They will never be cool
SC2 Units which are cooler than the BW equivalent - Page 5
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United States5866 Posts
They will never be cool | ||
France90 Posts
BW : SHLINK/SHLINK-grr !! SC2 : ziou-ziou.. God it's so lame. And quite honestly, reavers were both cool looking and just.. cooler than colossi. Colossi are just a c/c from the War of the Worlds. Reavers were actually kindda original. I mean... A MECHANICAL SLUG THROWING EXPLOSIVE BALL SHAPED MECHANICAL SCARABS ? wOOt ?!! | ||
United States327 Posts
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10387 Posts
Same goes for Zerglings, SC2 they got shafted in the sound department.. their attack sounds like splat splat splat. Vultures are just infinitely cooler than Hellions in any way possible. Mine surrounds just cannot be topped. Devourer and Corrupters are both kinda w/e, but I'd have to choose the Devourer just because it looks more intimidating and its attack is a fuckin big goop of purple xD also it's really useful. Corsairs are just badass, cooler attack than the Pheonix's and awesome VA Tanks look cooler and SOUND cooler in BW. I like BW Hydras more, they have a better attacking animation/sound and they are actually fast. Mutas.. ![]() | ||
United States1583 Posts
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United States2925 Posts
On August 26 2010 08:56 ArvickHero wrote: BW Zealots were badass, they fuckin punched their enemies w/ their blades and made badass clashing noises. SC2 Zealots are swish swish yawn and "WE CANNOT HOLD" Same goes for Zerglings, SC2 they got shafted in the sound department.. their attack sounds like splat splat splat. Vultures are just infinitely cooler than Hellions in any way possible. Mine surrounds just cannot be topped. Devourer and Corrupters are both kinda w/e, but I'd have to choose the Devourer just because it looks more intimidating and its attack is a fuckin big goop of purple xD also it's really useful. Corsairs are just badass, cooler attack than the Pheonix's and awesome VA Tanks look cooler and SOUND cooler in BW. I like BW Hydras more, they have a better attacking animation/sound and they are actually fast. Mutas.. ![]() 100% agree. <3 bw forever ![]() i miss the reaver.. so cute but so much fucking destruction from their stray scrabs that MIGHT explode or MIGHT just be a dud lol | ||
United States4831 Posts
On August 26 2010 08:23 Stegosaur wrote: Just wanna chip in and note Brood Lords are INFINITELY cooler than guardians and better too! Brood Lords aren't cooler than guardians. They're mechanically superior to guardians because they have better stats, because they break the unit AI/cause pathing difficulties, and because Psionic Storm and Irradiate got nerfed in the ass. Dragoons were much more interesting before everything and its mother got range 6. The Pheonix is awesome, but I'm not sold on any of the other replacement units. | ||
United States17 Posts
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United States4876 Posts
sc1 hydra >= sc2 hydra Sc2 hydra dies a lot faster but also kills stuff a lot faster. Sc2 hydra is more situational and easily hard-countered. Sc1 hydra was a nice all purpose go-to unit. I'd rather have sc1 hydra though Sc1 lurker>>>> baneling and roach. I'd trade both of these units for my precious lurkers. Sc2 queen>>> sc1 queen Defiler > infestor, just by a small margin. I like how infestors don't require a huge set-up and they're useful immediately out of the gates whereas defilers need a ton of research, preparation, and synergy before they're useful. Defiler abilities are still more powerful. Brood lord and ultra>Sc1 guardians and ultras | ||
Netherlands1231 Posts
On August 26 2010 09:40 Severedevil wrote: Brood Lords aren't cooler than guardians. They're mechanically superior to guardians because they have better stats, because they break the unit AI/cause pathing difficulties, and because Psionic Storm and Irradiate got nerfed in the ass. Dragoons were much more interesting before everything and its mother got range 6. The Pheonix is awesome, but I'm not sold on any of the other replacement units. No, they're actually cooler. They look about the same and the stuff they do is just more fun. I mean guardians were one of the dullest units in the game, they had a long attackrange and that's about it. Their unit portrait was cooler but that doesn't count. | ||
Canada1484 Posts
On August 26 2010 06:02 Fontong wrote: I loved using speedlots in SC1. Hitting a zerg expo with a couple control groups and taking it down so fast he can't respond is awesome. So is watching as your speedlots run into a line of tanks mid-siege and spread out is just ridiculously cool. Zealots in SC2 just make me sad because they are so bad. Yea charge just devolves the speedlot into a I'll-be-speed-once-in-a-while-lot. When charge isn't on, they just get kited same old, same old. And with +1 you'd think they'd melt through something like hydra/ling, but they melt under hydra fire, just like they do under mm fire. | ||
United States1808 Posts
On August 26 2010 09:02 Pedo.Bear wrote: 100% agree. <3 bw forever ![]() i miss the reaver.. so cute but so much fucking destruction from their stray scrabs that MIGHT explode or MIGHT just be a dud lol Infestor looks like a Reaver =P | ||
United States12190 Posts
For Terran: Marines got cooler. Thor > goliath just b/c of the voice. Banshee > Valk in everything. Bcs attack got much better. Ravens.. well they aren't better than SV. Marauders are kinda meh too Vulture guys were badass I miss them Viking > wraith easily Seige tanks are about the same. I like the seige animation "I never tread... litely." Protoss: VRs >>>>>>> Scout in every way Phoenix are just awesome in the way they move > Sair Collosi are "cooler" than reaver and don't have duds HTs storm looks much better tho the walk is meh Archons look and sound worse now Prism is so much cooler and more useful than shuttles DTs look much cooler with the 2 diff models Zealots move and look sweet now Goons... well I miss the real goons (tho immortals sound and look awesome) Carriers don't sound as cool but they look much much better now Mothership isn't as useful as arb but the look, sweet female voice and unique abilities make it really fun Zerg: Infestor looks cool and has unique abilities tho defiler is obviously missed Blings are sweet looking and scary as hell in the field but lurker was better lings look cool with the wings but i hate them now... old ones were better in most every way Ultras look kinda goofy Corrupters >>>>> Devourers. Biggest upgrade in every way for zerg Broodlords are better looking and better killing machines than the old guardians Hydras are ok I guess but move in a weird slithering motion Roaches look badass imo and can't really compare them to any BW unit Ovies are better now, especially with the Overseer upgrade Muta look cool but obviously can't be used like BW ones Overall, Terran and Toss (especially toss) got much "cooler" and, in many ways, more fun than their BW counterparts imo. Zerg is much harder to justify tho. At least the next expo is Zerg so they should have a big buff in probably looks and abilities comming up (plus the patch expected in the near future should help usefulness at least). Phoenix | ||
United States1058 Posts
On August 26 2010 08:56 ArvickHero wrote: BW Zealots were badass, they fuckin punched their enemies w/ their blades and made badass clashing noises. SC2 Zealots are swish swish yawn and "WE CANNOT HOLD" Same goes for Zerglings, SC2 they got shafted in the sound department.. their attack sounds like splat splat splat. Vultures are just infinitely cooler than Hellions in any way possible. Mine surrounds just cannot be topped. Devourer and Corrupters are both kinda w/e, but I'd have to choose the Devourer just because it looks more intimidating and its attack is a fuckin big goop of purple xD also it's really useful. Corsairs are just badass, cooler attack than the Pheonix's and awesome VA Tanks look cooler and SOUND cooler in BW. I like BW Hydras more, they have a better attacking animation/sound and they are actually fast. Mutas.. ![]() I think this hits every point. Sounds in BW >>>>> SC2. Tanks sieging in BW was so scary. Now it's just.. IMBA lol jk. Plus I love the muta attacking sound and visual too. SC2 Muta attacking sounds are very ambiguous and I just can't quite tell what's going on half the time. | ||
Canada1403 Posts
On August 26 2010 04:47 awesomoecalypse wrote: Case in point? Colossi vs. Reavers. Don't get me wrong, I like reavers, and they were easier to use in drops to surprise an enemy (its kinda hard to "surprise" anyone with a Colossus, lol). But they look (and move) basically like metal-plated slugs. If you didn't know what they could do, its doubtful you'd find them that intimidating, and even if you do know what they can do they are so dependant on the units you get to support them--one reaver all on its own making its slow way across the map towards your base is more laughable than it is scary. I like dem reavers because they looked like those things from nausicaa ![]() | ||
United States246 Posts
Battercruisers are WAY cooler in SC2. and the fiery death animation when stuff dies adds to it. hellions have cool flame throwers, but i mean cmon, vultures were insane unstable hoverbikes with grenade launchers that could lay mines. ultras look way cooler, but maybe a bit too big. lings with the wings are awesome idk what to compare the Void ray to, but they are badass as fuck HTs and DTs are like the exact sameas sc1 scvs were way manlier in SC1 but thats just cause of the HP nerf early in beta =( i like medics better than medivacs also. the whole concept doesnt really make sense to me *shrugs* spider mines > banelings for sure goons > stalkers obviously but immortals > goons firebats were way cooler than marauders though, just cause of the way the spoke. "fire it up" phoenixes are cooler than corsairs, yet less usefull and lastly BL own guardians | ||
Saudi Arabia179 Posts
Zealot SC2 > Zealot BW - Charge, although hefty at 200/200, is what makes the zealot fearsome. Stalker+Blink > Dragoon - Blink brings into play a huge potential for insane micro work. Reaver > Collosus - Collosus, like the Reaver, is a great damage dealer but it can be easily focus fired from afar and taken down from BOTH the air and ground. Marauder - I abhor this unit simply for it's balancing issues Vulture > Hellion Archon BW > Archon SC2 - Much more menacing and looked to be made of pure energy. SC2 Archon looks like a protoss plated with blue-light emitting armor ![]() Devourer > Curropter - Acid spores rule. Broodlord > Guardian - Barely. Raven = Science Vessel - Love both dearly. I sure do miss Irradiate. Battlecruiser SC2 > Battlecruiser BW - Obvious. Arbiter >>> Mothership - What a waste of unit. Honestly, the mothership at it's current state is pathetic. Everyone was so scared that it was going to be OP that Blizz nerfed it to hell and back. Carrier BW > Carrier SC2 - Mainly has to do with AI. I can't believe that they couldn't foresee how Carriers would suck in SC2. Phoenix > Corsair - I love the Corsair's splash damage but the Phoenix brings more to the table with the Graviton Beam and it's ability to attack on the move. Hydralisk BW > Hydralisk SC2 - The attack animation is laughable, really. Where is the green acid that goes along with the spines? Siege Tank BW > Siege Tank SC2 - The unit's portrait looks bad. Powerwise, it's obvious which is better. Lurker > Baneling - Baneling are great but you can only use them once. Ultralisk SC2 > Ultralisk BW - The sound in BW was better and being smaller relatively compared to the SC2 iteration it could maneuver much more easily than it can now. In SC2 he's much too big to work with other units, Zerglings should be able to walk right under it. Mutalisk BW > Mutalisk SC2 - They feel flimsy now, maybe it's something to do with their attack sound. Defiler > Infestor - No one uses the Infestor. Defilers dictated matches and were crucial in intense matches. | ||
Canada2029 Posts
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Saudi Arabia179 Posts
On August 26 2010 16:10 Phayze wrote: I miss the sound zealots made in BW. Thats one of my biggest gripes. They sounded so manly in BW, and swung their psi blades like men, but now, they do some sort of dance, and look like they are trimming the garden, and it sounds like it too. +1. I've always criticized the way which Zealots attacked in SC2. Their attacks don't look brutal as they did in BW, but rather like lax swinging. | ||
United States3684 Posts
Like for myself, I think the Zerglings in BW were far superior, meaner looking, and were so cute and adorable. But that is a general theme of the Sc2 units. The BW zerg units were just so much more evil lookingm and not disgusting. Like the infestor is not evil, it is just weird and creepy. The defiler on the other hand, that one is scary.I mean, using Plague, that is some evil craziness. The same with the lurkers. The lurkers in Broodwar were more, spider-like then the Starcraft 2 version. Even their spikes just look so much more painful. I am in total agreement with the zealots. The new sound they make are just so wimpy. Besides the Colossai, I do not think the Protoss come off as awesome and strong as they did in BW. (The archons make me cry!!!!) | ||
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