may be tempting they are smart businessmen, they won't do stupid decisions just to make sure that SC2 is THE competitive game.
gsl is a failure because its almost like they don't want me to see it. lets get the unavoidable and obvious out of the way, its on at an inconvenient time. next they dont release replays, the free teaser videos are 50 minutes of bs and hype and a 10 minute game, and lets be honest most of them are pretty textbook but it is a young game.
anyways its difficult to find restreams and if you ever do they are generally of low quality. me and my bro bought a season ticket for the last one, a great investment in e-sports! we thought. we no longer have access to the videos and they want more money for us to keep watching and straight up most of the matches were uninspiring. if blizzard wants this game to thrive they need to release the freaking chokehold they have on it and believe me nobody wants it to thrive more than me. if you let this game get popular, it will translate into more sales.
Sweden33719 Posts
On January 07 2011 13:48 udgnim wrote: The opening GSL ceremonies is more a really bad decision than a failure.
MBC or OGN could try to have some type of opening ceremony for MSL/OSL and I don't think it could draw 500+ people.
people care about finals or games between big names. they care much less for a ceremony to announce the people who have qualified for the tournament. I agree, I think they should scale back on several things until the game is more mature.
- No gigantic opening ceremony! - Make Ro8 bo3 and semis Bo5, its just too many games when there are still so many mismatches. Also, map imbalance becomes an issue when you have to play 7 games, and they dont have their own map pool.
Would be my first two changes I guess. Maybe slow down the pace a little too, having a game a day is a lot when there arent really many big names yet.
1001 YEARS KESPAJAIL22272 Posts
On January 07 2011 16:31 Liquid`Jinro wrote: - Make Ro8 bo3 and semis Bo5, its just too many games when there are still so many mismatches.
The logic behind longer series is that, supposedly, the better player (or team, in team sports) will emerge victorious over the long run over an inferior player. However because the game hasn't been figured out yet and everyone is still experimenting (and sometimes relying on cheesy builds or all-ins), we still don't know who the better players really are. The discrepancy in results for individual players shows that everything is still evolving too rapidly to know what's standard. So many "upsets", so many weird results.
So yeah: there are way too many games, and these games don't really ensure that the better players advance.
Edit: omg I just quoted Jinro <3
On January 07 2011 13:30 supernovamaniac wrote: and/or watching SC2 progamers succeeding in BW leagues.
I lol'd so hard.
On January 07 2011 16:31 Liquid`Jinro wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 13:48 udgnim wrote: The opening GSL ceremonies is more a really bad decision than a failure.
MBC or OGN could try to have some type of opening ceremony for MSL/OSL and I don't think it could draw 500+ people.
people care about finals or games between big names. they care much less for a ceremony to announce the people who have qualified for the tournament. I agree, I think they should scale back on several things until the game is more mature. - No gigantic opening ceremony! - Make Ro8 bo3 and semis Bo5, its just too many games when there are still so many mismatches. Also, map imbalance becomes an issue when you have to play 7 games, and they dont have their own map pool. Would be my first two changes I guess. Maybe slow down the pace a little too, having a game a day is a lot when there arent really many big names yet.
To avoid map imbalance they could have players remove all but 3 maps and play the first 3 games on those maps and the rest by loser's pick or something. You'll end up with 3 balanced and interesting maps, aka LT (or scrap if there's a zerg), metal, and shakuras. It's clear that the other maps are "map filler" designed to increase variety at the expense of quality of gameplay. People would rather watch 20 good games on shakuras than 5 good games on shakuras and 5 bad games on steppes, basin, and sands - at least I would hope.
Why did I not notice your name changed from FA to Jinro? How long ago was that -_-
On January 07 2011 13:37 Megaliskuu wrote: Lol fomos is so pro-sc2, BW doesn't need sc2, if sc2 died BW would just go on as normal. Although I for one would like to see both leagues do well (kinda).
Normally declining!
On January 07 2011 16:06 Kamikiri wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 16:01 BearStorm wrote: As a player I love SC2. I find that it plays at a level that I find that it is pretty competitive and fun for me. I still wish micro and macro was a lot harder (especially macro) to allow more personal style. However, as a dedicated viewer of e-sports SC2 is a disaster. When I watch the pros I find myself completely uninspired. I enjoy watching a game every now and then but it's not like BW where I know I could never reach the level of play of the pros. Whenever I watch professional micro, I can just mimic it after several games of practice. On the other hand I don't know how many hundreds of BW games I have played where I specifically tried to mimic professional shuttle/reaver play but cannot do it to this day. It's the awe and unobtainable factor that keeps me going back to Broodwar and prevents me from following SC2. I hope for HoTS, Blizzard makes subtle macro changes such as increase the amount of patches to make mineral intake harder to handle, or increase the amount each mineral and gas canister provides. Starcraft 2 isnt even a year old yet... How do you expect these people to play like the BW players who have played for 10+ years? Everyone is still learning the game.
I don't think anybody expects SC2 players to play like BW players. I'm just stating why I don't follow SC2. Even when I go back and watch the early stages of BW I am still amazed by the control professionals have over their units. Also you may be right about people learning the game, but that still doesn't not change how easy macro is in SC2. I have found that it is not very hard to keep your money low in this game even at my level, but if you watch professional BW, even the pros can't keep their money down. This allows for more styles. For example look at BeSt. He's notorious for never microing, but that's because he concentrates so hard in his macro which is why he always seems to have more units than his opponent. This gives more personality to the players, where as SC2 is only a few months old and pro SC2 players can already have such amazing macro.
If starcraft 2 fails, and lets hope it doesn't, they could always make broodwar with better graphics . This would maybe be blizzards last resort for cash?
I think both scenes can coexist in Korea and its only a matter of time before we see both SC2 and BW on OGN/MBC. BW is still strong in Korea and SC2 already dominates the foreign scene. SC2 is in the top 10 of the most voted for WCG 2011 and the WCG staff is having a real tough time deciding whether or not to include BW as well. Does WCG air on Korean TV?
What I dont get though is why people are even talking about GSL being a failure. The GSL 3 finals stadium was full. 1800~ fans came and the stadium could only hold 2000. The opening day for this season was pretty lame compared to the opening day of the GSLs last year (wtf no kpop groups?!!?1), not to mention it was on January 2nd. Not only is it fucking cold in Korea but people were on their New Years break man. Overall it was really bad timing and not really worth a stadium. It was nothing super special, 4 players in a group stage like the normal days today and a really long intro of the 32 Code S players. (seriously no kpop so lame)
I dislike that the article goes on to say the two need each other because of Blizzard. Don't wanna get too much into that because what I also dislike is when fans of one side can't just stfu and play nice with fans of the other. It's a shame people even have to pick sides, I fucking love both. Starcraft is Starcraft and whether it's the MSL finals between Jaedong and Bisu (sorry Flash) or the legendary Boxer vs Nada at the GSL, I'm in for a good time.
On January 07 2011 17:00 xBillehx wrote:I think both scenes can coexist in Korea and its only a matter of time before we see both SC2 and BW on OGN/MBC. BW is still strong in Korea and SC2 already dominates the foreign scene. SC2 is in the top 10 of the most voted for WCG 2011 and the WCG staff is having a real tough time deciding whether or not to include BW as well. Does WCG air on Korean TV?
The main sponsor of WCG is Samsung, any other sponsors are minor at best. Samsung is a Korean company. Samsung owns a BW team.
It would be extremely unlikely for WCG to drop BW... especially considering it is one of the longest standing and proven games along with CS1.6. I wouldn't be surprised if SC2 is available as well though. I would think WC3 would be dropped well before BW.
WCG airs on OGN in Korea I think.. it may also be on MBC Game but I'm not sure. It's definitely on OGN.
Also in Korea they don't consider our "new year" as important as the lunar new year (Feb 3rd this year) so I'm not sure if people even have holidays for it.
On January 07 2011 16:06 Kamikiri wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 16:01 BearStorm wrote: As a player I love SC2. I find that it plays at a level that I find that it is pretty competitive and fun for me. I still wish micro and macro was a lot harder (especially macro) to allow more personal style. However, as a dedicated viewer of e-sports SC2 is a disaster. When I watch the pros I find myself completely uninspired. I enjoy watching a game every now and then but it's not like BW where I know I could never reach the level of play of the pros. Whenever I watch professional micro, I can just mimic it after several games of practice. On the other hand I don't know how many hundreds of BW games I have played where I specifically tried to mimic professional shuttle/reaver play but cannot do it to this day. It's the awe and unobtainable factor that keeps me going back to Broodwar and prevents me from following SC2. I hope for HoTS, Blizzard makes subtle macro changes such as increase the amount of patches to make mineral intake harder to handle, or increase the amount each mineral and gas canister provides. Starcraft 2 isnt even a year old yet... How do you expect these people to play like the BW players who have played for 10+ years? Everyone is still learning the game. Practice methodology is not new for SC2. In early days of SC1 it was,you had people with ~100 apm in pro level gaming, but practice methodology has evolved to the current level(aka u gotta practice 12 hours a day to maintain pro level) which would make sense for sc2 players to already be damn good(theyve had about a year, ~4000 gameplay hours to practice their asses off now)
On January 07 2011 16:57 mprs wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2011 13:37 Megaliskuu wrote: Lol fomos is so pro-sc2, BW doesn't need sc2, if sc2 died BW would just go on as normal. Although I for one would like to see both leagues do well (kinda). Normally declining! Source ? It clearly declined after 2005, but it seems that it has stabilized since...
I really wish people would stop with the "let ICCUP make the maps". Every time i hear a pro talk about ICCUP maps for sc2 they trash them, especially on SotG. ICCUP maps were great in BW but they are still making the same maps just for a new game.... that doesn't work alot of the time, especially in a game that is so young.
Yes the maps need to change a bit more often and they could be more balanced and bigger, but i would rather blizz employed people to make maps in Blizzards name so that they can help balance the game to the maps and vice versa rather than let an outside company make maps that then force them to rebalance the game based on outsourced maps.
back to the topic:
If you simply look at gomtv.net video section you can see that most of the games have over 20k and many have upwards of 70k views, and the bigger names have way higher than that. Code S group A has over 100k views. Those viewers are all from foreign sources, i wonder how the humbers would look if you factored in the korean views too. Dying? I think not. Failing? I think not
If you look at viewers for ro8 onwards in season 3 they all have over 100k views.
Nobody understands the format of the GSL, I'm not surprised at all. Also, a lot of people were attracted because Nada/Boxer/July switched and the prizes were huge. Then after a while, they just realized watching SC2 was not that good, especially on the same ridiculously small maps.
I think that SC2's gameplay will improve with time, games will become more interesting to watch and SC2's popularity will grow accordingly.
At the meantime, Stork has never drawn such fan crowds before. Maybe it's due to the fact that both Flash and JD are out of the OSL. That brings some refreshing final rounds... At the end of his game against Hiya the audience was shouting SONG BYUNG GOO, SONG BYUNG GOO, that was scary !
On January 07 2011 18:23 endy wrote: Nobody understands the format of the GSL, I'm not surprised at all. Also, a lot of people were attracted because Nada/Boxer/July switched and the prizes were huge. Then after a while, they just realized watching SC2 was not that good.
I think that SC2's gameplay will improve with time, games will become more interesting to watch and SC2's popularity will grow accordingly.
At the meantime, Stork has never drawn such fan crowds before. Maybe it's due to the fact that both Flash and JD are out of the OSL. That brings some refreshing final rounds... At the end of his game against Hiya the audience was shouting SONG BYUNG GOO, SONG BYUNG GOO, that was scary !
Yeah I am a Hiya fan but Stock is playing like an absolute beast at the moment. Have to give him credit when it's due. It's great to see him drawing in the crowds too.
Blizzard should really consider integrating the GSL into b.net 2.0 so that average and new players get a look immediately at what the highest level is like and that there are actually a huge following in Korea. That I think, will help the growth of GSL exponentially.
On January 07 2011 14:02 LunarC wrote: They would hang the threat of Blizzard shutting down BW servers to get Korean fans to make up. Koreans are so factional and judgmental it's sickening. Kinda dumb I have to say these things about my own culture and stuff, but it's true. Fear of punishment is the fastest way to force coexistence, rather than acknowledging that SC2 can produce legitimate leagues if given a chance (and a new map pool) and that both games' leagues are good in their own right because of that factional instinct.
thats whats great about sc1, even if the servers are shut down the game has LAN support
If StarCraft 2 dies, it's still only GOM and only in Korea. All the attention will turn to MLG and IEM and such who are actually building the sport the right way it seems.