ill put in my 2 cents.
i just hope sc2 doesnt become like halo series.
halo2=amazing, fun, and competitive as shit halo3= broken, gay, boring, too casual
halo3 had beautfiul graphics but dam was it boring to play. anyone could just pick it up and get good. not because of the skills but because of the skill ceiling was low as hell. any reg. halo2 vet like i were forced to play at some mediocre level because of the game. no room to improve.
sc2 has good graphics but i hope blizzard doesnt make it too..."noobish." i would like it easier to pick up and play for the casual, but also have that competitive side to it.
On February 22 2010 09:10 Monkeyboi2k3 wrote: from what has been said so far by everyone and the information given to us by blizzard, SC2 just seems like a grasp at more money. They are attempting to cut off OR profit off of all 3rd party things on sc2. For example, ICCup is in trouble. 3rd party things r what makes starcraft what it is, especially for foreigners. I feel that it is much ezier for things like the TSL to happen on bw because iccup is much ezier to cooperate with than Blizzard; who doesnt really give a crap.
Maybe you feel this way because you <3 iccup but i could easily see blizzard allowing iccup to still exist within its on structure Blizzard really just wants more control over its intellectual property whois to say iccup wont exist or that blizzard wont create pro level servers set side for truly elite leagues/tourny's
I would LOVE to go on battle.net and watch OSL finals being played LIVE maybe they would even cast the finals live on battle.net in different languages?
you dont know whats to come
Funny how awhile ago people were raging about how game is too slow "SPEED IT UP BLIZZARD!". Now people complaint the game is too fast "WHAT THE HOW HAPPENED?".
Someone should do a comparison of the screen size because somehow I feel in SC2, you actually get a bigger view than SC. Didn't Blizzard already said people with widescreen will see more, instead of stretched.
Your second and third argument contradict as well...
I don't even get what people are arguing here, are they saying SC2 cannot become balanced, and that's why they don't like it? What if it was 100% SC1 with better graphics, would it be better then? Why can't it be balanced? They did it once, why can't they do it again?
SC1 is one of my favorite games of all time. However, I've played it for years and years, and now I want something new. Playing SC2 2v2s for the past couple days has been extremely fun, and now I see no way of going back to SC1.
I can't predict what the competitive scene will do, but I can say that as of right now, I enjoy playing SC2 more than SCBW and it is still in beta. I really like the fast pace and I REALLY like the match making function of battle.net and the game is just super fun to play.
It also fixes some things that really annoyed me about SC1 like the 12 unit max selection and dumb units randomly walking around the map just cause they are retarded (dragoon, goliaths, etc). Those are just a couple things (there are others) that bothered me about SC1 that SC2 fixed.
I don't think SC2 is too fast. It feels about the same as SC1. Its just that we aren't nearly as knowledgeable. So our reaction time and decision making speed is slow.
On February 22 2010 03:10 UmmTheHobo wrote:Show nested quote +1) The game screen is just too low. You can't have a good vision of the battlefield and this just sucks while observing (it is not good also playing too) I actually think it is about the same as BW, the buildings just seem to take up more space since you see them all from different perspectives since its 3d where as in BW you saw them all from one. Show nested quote +2)the game is too fast. The obs have no time to think, every battle finish in like 10 seconds I agree with this one, the hard counters in this game are a bit too hard and there are to many of them, in BW it was mostly soft counters or hard counters if microed the right way. I think the BW way was better. What's wrong with hard counters? I think it makes the game more strategic and scouting much more important. Everything in this game are viable unlike in bw in which only a few units are really needed. No longer can you say "if I learn how to make and control marines and medics, against mutas and lurkers, I am good in 90% of all TvZ games." The game becomes much more unpredictable and rewarding to creativity.
SC2 will kill us all... AAAAAAAA RUUUN FOR UR LIVES!!!
man sc2 is new.... its just a beta TEST, wait for the final release and then we will see if this game kills SC (just like when w3 was the new blizzard game)
After watching SC2 streams, I have completely lost interest in watching BW all together. I chose watching louder over watching pro games. The graphics are sick, and even in stream you can tell who is who and whats going on.
SCBW is financially pumped out. SC2 has to be a huge success to make Blizzard spend money on getting SCBW Battle.net 2.0 ready...
On February 22 2010 08:54 heroyi wrote: lol i love how people are already formulating theories and opinions that they try to turn into facts with just either watching replays or playing a 3day old BETA. oh shit....what was that word again... BETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blizzard has been working on the game for 9 years, maybe that's why there can be obviously fundamental problems with this game. The fact that the beta forums are full of "low skill" players arguing about random things as being overpowered or imbalanced will probably mean blizzard cannot properly gauage what the actual problems with the gameplay are, because they will only be applicable at the higher skill levels and will receive less attention than all the bronze league players complaining about reapers.
I think the very fact that most of the beta testers, and a huge portion of the post-release players, will be Brood War players gives Blizzard a huge edge in making this game the "next" Brood War - one too big for them to fuck up. Brood War didn't just become what it did by its own (considerable) merits, but because it started attracting the right sort of player. Now all those players, or at least the majority, are going to at least be giving SC2 a chance.
Can't fuck that up.
thats why im glad we have david kim to pwn everyone with his wtfnoobstick
All we can do is hope that it does.
oh man I'd pay good money to see Flash do reaper micro though He could probably "micro" a cc/nexus in like 20 seconds
re : too fast after watching reps i think buildings go down way too fast in sc2
I have 250-290 apm with my SC1 terran and i think the game feels faster than sc1. With units like reapers and being able to warp protoss units in various places there leaves a lot of windows open for very cute play which will make amazing highlight reels. I think you're totally wrong and it will in fact replace SC1.... I think we just need for some time to let people get used to the game and wait for the gosus to appear.
In my opinion the biggest problem for me personally is how easy they made it use to spam spells like storm and the new force field spell. I dont mind that they are very strong, but they are so easy to mass cast with pin point accuracy. It took me a good amount of time to get skilled with using defilers effectively and I feel like I can walk into SC2 and be (already) a pro with the new spells which is unfortunate because nobody can walk into SC1 and be a pro with controlling a 200/200 supply army and keeping swarms up. It takes more than 10 prelim games to learn those technique.
who cares, just play the game you like more and we'll see what happens
i dont think players should be made that SC2 is not as difficult to learn as SC1 is. It really isn't a bad thing, in fact it makes it like other sports. Everyone can play basketball, but the pro's truly EXCEL at it. So the super pro's in SC2 will be distinguished as the ones who have their niche's such as strategies, the OMG SO IMPORTANT apm's and whatnot.
while casual gamers will...like normal bbal or football players; play at their own pace and convenience and for fun.
BTW there is a seperate league for Pro's in SC2. Currently there's platinum, gold, silver, bronze, copper. There is a Pro league however you need to be personally placed into that league by Blizzard once you have a sponsor and whatnot. Basically if your sponsored as a pro-gamer, then blizzard will pop you into that league with all the other pro's.
On February 22 2010 10:40 AsianEcksDragon wrote:Show nested quote +On February 22 2010 03:10 UmmTheHobo wrote:1) The game screen is just too low. You can't have a good vision of the battlefield and this just sucks while observing (it is not good also playing too) I actually think it is about the same as BW, the buildings just seem to take up more space since you see them all from different perspectives since its 3d where as in BW you saw them all from one. 2)the game is too fast. The obs have no time to think, every battle finish in like 10 seconds I agree with this one, the hard counters in this game are a bit too hard and there are to many of them, in BW it was mostly soft counters or hard counters if microed the right way. I think the BW way was better. What's wrong with hard counters? I think it makes the game more strategic and scouting much more important. Everything in this game are viable unlike in bw in which only a few units are really needed. No longer can you say "if I learn how to make and control marines and medics, against mutas and lurkers, I am good in 90% of all TvZ games." The game becomes much more unpredictable and rewarding to creativity.
Hell yah!
I had a game where I went fast Mothership off two base PvT and eventually I lost everything to tanks/thors/marauders, so since I remembered I had a fleet beacon I went back and made two extra stargates, went for carriers, and then got a 2nd mothership to vortex units in and out so my carriers sustained less damage to take out the Thor's.
Or like when someone proxy gates you it is possible to defend even on 1 gate (to get a 2nd later) by getting a fast sentry and letting it build up energy while microing vs a larger number of zealots (2 zealots & 1 sentry vs. 3 zealots is do-able, but tough)... in the long-run you can stall by force-fielding your ramp to keep them out or split the forces with force field to even the playing field.
A lot of the strategy in this game isn't so much about learning how to use control groups properly, but to know what works best when and what unit combination will be inneffective, slightly effective, and very effective against whatever your opponent is doing.
The point of the hard counters is to force a tech switch which everybody can do. It's the same concept as going 2 gate reaver --> carrier vs a Terran. They now have to devote more resources to getting goliaths, making it a hard counter, but now theres new tactics to go with these counters.
You're just not playing yet (not the guy I quoted directly) so you're not noticing the softer counters in the game.