On October 25 2016 11:31 zulu_nation8 wrote: Can anyone recommend some dank chicken breast seasoning mixes? I've been using a combination of paprika/turmeric and it's not bad. I've also started meal prepping with chicken breast hummus wraps which is just chicken, garlic pepper hummus, spinach/kale leaves, and some fresh herbs. Sometimes I use unbreaded sauteed cod instead of chicken breast.
Been cleaning up my Sumo form lately and I think it's working pretty well. Managed to hit a new PR of 5 plates for 7 reps yesterday. Last month my 1rm was was 227.5kg/500lbs.
6 plates soon? What do you guys think? How far away am I?
On November 01 2016 15:34 zulu_nation8 wrote: Is it better to use splits or to hit every bodypart every workout? Maybe except for legs.
I think it depends on how many days you can go to the gym. If it's just 2-3x, I think full body workouts are a better option. But if you can afford to go more than that, splits like push/pull/legs is better. Don't do bro-splits where you hit 1 muscle group per week unless you're on gear.
Weekly 4 or 5 day splits, with each day dedicated to one or two muscle groups, are perfectly fine as a workout schedule for many people not on gear. However, if you're new to lifting or are a hard-gainer, you will almost certainly benefit from more volume. Given that you're a hardgainer, zulu, I'd say up that volume or intensity and split out your muscle groups as much as possible given your schedule. It's hard to give definite advice without access to the particulars surrounding your gym access.
Edit: Seems like this forum has mostly hardgainers, now that I think about it.
Edit Edit: You can definitely do 6 plates soon, az, just gotta line up that mind muscle connection with good preparation.
For full body splits, are there particular orders of exercises that are better? I'm assuming it's better to do the big lifts first, then more detailed ones, then arms last?
I have a question about nutrition, forgive me if it is the wrong thread.
My friend is an advocate of slow juicing, he has a Hurom juicer and tries to convince me to buy one. For me it seems like a pointless gimmick, I prefer to eat my vegetables and fruits solid and whole. In their video they claim that our body absorbs only about 17% out of the nutrients while slow juicing increase it to 68%. Is there actually a validity to this claim? Is slow juicing really benefits you more than eating solid? Should I actually buy that expensive juicer?
On November 02 2016 21:19 ApocAlypsE007 wrote: I have a question about nutrition, forgive me if it is the wrong thread.
My friend is an advocate of slow juicing, he has a Hurom juicer and tries to convince me to buy one. For me it seems like a pointless gimmick, I prefer to eat my vegetables and fruits solid and whole. In their video they claim that our body absorbs only about 17% out of the nutrients while slow juicing increase it to 68%. Is there actually a validity to this claim? Is slow juicing really benefits you more than eating solid? Should I actually buy that expensive juicer?
As far as I know the biggest (only?) advantage of juicing is that it allows you to get more fruit/veggies in.
Eating 10 raw oranges in a sitting is borderline torture, but grinding them and drinking them together can be easily done. You can also mix them up and have some tasty stuff with infinit variety, but it's mostly a gimmick though.
I think I saw a study once that showed people absorbed more of the vitamins in a fresh orange if it was juiced than if it was eaten whole. But I think it was pretty slim, and of course, you also spike your insulin more.
Some juicing proponents say that juicing is better for you than is eating whole fruits and vegetables because your body can absorb the nutrients better and it gives your digestive system a rest from working on fiber. They say that juicing can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system, help remove toxins from your body, aid digestion and help you lose weight.
However, there's no sound scientific evidence that extracted juices are healthier than the juice you get by eating the fruit or vegetable itself.
On November 02 2016 09:40 zulu_nation8 wrote: For full body splits, are there particular orders of exercises that are better? I'm assuming it's better to do the big lifts first, then more detailed ones, then arms last?
generally heavy compunds or skills first, then accessory work afterwards
Any suggestions for how far apart to place your hands on the barbell benchpress? It's been a real learning curve for me 1) don't lock out 2) keep elbows in tight.
On November 06 2016 07:12 Jerubaal wrote: Any suggestions for how far apart to place your hands on the barbell benchpress? It's been a real learning curve for me 1) don't lock out 2) keep elbows in tight.
Where your arms are perpendicular to the bar in the bottom position.