I see a lot of complaining about units in SC2 which don't measure up to their predecessor, like the Mothership basically being an ultra-expensive, super slow Arbiter. I agree with some of that, but I also think there are some SC2 units which are clearly cooler than their BW predecessor.
Case in point? Colossi vs. Reavers. Don't get me wrong, I like reavers, and they were easier to use in drops to surprise an enemy (its kinda hard to "surprise" anyone with a Colossus, lol). But they look (and move) basically like metal-plated slugs. If you didn't know what they could do, its doubtful you'd find them that intimidating, and even if you do know what they can do they are so dependant on the units you get to support them--one reaver all on its own making its slow way across the map towards your base is more laughable than it is scary.
Colossi on the other hand...they LOOK scary and badass, like something out of war of the worlds. And the way they walk over any terrain gives them this aura of unstoppability, like, "oh shit, the Colossi are coming and nothing can stop them." They're just so massive, and their attacks melt infantry and ground bio, there's something incredibly satisfying about having a couple Colossi and using them to utterly decimate an entire army. I definitely see trading up from Reavers to Colossi as a fair trade for the Protoss (esp. since Toss now have Void Rays for quick base decimation).
Another example? Queens are infinitely more "queenlike" in SC2 than in BW. In BW they didn't feel like "queens" at all, and (at least in my experience) were useless in the vast majority of matchups. It was very rare that I'd think "damn, I really wish I had some queens." But in SC2, Queens are awesome, basically being the critical component in managing your base, as well as being super useful in base defense in the early game.
One more example--Marines. Just as awesome as in BW, if not moreso. But more than almost any other unit, marines just look "awesome" with the SC2 engine. They look insanely cool in play, their portrait looks cool, they even sound cool. Somtimes playing SC2 I'll get nostalgia for some of the BW models or sounds. But never with the marine. Marines are a perfect example of how the transition from 2d to 3d should be handled, IMO.
What about you guys. What are some units which are either replacements for, or just new versions of, classic BW units, which you actually prefer to the original units?
Reaver drops are so much cooler than a+click colossus. I agree on the marine model (before the shield )
I think vikings are way cooler than wraiths and also a lot more useful, it's not a great direct comparison and banshees ended up with the cloaking ability but I still think vikings rock.
I like the zealot design better in sc2 than in bw as well, they just seem like they embody what they're supposed to be a lot better with less eye poking.
i like the sc2 ghost better for its much more useful
Archon. Just kidding.
Actually, I'd have to agree with Collosus. I would love for Protoss to have a unit that could be microable with Warp Prisms like Reavers were-- but Collosi fill the army role better.
If immortals were a bit more useful except in very niche situations, I'd LOVE the stalker/immortal over Dragoon situation.
On August 26 2010 04:47 awesomoecalypse wrote: I see a lot of complaining about units in SC2 which don't measure up to their predecessor, like the Mothership basically being an ultra-expensive, super slow Arbiter. I agree with some of that, but I also think there are some SC2 units which are clearly cooler than their BW predecessor.
Case in point? Colossi vs. Reavers. Don't get me wrong, I like reavers, and they were easier to use in drops to surprise an enemy (its kinda hard to "surprise" anyone with a Colossus, lol). But they look (and move) basically like metal-plated slugs. If you didn't know what they could do, its doubtful you'd find them that intimidating, and even if you do know what they can do they are so dependant on the units you get to support them--one reaver all on its own making its slow way across the map towards your base is more laughable than it is scary.
Colossi on the other hand...they LOOK scary and badass, like something out of war of the worlds. And the way they walk over any terrain gives them this aura of unstoppability, like, "oh shit, the Colossi are coming and nothing can stop them." They're just so massive, and their attacks melt infantry and ground bio, there's something incredibly satisfying about having a couple Colossi and using them to utterly decimate an entire army. I definitely see trading up from Reavers to Colossi as a fair trade for the Protoss (esp. since Toss now have Void Rays for quick base decimation).
Another example? Queens are infinitely more "queenlike" in SC2 than in BW. In BW they didn't feel like "queens" at all, and (at least in my experience) were useless in the vast majority of matchups. It was very rare that I'd think "damn, I really wish I had some queens." But in SC2, Queens are awesome, basically being the critical component in managing your base, as well as being super useful in base defense in the early game.
One more example--Marines. Just as awesome as in BW, if not moreso. But more than almost any other unit, marines just look "awesome" with the SC2 engine. They look insanely cool in play, their portrait looks cool, they even sound cool. Somtimes playing SC2 I'll get nostalgia for some of the BW models or sounds. But never with the marine. Marines are a perfect example of how the transition from 2d to 3d should be handled, IMO.
What about you guys. What are some units which are either replacements for, or just new versions of, classic BW units, which you actually prefer to the original units?
Did you follow BW much? It's an undisputed fact that Reavers are 10x more powerful and more terrifying than Colossi. The amount of damage that they could inflict is absolutely insane.
I love SC2 Ultralisks way more than BW Ultras. SC2 Ultras just look massive and awesome. They look like they just wanna tear your face off.
Imo Reaver > Colossal - since it's suspense when the scarab is on the way is crazy fun goon > stalker - imo a lot cooler/tougher scout < VR - i hated the scout, the VR is a nice concept too corsair < phoenix - phoenix is awesome arbiter > mothership - mothership is... errr shuttle < warp prism - shuttle was ofc cool, but with warp mechanic, warp prism can offer so many possibilities
firebat < hellion - never liked firebats much, add onto it that hellions are the shit... medic < medivac - medic + dropship in one = awesome vulture > ... marauder? - i miss mines, though if compared to the hellion, id like the hellion more goliath < thor(well for coolness) - goli were imo better, just thor is so awesome "Thor is here" wraith > viking - not a big fan of vikings sv > raven - neither of ravens
lurker > bling - lurker feels more staple unit, though blings ofc are one of the few units to cause that suspense like the reaver did defiler > infestor - no contest imo, defiler is cooler and can turn things around, while infestor might be strong, just not that strong Guardian < BL - no contest, BL is awesome and a total cunt devourer < corruptor - never liked devourer much
Funny, in all races I like the same amount of new units as older ones(3,3,2)
gotta say i like the queen in sc2 a lot more than in BW!
although it's nothing alike its predecessor, which makes me wonder why they even called it a queen in SC2.
I disagree OP. Reavers can actually do damage to mineral lines through precise shuttle drops. Colloxen take up 8 slots of a warp prism and don't 1 shot 6-12 workers. Out in the field, reavers fill the same role as Colloxen.
The goliaths in SC2's single player look so gay compared to the SC1 goliath. Makes me a sad panda.
Zealots are so awesome in SC2. Just standing there, moving, or attacking. All badass.
Roaches are awesome too, whatever their bw equiv is.
On August 26 2010 05:14 Rhyme wrote: gotta say i like the queen in sc2 a lot more than in BW!
although it's nothing alike its predecessor, which makes me wonder why they even called it a queen in SC2.
Really I think the better question to ask is why it was called a Queen in BW. I mean, it's role in SC2 is much more analogous to a queen of ant colonies, etc. -- it's used to defend the hatchery, spawn larvae, and just make the base more robust. Why they are called queens in BW, I have no idea.
Did you follow BW much? It's an undisputed fact that Reavers are 10x more powerful and more terrifying than Colossi. The amount of damage that they could inflict is absolutely insane.
There is more to unit design than damage. Colossus just look cool as hell--easily one of the most visually impressive units in all of Starcaft. And I think you're underestimating how powerful they are as well. There's a reason 90% of PVP matches seem to boil down to "who has more colossi", and their combination of crazy range, damage and splash simply decimates bioballs and zerg ground. They're not so great for base busting, obviously, but thats why we have Void Rays.
Reavers had cooler micro tricks, of course, and can be used in more surprising/creative ways. But for sheer intimidation, there's nothing quite like seeing a few Colossus marching across the map towards you and knowing there is *nothing* you can do to stop those massive things from wrecking your army.
Banelings are pretty awesome. Tough to call them better than lurkers but in dimaga vs tarson I loved it during big battles when banelings would melt an entire army.
SC2 zealots > SC1 zealots. The new charge ability kicks so much ass and they are still bad ass SC2 BC > SC1 BC. I like how they fire faster for less damage rather then the massive slow shots they used to do.
SC2 Queen >>>>>>> SC1 Queen.
I also like the viking more than the wraith. I feel the wraith is more comparable to the banshee, though, but again sc2 version wins for me. Glad that it is now AtG, doing loads of damage, but still vulnerable - it suits the whole stealth style better imo.
On the fence about the dragoon/stalker. Stalkers have a nice ability, which make them fun to use, and the goon ai was a pain in the ass. But I liked how the goons' attack animation worked, and more importantly: their death animation was sooo good. Loved spilling the blue goo on the battlefield with a line of siege tanks.
I agree the queen is cooler in it's current form. The old queen portrait always struck me as cute and fluffy. Not very zergish.
Have to add I couldn't disagree more with your colossus/reaver preference. Reaver was the coolest unit ever, and its reliance on support made it play so much more interesting.
On August 26 2010 05:14 Rhyme wrote: gotta say i like the queen in sc2 a lot more than in BW!
although it's nothing alike its predecessor, which makes me wonder why they even called it a queen in SC2.
Have you ever watched zero with queens
"oh shit, the Colossi are coming and nothing can stop them."
I chuckled at this, i don't really see Colossus being viable lategame vs T
Battle cruisers have such a nice attacking animation. It really feels like they're reigning death and not just going "pew pew" with anti-climatic single shots. Also, floating Terran buildings are really bad ass.